Well we made it until the end of term with almost full classes for most of the time. The children in Blue  have worked incredibly hard under unusual circumstances and we are very proud of them.

Despite restrictions, the children have had lots of fun in the last week with cards and decoration making,  a virtual pantomime, and  a Christmas party. Undertaking a party with 33 children can be a challenge at any time. However, the class were delightful entering into the games in the true spirit: stepping down with a smile  if they were out. Wink murder proved a big hit with children enjoying protracted and noisy deaths when they were winked at;  and Elora has to be crowned the Queen of Charades!

We would like to thank you all  for your kind words, cards and lovely gifts – they are much appreciated.

We wish you all a peaceful Christmas with all your family.

Mrs Benson, Mrs Bernasconi, and Mrs Wade.


Activities for last week of term

The children have made this poster to help to remind everyone what is needed each day this week:

Homework: we have not set any homework this week.

Practising times tables and reading a book for pleasure are always useful activities though!


In geography, we have been studying different biomes. The children have created their own biomes in a box. I thought you may enjoy looking at the biomes that the children have designed and made. We are really impressed by their independent work.



Spellings w/c 7th December

Last spellings before Christmas!

This week we have some spellings from the KS2 statutory list:


After Christmas we will assess words from the spelling patterns we have learned about this term. We will also assess the statutory words we have covered this term.

Homework 3rd December

As explained in class, homework has been set on Purple Mash this week.


Football time– use of the passive to affect the presentation of information in a sentence. We learned about the passive voice on Monday.


Some of you will see  Problem Solving – + & – Fractions in your “to do” box; others will see Related Denominators – (+ & -)

I can see some of you have already completed your tasks – well done!

Please don’t wait until Wednesday to tell us if you have any problems.

There are lots of Christmas activities to do on Purple Mash – you can use this as much as you like at home.


Christmas production

Dear All,

For our part of the Christmas play, Children Around the World, our class are visiting Australia ( if only!!) and are the angels at the beginning of the play.

The girls ( and Rudi who is playing Angel Gabriel) are all angels. We do not want you to  purchase an angel costume but if you already have a costume/wings or a halo that would be amazing. If not, wear something light/ floaty. If anyone has spare wings or halos that we could borrow, please bring them in.

All the boys are surfers on the beach. Please can they wear bright shorts/ swimming trunks and a t-shirt. Again, we do not wish you to buy anything- just raid the summer wardrobe. A few children are bringing in body boards and a beach towel to hang round their neck.

We will be filming our part of the production next Friday 11th December.  Costumes can be brought in from Wednesday 9th December as there is so little space to store anything in our room.

Thank you so much for your support.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernsaconi

Spellings w/c 30th November

This week we are revising words with the /s/ sound using “sc” – these words are proving tricky in tests and when writing in a range of subjects.


Remember to check you know what all the words sounds like, what it means and can use them accurately in a sentence.

Homework 27th November

Homework has been set on classroom secrets kids this week – all children have a login. Look at the assigned resources

Year 6


Making comparisons in non- chronological reports. Watch the video tutorial. Then do the activity .


Watch the add and subtract fractions tutorial.

Then do the add and subtract fractions game

There is a challenge which I would expect to see all the pyramids attempt.

Reminder – some of  year 6 , your name has been attached to year 5 activities as these will be more suitable. Don’t forget to find your home work there.

Year 5


Watch the retrieve and record video tutorial.

Then do the retrieve and record game.

It would be nice to see Blyton attempt the challenge on the same subject.


Watch the add fractions video tutorial.

Then complete the add fractions game

This should be completed by Wednesday. Hope it goes well all!

Blue Class Login details

Several of the children seem to have lost one or more sets of logins details for the Home learning websites. The children should bring home today (Monday 16th Nov) a one sheet summary of their login details for the websites we are using for home learning and remote learning. 

The children have glued  on the details for Classroom Secrets Kids, Purple Mash and TTRS/ Numbots. It might be a good idea for them to add their Teams information too. The Microsoft Teams details were shared with parents in a letter just before half term.

We are trying to help them to learn to be organised, so again we have discussed the importance of keeping these safe and also shared ideas on where they might keep them at home so that they do not get lost. The children had lots of great ideas and many of our children had already gathered and put their details somewhere safe that they could find them easily – well done! Quite a few have also been regularly accessing Purple Mash and Classroom Secrets Kids for, many weeks – well done what a great learning attitude!

Half Term

Dear All,

Well we have reached the end of a very long half term! It’s been lovely welcoming your children back into school, and we are delighted with their hard work and progress this half term. It was also good to catch up with many of you for parent consultations.

Next half term the children will be having one additional PE slot on a Wednesday so they will need to come into school on a Wednesday and Thursday prepared for outdoor. PE. They will be doing dance in their PE session on a Tuesday. Please remember that the school will continue to be well ventilated so children need warm clothes ie tracksuits in class and for outdoor play.

Have a wonderful half term break. Keep safe and well.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi