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Reading comprehension w/c 25.01.21

Instead of posting a long comprehension this week, I am posting on four short ’60 second reads’ that focus on the different types of skills needed in answering SATs style reading questions. Each dog represents a different type of question eg  Rex the retriever represents retrieval questions- the easiest type of question. Each read should not take any longer than 15 minutes in total and may be something you want to do first thing in the morning or afternoon?

As our English unit on The Golden Compass is very much focussed on grammar and writing, the fantasy 60 second reads will complement this work. Reading comprehension and analysing texts is something that will continue at secondary school and for GCSE. It is also the thing that we noticed children fell behind on during the last lockdown- so please attempt all the comprehension work. I would also like to remind you that there is a personalised reading programme on Classroom secrets kids for each of you that works through the comprehension skills! We are able to see if you are working through this.

60-Second Reads Guidance

Magic Potion

Robot Revenge

Superhero Facts

Unicorn Valley

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English Monday 25th and 26th January

We are going to focus on writing a diary entry for two days. You will imagine you are Lyra and write the diary as if you were Lyra. This part of the story includes the Ice Bear – I think he is my favourite character!


Today, you will plan your diary entry. This will include some practice of sentence skills, gathering of vocabulary.

LO: to plan a diary

Remember to keep your build up work in a book or on paper as we would do in class.


Today, you will review use of dashes for parenthesis, will analyse a piece of model writing to support this outcome before writing a diary entry from the viewpoint of the main character, Lyra.

LO: to write a diary

I would love to see these diary entries. If you can, type it in word and send it to me by email or save it into the Blue Class Teams folder. Don’t worry if you can’t do that – a picture of handwritten work is fine too.

Mrs Bernasconi

Science w/c 25th January

Lesson 1

How can we separate river water into different substances?

This week, will be start by using some of the knowledge we have gained over the last two weeks to think about how clean water can be separated from dirty river water. Lots of our water really does come from rivers – Severn Trent Water have Water Treatment plants along the Severn River.

How can we separate river water into different substances? – video lesson

Please DO NOT gather river water to do this yourself. Perhaps you could make some mixed dirty water by gathering a little mud, some leaves and a few stones from the garden. Alternatively, you could just watch Miss Couves demonstrate…

Supporting worksheet– This is a paper version of this lesson which you can use if you would like.

Lesson 2

How do particles in solids, liquids and gases behave?

This lesson looks again at solids, liquids and gases. It does revise some of the ideas we looked at last week, but it is NOT the same lesson. This time we are thinking about how they behave. (This does not mean whether they are good or naughty!)

Again you do not have to do any of the practical work Miss Simkin demonstrates but most things can be done in your own kitchen if you want to investigate for yourself. ALWAYS make sure you check with parents before doing any investigations. You could share your pictures on our Teams files, so everyone in the class can see!

Computing – Purple Mash

I can see that some of you have had a go at some programming tasks on Purple Mash – well done!

The feedback I had was that the ones I put on at first were a bit tricky, so I have changed these.

There are hints videos on for each task – click on the stack of books icon

Then click the Hints

This gives a video of to give you some direction and support.

If lots of you need me to, then I can share the screen to show you this at our Teams meeting on Monday.

Let me know if you want trickier ones or you could go on Purple Mash and choose the “Gorilla” tasks yourselves.

These are different than the Scratch work we had started in class, but they still cover the principles of coding and making your own games. You might then find it easier to do Scratch when we are all back in class and will be better use of screen time than just playing commercial games that someone else coded on your games consoles.

Happy Coding!

Mrs Bernasconi


PE with Mr Jew and the East Shropshire Team

Here is the link for the PE lessons that Mr Jew and his team have put together. They are doing them each week and you will be able to see them all if you subscribe. Here is the link to them – enjoy! You can send in your pictures too!