Half Term Home Learning

I have set some activities on our online learning platforms for half term. All of the activities are entirely optional and are only there to complete should your child wish to.

Year 1

Purple mash~ I have set some phonics activities that focus on the sounds covered so far in phase 5.

Classroom secrets KIDS~ I have set the 12 week programme for year 1 maths. Children should work through at their own pace, the week by week outline is there as guidance but does not need to be followed. The programme will identify any areas that your child finds tricky and will suggest activities for them to complete to develop their learning. It will also identify where your child needs additional challenges and will provide activities to do this.



Purple mash~ I have set some phonics activities that focus on the phase 2 sounds we have learnt so far.

Classroom secrets KIDS~ I have set maths activities that focus on length, height, weight and patterns.

Reading and tricky words

Children have been sent home with additional reading books this week and should continue to read as much as possible. They have also got their tricky words to practise, it is a good idea to revisit previously learnt tricky words to ensure retention.

Autumn Term Update


Well done to all of our reception children for a fantastic first half term!

Throughout this term we have been exploring the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’. Children developed their communication and language skills through role playing and re-telling the story as well as working on their fine motor development in our play dough tuff tray. We explored colour mixing to create paintings of the tiger and had a go at writing shopping lists.

In maths we have been ordering and comparing items. Children made their own stick men and used cubes to measure them to explore length, investigated height by finding out who was the tallest and shortest in the class, explored capacity through water play and used the balance scales to find out whose snack was heaviest and whose was the lightest.

Keep up the good work!

Year 1

In Literacy children have been learning the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’. We created a story plan using images to prompt our learning and then used the images to re-tell the story in our own words.


In Maths children have been developing their understanding of addition with numbers to 10.

Our topic for Science this half term has been plants. We have explored the trees that grow around the school field and learnt how to identify different trees. We made models of flowers to label the different parts before growing our own plants from seeds.

Well done Year 1 for making a fantastic start to the year!

Forest School

Children have explored our Forest area by using the bug hunting equipment to find mini beasts, digging in the mud pit, using clay to make hedgehogs, working together to make mandala patterns and trying out our new Forest School phones.

Remote Learning

A letter has been sent home with children today about using Teams for remote learning in the event of a Covid closure, bubble isolation or lockdown. Please look out for it and keep them safe as it contains instructions on how to log-in.

Hopefully, we will not need to return to remote learning; however, it is better to be prepared. We feel Teams will enable us to have some face to face contact with our classes during any period of remote learning.

Reception, you have not been forgotten. You will receive yours very soon too.


Forest School Reminder

Just a quick reminder that our Forest School session will be tomorrow afternoon.

If you haven’t already sent your child’s wellies and waterproofs in to school please send them tomorrow. We have a mud pit so clothes can get a little messy!

Children are to come to school in either School PE kit or blue/black joggers and their usual School top.


Dear All,

The forecast is for more hot weather again tomorrow. We do monitor the children and encourage them to sit in the shade if they are outside during lunch and PE times. Please do put sun cream on your child before they come to school. They can bring a cap too.

Thank you


PE and Forest School

Welcome back Green Class!


It was so lovely to see all of our Year 1s in school yesterday and we are looking forward to welcoming our new Reception children next week.


Just a reminder for our Year 1 children that our PE lessons are on a Monday and Friday afternoon and we will be starting lessons next week. Children are to come to school in their PE kit on these days.


Forest school will be beginning on Wednesday 9th September so please make sure that your child has a waterproof and wellies in school before then.

Thank you Green Class

I just wanted to say well done to all of Green Class for making it through the Summer term, you have all worked extremely hard and I have been very proud of the progress that you have made. It was lovely to see so many of you excited to be back in School and I am already looking forward to welcoming you all back in September!

