Year 1 additional Literacy and Maths challenges

I have come across these mats on twinkl to help with your child’s understanding of spelling, grammar and punctuation and of maths concepts.

They begin in the Autumn term and move through to Summer. These are optional resources for you to use and you can select which ones would be most beneficial to your child.













Home Learning 30.04.20


Letters and Sounds online lessons.


Today’s grapheme is ‘ar’.

Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity play Miss Pullinger’s sound river. Write words using all of the phonemes learnt this week onto pieces of paper and lay them in your river. Segment and blend the words before jumping over.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘u-e’.

Revise all of your phase 5 flash cards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity play Miss Pullinger’s sound river. Write words using all of the phonemes learnt this week onto pieces of paper and lay them in your river. Segment and blend the words before jumping over.


At the end of Jasper’s Beanstalk Jasper decides to climb all the way to the top to see what he can find. What do you think Jasper finds? Can you describe it for me using adjectives to make your writing more interesting? Can you draw a picture to match what you have described?



For today’s activity you will need between 10 and 20 items (depending on how confident your child is with numbers) and a cloth. Show your child a number of items e.g 12. Cover them with a cloth and ensure your child is happy that there are still 12 items. While they are covered, remove some of the pieces one at a time counting as you do so e.g 1, 2, 3. Ask you child to work out how many will still be hidden. They can count back in their head by holding up three fingers to represent how many need to be taken away and putting 12 in their head. As they count back, fold down a finger so they know when to stop. To further challenge your child ask them to record the number sentences.

Year 1

Go to the White Rose website and watch the video for Summer term week 2 lesson 4- Problem Solving.


For today’s optional challenge we are going to look at healthy and unhealthy foods. Have a look at the food in your cupboards and fridge at home, can you say which foods are healthy for you and which are unhealthy? Can you make a healthy snack?

Home Learning 29.04.20


Thank you for the feedback regarding the Letters and Sounds phonics lessons. I will continue to post the link for these as I know some have found parts of them useful however I will continue to post activities for each year group as well. You can choose either the youtube live lessons or my activities below but please don’t do both! You may find it beneficial to dip in and out of the live youtube lessons and only participate for a small section instead of the full 20/30 minutes.


Today’s grapheme is ‘oo’ making the short ‘u’ sound as in book.

Start by revising all of your phase 3 flash cards then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at Mrs Summerfield’s game- you could try changing the sounds to include today’s.


Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘o-e’.

Start by revising all of your phase 5 flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at Mrs Summerfield’s game- you could try changing the sounds to include today’s.



Start by sharing Jasper’s Beanstalk again. For today’s activity I would like you to write a diary explaining what Jasper did on each day of the week- can you remember how to spell the different days of the week? Try to start each diary entry with the day of the week for example ‘On Monday he…’

You could use the template below or create your own diary.




We are continuing with subtraction today.

Have a go at playing the subtraction bus route board game. Take it in turns to roll a dice and move the corresponding number of steps forward- if you can answer the question on the space you can stay there- if you can’t you have to go back! There are three different levels to the game so choose whichever is most appropriate for your child. This game is also good for practicing subitising to 6.


Year 1

Use the White Rose video and activities for Summer term week 2 lesson 3- Find a quarter.



Have a look at the next Geography lesson on BBC Bitesize- Introduction to Europe.

Claverley Children Video

Just a quick note to say thank you to all the children and parents who were involved in the ‘From the kids with love’ video that we received today. I have already watched it numerous times today and I’m sure I will be watching it many more times! It was wonderful to see your faces and to hear you voices.

Miss Pullinger

Home Learning 28.04.20


Did anyone watch the Letters and Sounds lessons posted yesterday? If you did let me know what you thought. If you haven’t had chance yet they are posting daily so have a look.

The lessons follow a set structure and cover all areas of phonics so are very useful however you are watching the screen for the full 20/30 minutes.

I will continue to post activities for now but you only need to do one so either watch the youtube lesson or follow my activity below. Choose whichever works best for you.

Here is the link for the youtube lessons.


Today’s grapheme is ‘oo’ there are two phonemes for this grapheme. The first is a long ‘oo’ sound as in moon, the second makes an ‘u’ sound as in book. We are focusing on the long oo sound today.

Revise all of your phase 3 flashcards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity I would like you to see how many ‘oo’ words you can think of. Can you write them down? Could you put them into a sentence?

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘i-e’.

Begin by revising all of your phase 5 flashcards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity I want you to write a list of words that have the ‘i-e’ grapheme. Can you make silly sentences using the words you have written. Mine would be:

The pink flamingo won a prize for standing on her head.


Read the story Jasper’s Beanstalk again then have a look at these images

Jasper’s Beanstalk images

You don’t have to use all of them, just select your favourites. Can you label the picture and write a caption to let me know what is happening in each one.



For today’s starter have a go at this number blocks game on the Cbeebies website.

For today’s main activity we are carrying on with subtracting. Have ten green bottles/ten frogs/ten monkeys/ten currant buns and line them up. We are going to use the rhyme but change them up slightly. For example, if I was using ten green bottles I would line them up and sing, ‘There were ten green bottles standing on the wall, ten green bottles standing on the wall, but if 3 green bottles should accidentally fall’ knock 3 green bottles over ‘There’d be 7 green bottles standing on the wall’.

You can challenge your child to record these as number sentences and you could go up to 20 bottles etc. The key learning is that your child understands that when we subtract something we are taking it away so out total gets smaller.


Year 1

For today’s starter we are going to practice our two times table. You will need 10 pairs of socks- make sure your child understands that a pair equals 2. You will also need number cards or post it notes with numbers in increments of 2 from 2-2-. Each pair of socks represents one lot of 2. Lay down the first pair of socks and place the number card 2 on top- say to your child 1 lot of 2 equals 2. Lay the next pair down beside the first and say 2 lots of 2 equals 4 placing the number 4 card on top of the second pair of socks. See if your child can carry on the pattern saying the same sentence each time. If your child is confident with this you can ask them in a random order e.g lay down 5 pairs of socks first and say 5 lots of 2 equals? Get them to tell you the answer.

Go to the White Rose website and look at Summer term week 2 lesson 2- Find a quarter.



For today’s optional challenge we are going to be doing some observational drawings. You could choose any plant inside your house or in your garden to draw or paint. Make sure you look closely at the shape, size and colour of your chosen plant.

Home Learning 27.04.20


The Government have commissioned a daily letters and sounds phonics lesson for children in reception and year 1. The videos go up daily beginning today and there are three to choose from:

10am- Reception phase 3 and 4.

10.30am- Year 1 phase 5.

11am- Learning to blend- phase 2 recap. This is great if your child is finding it tricky to belnd all of the phonemes back together to make a word.

I will be watching all three lessons tomorrow morning so feel free to join in with these instead and let me know what you think!

Here is the link to the youtube page.



Today’s grapheme is ‘oa’.

Revise all of your phase 3 flashcards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Have a go at Mrs Summerfield’s game for today’s activity.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘e-e’.

Revise all of your phase 5 flashcards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

Have a go at Mrs Summerfield’s game for today’ activity. You could use the same sounds for revision or select your own from any of your phase 5 sounds.


This week’s story is going to be Jasper’s Beanstalk. If you don’t have the story at home, have a look at this story powerpoint.

Jasper’s Beanstalk

In the story Jasper gets very confused when trying to grow a beanstalk. Can you write a set of instructions so that next time he knows exactly what to do?

You could include a picture diagram to go with each set of instructions. Year 1s I expect to see numbered points and time connectives such as first, next, then, finally. Reception- a couple of words for each instruction would be great!



For today’s starter play I count, you count but this time counting backwards. You start on 10/20 dependent on how confident your child is with number and then they say 19 and so on.

This week we are moving onto subtraction by counting back. We are going to begin by using the first then now method:

You could draw your own bus or use anything else that your child may like e.g boat, shop, lego house. Place 5 people onto the bus and say ‘First there were 5 people on the bus’. ‘The 2 people got off the bus’. As you say this remove the 2 people. ‘Now there are 3 people left on the bus’. If your child understands this concept, see if they can record the number sentence e.g. 5 – 2 = 3.

Begin by using numbers to 5 or 10 depending on how confident your child is, you can then move on to numbers to 20.

Year 1

For today’s starter have a go at recalling all of your number bonds to 10. Can you think of what the matching number bond to 100 would be?

Go to the White Rose website and complete the tutorial and activity for Summer term week 2 lesson 1- Find a half.


This is an optional extra for you to have a go at but is by no means compulsory.

For this experiment you will need white flowers, food colouring and some clear cups to place the flowers into. If you haven’t got these items you could just watch the video and pause every so often to discuss what is happening.

There is a full explanation of how to do the experiment, a video and a scientific explanation on this website for you.

Home Learning 24.04.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘igh’.

Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at the Buried Treasure game by selecting +igh.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘a-e’.

Revise all of your phase 5 flashcards and then watch Mr Thorne does Phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at the Buried Treasure game by selecting + a-e.


Yesterday you planned the details of your story including who the main characters were, where your story was set and what adventure your characters would go on.

Today I would like you to put your ideas into a story. You need to have a clear beginning, middle and end to your story and remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops!

You may want to draw pictures to go along with your story.

Reception children can have a go at writing their story alternatively, they could draw the pictures for their story and verbally tell you what’s happening. They may want to use toys/puppets to act out their story to you. Being able to communicate a story verbally is just as important as writing one down.



For today’s starter choose number songs to sing and practice your counting backwards. You could sing:

5 cheeky monkeys

5 speckled frogs

5 currant buns

10 green bottles

For today’s activity you will need to write the numbers 1-10 on separate pieces of paper and turn them upside down. Turn over two pieces of paper and record your number sentence. For example if I turned over 9 and 3 I would write 9+3= Then work our your total by counting on- remember to put the biggest number in your head and count on from there. You may need to use physically resources like pasta, lego, counters to support your child.

Year 1

For today’s starter have a go at rolling a dice- whatever number it lands on shout out the double. You could also have a go at shouting out what half would be- what happens if you land on an odd number?

Go to the White Rose website and complete the Friday maths challenges.

P.E Challenge

For today’s challenge have a go at the Bean Game, I had a go in my garden to remind you of the different movements.

Times Tables

I know lots of you have been accessing the Times Tables Rock Stars website but some feedback I have been getting is that the format is proving tricky.

I have been sent an app by another parent that helps with times tables and also spellings. It seems to be a bit more user friendly for the year 1 children so may be worth having a look at.

It’s called Squeebles– I have attached a link to a website giving you more information.


Georgia, Eva and Finnlay have all been enjoying their home learning experiences…


A Thousand Years

Mrs Summerfield thought it would be nice for all of Green class to learn a new skill together so she has recorded herself using sign language to the song A Thousand Years. You can watch the video and learn the actions before performing for your family. You could even record yourselves signing to the song and email them to me to share with your friends.