Maths Homework

Year 5

Maths homework has been allocated to all Year 5 on Classroom secrets kids. This week we have been multiplying fractions and beginning to look at decimals and fraction-decimal equivalence.

Year 6

Homework has been set during the booster sessions by Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi. This should be completed in time for your next booster session.

The Monday group have been given p32 and p33 from the CGP book.

Update and reading

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and would like to thank you for our generous gift vouchers which are much appreciated.

The  children have come back to school happy and  enthusiastic to learn. It looks like we have put most of the sickness of last term behind us. Our topics this half term are Our Local Area of Ironbridge in history; Bridges in DT; What it is like to be a Muslim in Britain in RE ; and Materials in science. Maths booster classes are starting next week for our year six children.

There is no homework this week as the children only came back on Wednesday. However, we would like to remind you that reading for approximately 20 minutes per evening is a daily homework task for year 5/6. We really value reading at Claverley: the children enjoy being read to in class each day and we like recommending books to each other. Although children do have opportunities to read  to themselves in Blue class, our focus tends to be on comprehension and analysing texts in guided reading . Whilst some of our children in Blue are avid readers, other children are not reading regularly. We have decided to re-introduce the reading diary which should be signed off by parents weekly. We know our more confident readers enjoy reading to themselves but please ask them about the book they are reading or ask them to read aloud to you sometimes. Children who are struggling to read at home may enjoy sharing a book – reading a page / chapter each.

Thank you for your support.

Jill Benson  Rachael Bernasconi and Lynn Wade

Biomes in a box

The children in Blue Class have had lots of fun creating their biomes in a box  – being very creative and resourceful. We hope you like the finished products.

Blue English homework

Year 6 

Subject and object -page 22 and 23 of their SPAG workbook

Year 5

Prepositions- page 24 and 25 of their SPAG workbook.

Times tables

As so many children have been absent, we will save the times tables test of x 3 and 6 both multiplication and division facts until next Wednesday.

Maths homework 8th December

I have set tasks on Classroom Secrets Kids. This week they are mostly about adding and subtracting fractions. I am mindful that lots of children have been off poorly, so I have chosen videos and slides with interactive question embedded so that there is revision of class learning available to all.

This is the last maths homework of the term. Do please keep practising your multiplication facts though as these are so important – instant knowledge of these is essential for mastering the year 5 and Year 6 curriculum. Some children have also been enjoying using the free WhiteRose app to practice their mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.

Blue Science

Today the Blue class have enjoyed finding out about dissolving.

We started with some questions.

What happens if something dissolves?

Which materials dissolve?

Can we separate a solid from the liquid once it has dissolved?

What is the difference between dissolving and melting?

They created saturated solutions of salt and sugar. Alfie made great connections to mixing fertiliser!
Finally, they set up and investigation to see if they can separate the salt and sugar from the solutions using evaporation. They are hoping that they will “grow” some crystals.

Brand New Hoodie

Hi Blue Class,

We have a brand new size ‘s’ school hoodie in the office. It doesn’t have a name in it and hasn’t been claimed by anyone in today. If your child has lost one, please ask them to collect it tomorrow.


Jo Derrer

Spellings w/c 5th December

Monday 5th December 2022
LO: spell words from the Year 5/6 statutory list


There are lots of tricky letter combinations in the words this week.

Science – request for large glass jars

We will be using evaporation to separate salt from water this week. Please could the children bring a large jam jar / pickle jar on Tuesday? Lids are not needed.

If any one has any unused food-colouring lurking in the back of their cupboards that would be gratefully received too…it doesn’t need to be fresh or even in date as the children will NOT be eating it! It seems such a waste to buy lots of new ones as each group will only need a few drops but a range of colours makes the results of this investigation more interesting.