Homework 27.4.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your homework for this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at measuring capacity and year 4 are looking at tenths as decimals. Please could the tasks be completed by next Tuesday.

Hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

E- Safety Workshop

Richard from Amazing ICT talking to parents

Thank you to all those who joined us on Tuesday evening – this was a very informative talk and all present joined in with the discussions.

The feedback was great and we all learned something new this evening. This is such an important part of our children’s lives and it was great to share ideas on how to guide and protect our young people.

Parents who came tonight requested that we share the National Online Safety website and app. (both pictured above).

Richard has also been kind enough to allow us to share his presentation – the pdf contains hyperlinks to some of the suggested sites. Parents_Esafety_ 2023_compressed  It contains some very useful information on  parental control apps plus family settings on devices and games.

Red class news

While Year 4’s were away, Year 3 worked on a project with Mrs Stalmans on Morocco. They learnt a lot and were able to tell us all about it.

They found out where Morocco was. They looked at tessellation and symmetry in maths. They created their Islamic tiles which look amazing. They also tried some different foods including flatbreads and couscous.

Today we watched an assembly on Ramadan and Eid.

Eid Mubarak to families celebrating!

Well done Year 4, we are very proud of you and all you’ve achieved this week! You all did well to be in school today. Have a great weekend.

Spellings for week beginning 24.04.23

This week we are doubling the consonant before adding a suffix.

Group 1: patting, patted, dropping, dropped

Group 2: patting, patted, dropping, dropped, runner, runny, saddest

Group 3: patting, patted, dropping, dropped, runner, runny, saddest, humming, hummed

Watch the video which will explain the rule to you!

Spelling help

Homework 20.4.23

Hi Red Class,

It is good to be back and get started on our learning again! It was lovely to hear all about your Easter holidays and it sounds like you all had a great time. I have set some homework for this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at comparing mass and year 4 are looking at subtracting 2 fractions. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday. A reminder as well to all the year 4 children, you should be continuing to practise all of your times tables in preparation for the tables check this term!

Pioneer Visit for Year 4

Message for Year 4 parents only.

We can see that there are some very excited Year 4 children who clearly can’t wait for Wednesday! It is lovely to see them really looking forward to their residential. The staff are looking forward to it too.

The weather is very changeable during this time of year so please can you check that you have packed a sun hat and some sun cream in case it turns out sunny. We are outside for many of the activities and don’t want the children to get burnt.

We are not there too long but it is worth checking that children have spare socks and underwear.

Please remember that children can take up to £5 spending money if you wish to send them with some.

We will be leaving school at 10.30am on Wednesday morning. If you are available and wish to come and wave the children off, you are very welcome. We leave the Pioneer Centre at 2pm on Thursday so will be back for the end of the school day.

Many thanks

J. Derrer


Red spellings for 27.03.23

This week, we are learning about homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Please remember that children need to use these in sentences so that they know when to use them.

Group 1: meet, meat, hear, here

Group 2: meet, meat, hear, here, hour, our, there, their

Group 3: meet, meat, hear, here, hour, our, there, their, groan, grown


Poetry Competition

We are so proud of all our children who have learnt a poem for their homework and recited them to their classes. It is wonderful hearing such a variety of poems and poets – some children have even written their own poem. Today the teachers and TAs had a very difficult job picking out the ten finalists from KS1 and KS2 to go forward for the poetry competition on Tuesday. All semi- finalists were fabulous and had clearly been practising their poem as they were so polished. Well done all and thank you for supporting your children

We are looking forward to the finals on Tuesday when we will hear the ten finalists from EYFS/KS1 and the ten finalists from KS2. The children who are involved have taken a letter home to invite their relatives to the recital.

Homework 23.3.23

Hi Red Class,

Your homework this week has been set on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 and year 4 have been set tasks on equivalent fractions which is what we have been learning about this week in class. Please could the tasks be completed by Tuesday. This will be your last piece of homework for this term before we break up for Easter.

Residential for Year 4

Hi Year 4,

The Pioneer have confirmed that we will have an opportunity to visit the shop. They suggest that about £5 (children can bring less but no more please!) is enough to take. Please can you bring this in a named purse or money bag and hand it to a member of staff on the Wednesday morning. We will keep it safe and make sure children have it ready to spend on the Thursday!

As suggested at the meeting, we will try to avoid children washing hair late on the Wednesday night. If your child does have a small travel hairdryer, they can bring it in case needed but this is not essential.

Many thanks