A couple of parents have asked me about activities over the Summer holidays and although I won’t be setting any work I have outlined some websites/activities that you could choose to access:

  • Reading with your child as much as possible to develop their segmenting and blending skills as well as their vocabulary and comprehension.
  • Practise/revise the camera words- the full list is on our spellings page.
  • Letter and number formation- I have attached the full set of Kinetic Letters letters and number formation sheets for you.
  • Practise/revise phonics sounds- Mr Thorne videos will still be available as well as the online Letters and Sounds lessons for you to revisit. Phonics Play is also still free to use.
  • Topmarks has a lot of maths games that you can access for free.
  • Purple mash will also still be available for you to use.
  • I have also uploaded some activity booklets for each year group.


Kinetic Letters Sheets

Abracadabra Family


Fisher Family

Jumper Family

kinetic letters number

Slider Family

Special Squirter

Window Cleaner Family

Reception Activity Booklets




Year 1 Activity Booklets


Year 1 Summer English Activity Booklet

Year 1 Summer Maths Activity Booklet

Hope you have a wonderful Summer!

Miss Pullinger

Home Learning w/c 13.07.20

You have all been working incredibly hard over the past few months and the work set below is by no means compulsory however I have provided a few ideas and links that you can dip into:


All of the Letters and Sounds online lessons are still available via youtube for you to access.

You could also select any of the Mr Thorne does phonics videos.

Phonics play has a good selection of games to challenge different areas of phonics and access to all of the games continues to be free.

The children in school have particularly been enjoying a spelling game. I select three sounds and have them on display for the children to see. I will then give them words to spell that contain one of the sounds, if they spell it correctly they get a point. It’s very simple but the points system really seems to have them hooked!


Below are two Talk for Writing packs that contain activities that can be spread out across the week. I have attached different packs for Year 1 and Reception but feel free to dip into either of the packs:

Year 1: Sayeeda

Reception: Rainy Day Rabbit


White Rose are continuing to post activities and supporting videos:

Year 1: You can look at either the w/c 13.07.20 or w/c 6.07.20.

Here are the video links for both weeks.

Here are the work sheets for w/c 6.07.20- Fractions

Lesson 1 – Find a half (1)

Lesson 2 – Find a half (2)

Lesson 3 – Find a quarter (1)

Lesson 4 – Find a quarter (2)

Work sheets for w/c 13.07.20- Telling the time

Lesson 1 – Time to the hour

Lesson 2 – Time to the half hour

Lesson 3 – Writing time

Lesson 4 – Comparing time



Here is the link to the supporting videos for this week.







Additional Ideas

Memory Jars

In School we will be completing a return to school memory jar. We will be talking about who we have been at home with as well as our favourite moments whilst completing home learning. We will then extend the activity by talking about what we are looking forward to about coming back to school in September. This is a great way to open a discussion about any concerns your child may have about coming back. If there are any concerns please feel free to email me or request a phone call to discuss them further.

Return-To-School_Covid-19_Memory-Jars (1)

Self Portraits

We will also be completing self portraits this week. We will start by drawing ourselves in the middle of the page and then around us we will draw all of the things we like. You could use pencils, paints, chalks or make a collage.

The Cautious Caterpillar

The Cautious Caterpillar is a nice story about transitioning.


After reading the story you may want to complete these activities:

Reception: tf-or-4-the-cautious-caterpillar-spreading-my-wings-activity-sheet

Year 1: tf-or-2-the-cautious-caterpillar-spreading-my-wings-from-year-1-to-year-2-transition_ver_1

Well Done Green Class

Yesterday was the last day for most of our Reception and Year 1 children. We have been amazed at how well they have all coped with the transition back in to school life and with the enthusiasm they have had for their learning.

We would also like to thank you for your thoughtful cards and gifts and for the overwhelming level of support that you have given us throughout the year.

We are all so proud of the progress that all of Green class has made this year. We wish the Year 1s luck in Yellow with Miss Pinches and are looking forward to welcoming all of our Reception children back in September.

We hope you have a wonderful summer!

The Green Team


Happy Birthday Willow!

Happy birthday Willow, we hope you have a wonderful celebrating with your family.

From All of Green Class