Multiplication Tables Check

We have been on the official tables check site today and Year 4 have been able to ‘try it out’ before doing the official check next week. We are going to do the same every day for the rest of the week which is just to familiarise the children with the format. Please do encourage your child to continue to practise them prior to the official check next Monday.


Red class

Hi Red class,

You have been working hard all half term and deserve a really good break. Year 4, you could try to keep recalling your tables facts especially focusing on x7, x8,, x9 and x12 when you can!



Year 4 Tables Practice

It is great that our Year 4 are trying really hard to learn and remember their tables. Thank you for all your support in helping the children. We are going to do the tables check on Monday 12th June. Remember, this is a test of 25 random tables questions from all of the tables up to 12×12.

Please encourage your child to continue to practice their tables. They have the login for Times Tables Rock Stars. Here are some other sites to help them.

Red class spellings for 22.05.23

This week’s spellings are words with a short /u/ sound spelled with an ‘o’

Group 1: woman, wonder, mother, brother

Group 2: woman, wonder, mother, brother, another, month, above

Group 3: wonder, mother, brother, another, month, above, govern, discover, above

Homework 18.5.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your homework on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. Year 3 are looking at time to the nearest 5 minutes and year 4 are looking at analogue and digital 12 hour clock times. This will be your last piece of homework before half term. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Spellings for 15.05.23

This week’s spellings are from the Year 3/4 statutory word list.

Group 1: eight, eighty, bike, believe

Group 2: regular, regularly, natural, eight, eighty, bike, believe

Group 3: regular, regularly, natural, eight, eighty, bicycle, cyclist, believe

Have a go at putting them into sentences.


Homework 11.5.23

Hi Red Class,

Your homework this week is on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at adding money and year 4 are looking at comparing money. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Homework 4.5.23

Hi Red Class,

Your homework has been set on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. Year 3 are looking at comparing capacity and year 4 are looking at dividing 2 digit numbers by 10. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend celebrating the Coronation and enjoy the extra bank holiday!


Times Tables

We are so impressed with the children who are working hard to learn their tables. It is impressive how well some are doing and it is impacting positively on their maths.

Year 3: make sure you are confident with x3, x4, x8.

Year 4: Please focus on your 9 times table this week. Don’t forget we have the Tables Check in June so keep going!

The children do know their Times Tables Rock Stars logins too.


Red Class spellings for 1.05.23

This week, we are using the suffix -ly to create adverbs.

Group 1: lately, closely, gently, luckily

Group 2: lately, closely, gently, luckily, basically, frantically, accidentally

Group 3: lately, closely, gently, luckily, basically, frantically, dramatically, accidentally