Remote Learning

A letter has been sent home with children today about using Teams for remote learning in the event of a Covid closure, bubble isolation or lockdown. Please look out for it and keep them safe as it contains instructions on how to log-in.

Hopefully, we will not need to return to remote learning; however, it is better to be prepared. We feel Teams will enable us to have some face to face contact with our classes during any period of remote learning.

Reception, you have not been forgotten. You will receive yours very soon too.


Year 6 Secondary School Information

We know that it has been a difficult year for parents and carers of Year 6 children with regard to making a decision about secondary schools. Some have managed to go and look around the schools but things have not been done in the usual way. Both Oldbury Wells and Bridgnorth Endowed have sent some information to support you with making this important decision.

Oldbury Wells

OWS FAQ letter

Bridgnorth Endowed


Spellings w/c 12th October

LO: To spell words with endings spelt ‘-cious’ or ‘-tious’



Learning outline w/c 12th October

Learning Outline

English  We will be continuing with biographies this week. We will write a biography of Charles Darwin. This links with our science topic. We will then begin to look at informal letters. This will begin with us looking at examples and analyzing the features of informal letters.

Maths We begin the week with factors then move onto division (formal and informal methods).

Topic – We continue our study of WWII by finding out about evacuation and what it was like to be an evacuee.

Science – We continue with our study of Evolution and adaptation

We will also be doing Harvest activities plus PE, Art. RE and French later in the week.

If you find yourselves having to Self Isolate or Quarantine, you will be able to find resources to help you continue learning immediately using Espresso and WhiteRose Maths.   Espresso  WhiteRose Maths

Once we know you are learning from home, you can use your personal login and password to find resources allocated to you on:

Classroom secrets Kids

Purple Mash



Spellings w/c 28th September

Homophones and near homophones with the endings se and ce are our focus this week. Using them correctly is as important as being able to spell them.











Dear All,

The forecast is for more hot weather again tomorrow. We do monitor the children and encourage them to sit in the shade if they are outside during lunch and PE times. Please do put sun cream on your child before they come to school. They can bring a cap too.

Thank you


Welcome back

Dear All,

We have had a good first few days of term and it is lovely to welcome the children back into Blue Class. They have settled in well to the new routines.

Mrs Bernasconi  will be teaching on a Monday and Tuesday, and I will be teaching on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday , and children should come to school in their PE kits. The classrooms can be quite chilly as they need to be well ventilated so children should have joggers and a warm school top.

There will be no homework for the first few weeks. However, spellings will be given out next week and children need to continue to work on their times tables.

We appreciate that things are very different with Covid -19 restrictions in place- making it impossible for us to chat to you on the playground first thing in the morinng or at the end of the day. If you want to get in touch, we are very happy to phone you back at the end of the school day or reply to e mails. We understand that parents may  have concerns , particularly for those children in a new class, and we are happy to sort any problem- however small.

Have an enjoyable and restful weekend.

Mrs Benson

Reading Books returns

Please could you bring back to school any school reading books you still have at home.

We have received lots of these over the last week, but there are still some outstanding.

This may well include your Book Fest book.

Many thanks.

Good Luck Year Six!

I just wanted to say goodbye to our Year 6 who have just shared their final day of Primary School with us. I have very fond memories of teaching you when you were little and wish you every happiness at your new schools. Keep in touch, we always love to hear how you are getting on. Have a wonderful summer!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Catch up

Dear Blue Class,

Our term is drawing to an end. The year 6 returners in school have been busy filming our abridged version of  The Tempest; they have been quite incredible learning lines  last weekend and sorting out costumes  over night so it was possible to film all our outdoor scenes on Thursday. Mrs Bernasconi  and the year 6 will be using the green screen on Monday  to create the effects of a storm, a night sky, and  Ferdinand emerging from the sea. Then it’s time for editing – we cant wait to show you our finished version.

Thank you to those children who sent me their amazing stories based on the Game: Elora, Isla, Macey and Rudi. If more of you have stories you want to share  and have some feedback, then please send them in.

Next week, we are welcoming the rest of  our year 6 into school for an outside leavers’ service. It will be wonderful to all be together again, but we do understand that some of you, who have members of the family who are  shielding at home, are unable to make it. We are hoping to film the ceremony so you can enjoy it at home. Don’t forget to write your memories : earliest, funniest, happiest, most memorable; you need two plus a lockdown memory. If you can’t make the ceremony, record your memories and send it to Mrs Derrer or either Mrs Bernasconi or myself, and we will try to incorporate it into the service. Mrs Derrer, Garry, Mrs Deards,  Mrs Wade , Mrs Bernasconi and myself will all be there. Year 6 returners, we will be doing our memories in school so don’t worry about doing them at home.

The final week of term, we are excited to welcome our year 5 and year 4 into Blue Class; we know some of you have not been into school since March so it will feel a little strange, and school will look a little different. However we can’t wait to see you and hear your news. Again, we understand some of you have family members who are shielding so we may have to wait until September to see you.

This week in English we are writing our lockdown experience –  the highs and the lows -see homework. Some of you may want to enter the 700 word writing competition where the best entries from different age groups will be put  in a book for prosperity. If you do, you will need to do some careful editing- picking out the key events that made  your lockdown special; you could use your diaries that you have been writing for ideas. Remember all of your experiences are unique and not one person will have had the same lockdown.

Thank you, once again, to your amazing parents who have been teachers for the past term.

I am hoping the sun is going to return this week so we can all get outside again.

Take care and see you soon.

Mrs Benson