E- Safety Workshop

Richard from Amazing ICT talking to parents

Thank you to all those who joined us on Tuesday evening – this was a very informative talk and all present joined in with the discussions.

The feedback was great and we all learned something new this evening. This is such an important part of our children’s lives and it was great to share ideas on how to guide and protect our young people.

Parents who came tonight requested that we share the National Online Safety website and app. (both pictured above).

Richard has also been kind enough to allow us to share his presentation – the pdf contains hyperlinks to some of the suggested sites. Parents_Esafety_ 2023_compressed  It contains some very useful information on  parental control apps plus family settings on devices and games.

Blue Maths Homework

Year 5

I have allocated some activities on co-ordinates on Classroom secrets kids as this was our focus at the beginning of the week.

Year 6

The Monday booster group have two sets of questions which were started in school to complete.

Friday’s booster group will have their homework set with Mrs Benson on Friday morning.

Don’t forget that we are here to help – it’s great that you ask when particular topics come up in revision that you want us to go over. We are always happy to fit these into breaks, lunchtimes or booster groups if it is something which needs focused support.

If something comes up during homework, you can always use the video tutorials in Classroom secrets to get help when you are at home. This can be helpful if you just need a quick reminder and saves you worrying over the weekend. ( They have maths and SPAG video tutorials.)

Spellings and Grammar

No new lists of spelling words will be set for the next few weeks. The spellings and grammar focus will be revision as Year 6 SAT’s take place w/c 8th May.

Year 6 you might like to use this BBC website to help this revision in the form of a game.

Crystal Explorers – BBC Bitesize SPAG

Words from the Year 5/6 statutory list will be practised and tested. We have covered these in chunks. The full list is attached here:  statutory-spellings-year-5-and-6-word-mat

We will also revise spelling patterns.

Spellings w/c 27th March

27th March 2023
LO: to spell commonly misspelt words from maths
and science


Poetry Competition

We are so proud of all our children who have learnt a poem for their homework and recited them to their classes. It is wonderful hearing such a variety of poems and poets – some children have even written their own poem. Today the teachers and TAs had a very difficult job picking out the ten finalists from KS1 and KS2 to go forward for the poetry competition on Tuesday. All semi- finalists were fabulous and had clearly been practising their poem as they were so polished. Well done all and thank you for supporting your children

We are looking forward to the finals on Tuesday when we will hear the ten finalists from EYFS/KS1 and the ten finalists from KS2. The children who are involved have taken a letter home to invite their relatives to the recital.

Spellings w/c 20th March

LO: to revise some statutory KS2 spellings and some that are being commonly spelt incorrectly.


Parents’ Evening

Just a quick reminder that we have parents’ evenings on Tuesday 21st March and Wednesday 22nd March. We have noticed that there are quite a few children for whom no appointment has yet been booked.

This is an opportunity to see your children’s books and to discuss their progress and recent assessments.

Bookings should be made online through the page on the school website.

We look forward to meeting with you this week.


Homework Blue


Year 5 have a comprehension about Isaac Newton.

Year 6 have a spag revision sheet.


Friday morning booster has page 60,61,62 of your maths workbook- all questions focussed on area and perimeter.

Monday after school booster also have been set pages on area and perimeter.

Year 5 – have some area and perimeter set on  Classroom Secrets Kids


Home learning Blue Friday 10th March

Good morning,

Another snow day at home. I have set some arithmetic for year 5 and year 6 . You will need a piece of paper to do the 16 calculations. . Give yourself 20 minutes. You should be able to do this as it is more time than you have in SATS! I have also put the answers – don’t peek until you’ve finished. I am happy for you to e-mail me your scores!!

year 5 arithmetic home learning

year 6 arithmetic home learning

Year 5 answers

year 6 arithmetic home learning answers

Well spotted Lexi – a mistake in the answer for number 3 on the year 6 sheet. It is now corrected!


This is an ideal day to perfect your poem that you have should have already selected. You will need to read it slowly, clearly and with expression. I am looking forward to hearing how you are getting on with them next week.

Have a lovely weekend .

Maths Booster

Due to the uncertainty with the weather, there will be No maths booster tomorrow morning- Friday 10th March.