Maths at Home

As a school we use an online maths programme called Numbots to support children’s learning of key mathematical concepts. Numbots is an interactive game where children can earn coins for completing maths challenges. I have attached a link below to a child friendly video explaining a little bit about how Numbots works:

Numbots introduction video

Children will be sent home today with their login details. The website can be accessed via the link below:

Numbots website 


We also use the White Rose 1 minute maths app which is directly linked to the maths curriculum that we follow in school. The app is designed to develop children’s understanding of key mathematical concepts and will help them as they progress through school. The app is free to download and you do not need any login details to access the activities. Below is a link to the White Rose website where you can find a bit more information about the 1 minute maths app.

White Rose 1 minute maths

Protected: RWI Phonics Videos

This content is password protected. Please enter a password to view.

Password for access to phonics videos

The password to access the RWI phonics sound videos via the website will be :


RWI Phonics

Thank you to everyone who attended our phonics meeting last night, it was so lovely to be able to share how we teach phonics with you and I hope you all found it useful.

For those that were unable to attend, I have sent a copy of the information given out yesterday home with your child today along with log in details for the Oxford Owl website where you will have access to the RWI e-books.

Last night we discussed phonics videos that are linked to the sounds we are learning in school. As requested, I will post the links to the videos on our website for all of the sounds we have taught so far. As the videos are only accessible via an online subscription the post will need to be password protected. I will send details of the password out via an email bulletin separately.

Thank you again for your continued support and please do let us know if you have any questions.

The Scarecrows’ Wedding 02.10.23

This week in Green class, the children will be exploring the story ‘The Scarecrows’ Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson. If your child has attended any weddings, we would love to see photographs so we can share their experience. Photographs can be uploaded onto Tapestry or emailed to school.
Thank you for your continued support.

Reception Baseline Assessment Monday 18th September

The Reception Baseline Assessments will be taking place on the week commencing Monday 18th September. The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) is an assessment that must be administered in all primary, infant and first schools in England to pupils attending reception classes. It has been statutory since September 2021.

I have attached a link to an electronic copy of the information that will been sent home with each Reception child in their book bags. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you,

Laura Aguayo

Information for Parents Reception Baseline Assessment