Bird feeders

At forest school today Green Class made bird feeders. Mrs Summerfield has recorded a video showing you how to make one so you can all have a go at home.

You may also want to have a look at the different types of birds that come to enjoy your bird feeder. You could even sign up to the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch.


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We have had two successful teams meetings this week so thank you all for persevering and logging in.

For those that are still having problems- we have now identified the problem and I have been informed that all reception children have now got full licences and should be able to access teams as normal.

We are planning on having another meeting at 10.30 on Monday morning so please log in over the weekend and let me know if there are any further problems.


Mrs Edwards


We have been so impressed with the work that we have been receiving from children learning at home and have been adding merits to all of your charts.

We have also created a display for our home learning on the Jolly Postman so that the children in school can see what you have all been up to.

Mrs Summerfield has recorded a little message for you all:

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