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Ice hangings

We managed to turn out our ice hangings this morning and thought we would share some photos of our creations:

Tapestry Logins- Reception

Dear Reception Parents,

We have now added your details to Tapestry. You should receive an email from Tapestry today asking you to set up your account. If you haven’t received an email it is worth checking your junk email.

Here is a short video with instructions on how to set up your account.

Once you have created your login you will be able to look back at posts we have made during the Autumn term. You will also be able to add your own photos and observations of your home learning.

Mrs Edwards

Home Learning 8.01.21

Well done for making it through our first week of home learning! I have really enjoyed seeing all of the photos that you have sent through of work that you have completed at home. Mrs Summerfield has been keeping our merit charts up to date and we will post an update of how each house is doing next week.


Year 1- Today we will be revisiting numbers to 20.

To begin with have a go at this caterpillar ordering game on Top Marks working with numbers to 20.

I have then added a workbook for you to go through:


Reception- Today we are comparing numbers to 5. Here is the White Rose video link– you are looking for session 4. You could also have a go at session 5 if you have time.




For today’s English lesson we are going to be focusing on the letter to the Three Bears.

You might like to start the lesson by reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I have recorded myself reading the story at the start of our video today if you do not have the book at home.

Before we read the letter to the Three Bears, ask your child Who are the Three Bears? Who might write to them and why?

I have then read the letter in the video above and I have uploaded a copy of the letter for you to look at as well. After we have read the letter talk to your child about the different responses that the bears could give- should Baby Bear forgive Goldilocks? Talk about both sides of the argument and decide whether Baby Bear should forgive her or not.

Children should then write a letter back to Goldilocks from Baby Bear. Year 1 should write in full sentences with a capital letter, finger spaces and full stops. Reception children may only be recording initial sounds which is perfectly normal for this time of the year. If they are struggling have them draw a picture and then scribe their letter to go with it. Children could then put their letter in an envelope and use this address for the front:


5 Buttercup Lane

The Village




Year 1 -Phase 3- Today we are reviewing the week.

Part 1

Part 2

Year 1- Phase 4- Today we are continuing with adjacent consonants.


Reception- Today we are learning ‘v’.

Part 1

Part 2


For PE today I have attached a video from the PE shed of an activity that you could try either inside or outside.


Reception are going to be following an Oak Academy music programme called This is me.

Year 1 are going to be following an Oak Academy music programme about pulse. The first lesson is about understanding pulse.