Shropshire Star First Class Supplement

We wanted to share the latest correspondence from the Shropshire Star with a reminder of the deadline and details of how you can purchase a copy of the Shropshire Star featuring a photo of the children.

“Just a quick reminder for your parents who wish to order copies of the Shropshire Star ‘first day at school’ supplement which will be published on the 29th November 2023.

The deadline to pre-order copies online at  is 11pm on Sunday 26th November. Alternatively, orders can be placed with one of our team on 0800 174 064, the deadline for telephone orders is Saturday 25th November when our call centre closes at 12 noon.

Copies can be purchased on the day at local retail outlets at full cover price.

Julie Levitt

Central Support Services Manager”
Thank you for your continued support.



Junk Modelling

Shropshire Star ‘First Class’ Supplement

We are delighted to inform you that the Reception and Year 1 children will feature in the Shropshire Star ‘First Class’ Supplement, which will be published on Wednesday 29th November 2023.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Green Class Reading Books

Every child in Green class will be sent home with a reading book today. The book is linked to their phonics learning in school and focuses on the ability to ‘Fred Talk’ (identify each sound) a word and then blend the sounds to say the correct word. Children will not be expected to read every word in one sitting, instead, they can read 2-4 words at a time. Children will have the same book for a week, this is to develop their fluency and confidence when reading.

Children have also been set an e-book and quiz via the Oxford Owl website. If you need a reminder of your child’s login details for this website please contact me directly.

Thank you for your continued support.

Sarah Edwards

Shropshire Star ‘First Class’ Supplement Reception and Year 1 Children

Reception and Year 1 Children 

We are delighted to be taking part in the Shropshire Star’s ‘First Class’ supplement.  On Tuesday, the children in Reception and Year 1 will be given letters of consent to have their photograph taken as part of a group/class. If you would like your child to appear in the class photograph in the Shropshire Star newspaper, please could you return the letters of consent as soon as possible, no later than Thursday 9th November to meet the submission deadline.

Many thanks for your continued support.