Teams Meeting

We will have another full class “get together” on Monday morning at 9:00am – I think there was a typo in a previous message.

If there is anything you think the whole class would benefit from me taking them through by sharing my screen, please let me know.

It was great to see so many this week. We had nearly the whole class together.

Please look out for my message about the Teams link.

Mrs Bernasconi


Times Table Rock Stars

I have been looking at the teacher part of Times Table Rocks Stars  to see how you are all doing.

Tables Table Rock Stars

It is great to see that 15 of you have been on this since you started your January remote learning.

Four children stand out as having used it most: Ellis, Molly, Poppy and Jake. Well done! Keep it up!

It would be great to see you doing more practice on this – it is something you can do independently and you don’t need a big screen or fancy device. It doesn’t seem to use much bandwidth or data either!

This “heat map” tells us how fast the Blue Class is:

Let’s see if we can get the whole thing to turn green!

End of week 2

Dear Parents,

We have reached the end of week 2 of our Home Learning. Thank you for all your hard work and support. We appreciate how difficult it is for all of you- particularly those who are working from home and are now trying to juggle two jobs: your own job and being a substitute teacher. Although some of you are key workers, we know you are trying to keep your children at home, where it is possible, to keep them and us safe- thank you.

Some parents are feeling a little overwhelmed and bombarded by updates on the homework  part of the website. Please don’t be. As teachers, we are obliged to provide enough work for your children each day. You do not have to feel obliged to complete it all!

The maths is important as the work is not ‘stand alone’ and links with others areas in maths . We want your children to grasp the basics. If they are struggling, just do the first part of the sheet and we can help them with the problem solving  and reasoning when they return to school. We give extra sheets sometimes but do not feel you have to do ALL of them.

English is also important. The Oak Academy work does build up slowly but is excellent in giving children knowledge of the sentence level work, punctuation and the grammatical terms  that they need in year 5 and 6 . It also models examples of good writing -something we usually do in school.

If you are struggling to do the other subjects at home, please do not worry. We are uploading RE, science and topic each week, but you can ‘block’ some of those subjects if you find that easier. If the children never learn about the Mediterranean, it will not be the end of the world! I know many of you are grateful for this work to keep your children occupied in the afternoon. However, if you see something on Oak Academy that interests them more, do that.

The BBC Bitesize programmes on tv and i -player look very interesting and usually have a little quiz at the end.  Times Table Rockstars  and Purple Mash games are  also activities  they can do independently. Remember all 33 children do not get 100% of our attention all the time in the classroom.

Helping prepare dinner is excellent ‘food and nutrition’ skills. Archie made his family a delicious looking curry from the Joe Wicks cookbook this week. I challenged year 6 on Thursday to create  a healthy lunch .

The value of  getting outside cannot be underestimated: walking the dog and going out on a bike ride are substitutes for PE. Art and Craft activities and practising a musical instrument are also ways to fill the day.

Finally, we are very proud of your children who are doing so well. Their patience on Thursday when I attempted to set up my on Teams meeting was astounding. Thank you Will Brown for spotting I was not on the Teams App!  It will be Year 5 turn next Thursday ay 9:15am – hopefully it will go a little smoother!!

Please remember Mrs Bernasconi and myself are here to support you if needed and are happy to phone you or your child if that helps.

Have a great weekend and a well earned rest.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi

Protected: Remote Learning Monday 18th January (Maths and English)

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Teams Meeting year 6 Thursday 14th January 9:15am

Dear Children,

I would like an opportunity to see if I can invite you to a Teams meeting and share my screen with you. I know you did this with Mrs Bernasconi yesterday but , as you know, I am not quite as proficient as her at IT! More importantly, it’s a chance for me to see all your faces and  hopefully for you to be able to speak to me and each other. For this reason, I am only inviting year 6 tomorrow- 14.1.21-  at 9:15am  as it will be a smaller group. It will be your turn next week year 5!

I cant wait to see you all.

Mrs Benson




year 6

Personalised Learning on Classroom Secrets Kids

We have allocated some revision and consolidation programmes for Maths and English on Classroom Secrets Kids.

These are intended to run alongside the daily home learning materials which you will see posted on this website. Use the Reading programmes as a guided reading session each day.

Children should be able to use these materials independently. They do not require any printing. We have used our knowledge of the children’s learning and our Autumn assessments to decide which programme is most suitable for each child. Do the quiz then make sure you do the activities which will appear at the bottom (you will need to scroll down to see them). When doing the activities, ensure you press the forward arrow rather than scolling to the next slide – otherwise it won’t record your score.

All children have been allocated a programme for maths and a programme for reading. We believe this will help ensure that there are no gaps in their learning. Each section begins with a quiz – the programme then gives each child videos and tasks suitable for the the objectives. Challenges are given if children are already confident in this area of learning.

This is designed as a 12 week programme, but you can complete it quicker if you wish. Please do not feel you need to spend hours at a time on this. We would suggest a little and often approach – perhaps 20 minutes of independent learning at a time. The programme allows us to see how each child is progressing.

Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Benson

Remote learning Important information

We have password protected some of the Remote learning

Password: Blue21

We are required to do this for some of the resources.

Keep this password safe with the other passwords for websites we use as a class!

All Remote learning will be posted on the Homework and Spellings tabs (not the News tab) for Blue class. Remember to check each day for updates.

If you have any queries please email us.

Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Benson

Remote Learning

We have provided resources and planning for remote learning on the homework section of our class page on the school website. If any other websites are being used to provide learning, the information will be signposted there too – you should have a list of passwords for those at home. Spellings for children to learn will be posted on the spelling section which is located next to the homework section.

Please keep an eye on the homework section as it will be updated regularly. Some posts may be password protected in the future. This will be forwarded to you by the email you have used to sign up to the school website.

We are available by email if you have any questions.

Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Benson

Remote Learning Maths Tuesday 5.1.21

It is important that the children have a strong and deep understanding of decimals so these topics are reviewed and rehearsed before new learning begins. There will therefore be some revision of year 5 objectives as part of this week’s learning to ensure that Year 6 have the opportunity to revise these important foundations and ensure that they are ready to progress to the Year 6.

Please check back each day as more resources added for the rest of the week. The week starts with a year 5 objective which is revision for year 6:

Tuesday – Year 5 and 6

Decimals to 2dp

Decimals to 2dp Video


Answers -Decimals-up-to-2-dp

Year 5 and any year 6 children who feel they need extra support may wish to look at these Year 4 videos first to support revise their learning an ensure they are ready to progress to the related Year 5 objectives:

Write Decimals Video

Recognise tenths and hundredths Video

Welcome Back

Happy New Year! We hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas albeit a little smaller than we all anticipated.

We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow even in these difficult times. With the new variant of Corona virus so virulent, it is important to remind your children of the importance of hand washing and keeping their social distance. Classrooms need to continue to be well ventilated so remember to wrap up warm and even if it is not your PE day, you may wear your tracksuit if it is warmer. PE  days continue to be Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs Davies, and Thursday with Mr Jew.

This half term we are doing some exciting new learning. In science we are focussing on electricity; in topic we are looking at why our local area of Ironbridge is a world heritage site; in Art we are focussing on the Arts and Crafts movement and the work of William Morris. Please see the long term plan below for more detail.

KS2 long term plan 20_22 Y5_6

For families who are isolating, we will be posting work on this website. Please check regularly for updates. We are both happy to answer any questions via our e mails or we can speak to you after school on the days that we are working.


Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi