Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park

Our Year 1 children have enjoyed a fantastic Science Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park today. We learnt all about different animals and their habitats. We went pond-dipping and had mini-beast hunts in the meadow and the woods. The children were a credit to our school, well done Year 1!



Green class

Well done Green class on another good week. You will have Mrs Parry again next week and she is very proud of you all.

Children will need their reading books in school on Monday please. RWI books are changed today.

They will need to come to school in PE kit on Thursday (19.09.24) next week.


Forest School

Hi Green class,

It is your forest school session tomorrow (Tuesday 10th September). You will need your wellies and puddle suits in school.

Forest School - The Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

Mrs Derrer

Year 1 Science

This year, all the Year 1 children will have their weekly Science lesson with me (Miss Pinches!).

As part of our learning this half-term, we will be going on a Science-Based Field Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park on Tuesday 24th September 2024. You will receive letters about this shortly but I wanted to let everyone know the date as quickly as possible.

Read Write Inc

Children in Green class have been provided with a username and password reminder for access to the Oxford Owl website.

Here, we are able to provide an e-library of books that your child has been reading in school, to enjoy with you at home.

To access Oxford Owl, you can use the link below:

Oxford Owl

Click on:

Oxford Owl for School

Log in

Click on the ‘students’ tab and enter username and password information.

Click on: Ebook library

Here, you will find a selection of books to enjoy in your child’s e-library.


Each ebook is followed by a short quiz.

Thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Laura Aguayo


There aren’t enough words to thank you all for your kindness and generosity. Thank-you so much for our lovely gifts. We have been very honoured and blessed to have taught your wonderful children. We wish you a wonderful summer holiday. Enjoy making memories!

All Saints Church, Claverley Friday 12th July 2024

In RE, the children have been learning about places of worship, in order to answer our overarching question ‘Which Places are Special and Why?’

We are looking forward to our visit to All Saints Claverley Church on Friday 12th July 2024, to see Reverend Garry Ward, who has kindly invited Green class to have their very own ‘tour’ of All Saints Church to talk about why a church is special to some Christians.

We are planning to walk to church from school shortly after school drop off in the morning, for an arrival at church of 9.30am- thank you for the volunteers who are accompanying us.

We are going to meet Garry at the church to have a look inside and outside at all of the different parts of a church before walking back to school.

Many thanks for your continued support and we will keep you updated with photographs from our visit.

Laura Aguayo

Green Class Church Visit

In RE, the children have been learning about places of worship, in order to answer our overarching question ‘Which Places are Special and Why?’  In support of their learning, on Friday 12th July 2024, Reverend Garry Ward has kindly invited Green class to All Saints Church in Claverley. We are planning to walk to church from school shortly after school drop off in the morning, for an arrival at church of 9.30am.
We are going to meet Garry at the church to have a look inside and outside at all of the different parts of a church before walking back to school.

Please could you let me know if you are able to help on this visit to help us guide the children to and from the church. We are planning to leave school just after 9am.

We would be very grateful for any volunteers.

Many thanks for your continued support

Laura Aguayo 

Protected: Read Write Inc Supporting Videos

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Password Protected Read Write Inc Phonics Supporting Videos

Thank you for all of your continued support at home. The Read Write Inc supporting videos have been published on the school website.  We hope you find them useful in supporting your child’s learning at home.  

The password to access the supporting videos for Green Class is:


This password will continue to be used for all supporting videos published in the future.