Swimming after half term

Red Class will be going swimming every Monday afternoon starting on Monday 27th February when we return from the half term break and our last session will be on Monday 27th March. Please ensure that the children bring their swimming kits with them to school. Thank you.

No homework half term

Hi Red Class,

Another half term has come to an end! It has been very busy but thank you for all your hard work. We are not setting Maths homework for half term however, keep practising your times tables and keep up with your reading. We hope you all have a lovely half term break and enjoy a good rest. We look forward to seeing you all again when we return on Monday 27th February.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Dark and Mrs Glendenning.

Reading in Red

With the launch of the sponsored read and half-term coming up, we thought we would share some ideas for reading with your child. We find that lots of children are great when sight reading the words but can still miss the meaning of the text. Here are some questions you could ask.

Reading Comprehension Questions

TenStickers. Dr Seuss, The more that you read fairy tale decal. Decorative and easy to apply fairy wall decal with text content '' the more you read the more you know and the more you learn the more you go''.


Red class spellings for 13.02.23

This week’s spellings are using the suffix ‘ly’ to create adverbs. Adverbs tell us ‘how’ something is being done.

Group 1: slowly, quickly, sadly, happily, describe, playful

Group 2: slowly, quickly, happily, rapidly, describe, successful, mysterious

Group 3: slowly, quickly, happily, rapidly, hungrily, describe, successful, mysterious, accidentally

You will also notice some other words on the sheet for each group. We are recapping words from previous spellings to make sure the children have embedded them. The research shows that children learn their spellings for a test but can find it hard to remember them a few weeks later. These words should not be new learning for the children but a recap of previous words.

Suffix -ly


Red Homework 9.2.23

Hi Red Class,

Your Maths homework has been set for this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at measuring lengths and year 4 are looking at perimeter on a grid. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Red class spellings for 6th Feb

This week’s spellings are a mixture of adjectives and adverbs using the suffixes less and ly.

Group 1: care, careless, carelessly, careful, carefully.

Group 2: care, careless, carelessly, careful, carefully, thoughtful, thoughtfully

Group 3: thoughtful, thoughtfully, thoughtless, thoughtlessly, painful, painfully, fearless, fearlessly

Can you put them into sentences?

Parents – this week, you could also read these sentences out loud and ask your child to write the whole sentence. You might need to read it out to your child a couple of times! Can they remember and write it?

The careless lady dropped her coat into the sea.

The boy was careful when he offered his sweets.

The girl was carefully unwrapping her gift.


Homework 2.2.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your homework on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. Year 3 are looking at scaling and year 4 are looking at dividing by 10 and 100. Please could all tasks set be completed by next Tuesday. Remember to keep practising your times tables as well.

Have a great weekend!

Times Tables

Well done everyone – we are getting some great scores in our tables tests and are impressed with their enthusiasm! Lots of the children are getting merits for the tables programmes they are using and these are clearly having an impact.

Tables for next week:

Year 3: recap x3 and x4 and learn x8

Year 4: recap x3, x4, x6 and learn x8

Below is the link to super movers and the x8 tables song!



Tips for learning x8 tables


Red class spellings week beginning 30th January

This week’s words have a  /sh/ sound spelt with ‘ch’ (mostly French in origin).

Group 1: chef, machine,    chalet, brochure

Group 2: chef, machine, chalet, brochure, machine, parachute

Group 3: chef, machine, chalet, brochure, parachute, champagne, moustache (apologies group 3, I think you have machine twice on your sheet!)

Bitesize games


Homework 26.1.23

Hi Red Class,

Your Classroom Secrets Kids homework this week for year 3 and year 4 is dividing 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers to support the learning we have been doing in class. Remember to practise your times tables as well.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!