Red class Times Tables

We are really impressed with the way the children are trying to learn their times tables ready for a Friday test. We can see those who have been using Times Tables Rock Stars and the children are able to tell us if they have been on other sites too.

This Friday ( 27th Jan), we are recapping the tables from last week but muddling them up. Thank you for supporting your child to learn them.

Year 3: x3 and x4

Year 4: x3, x4,x6


Red class spellings 23.01.23

This week’s spellings are from the Year 3/4 statutory word list. Children need to find ways of learning these e.g. spotting patterns in the letters and writing them in different colours.

Group 1: consider, continue, decide, describe

Group 2: calendar, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe

Group 3: calendar, complete, consider, continue, decide, describe, different, difficult

Here is the full list of words children need to now how to spell by the end of Year 4.


Homework 19.1.23

Hi Red Class,

Your Classroom Secrets Kids homework has been set for you this week. Year 3 are looking at multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers and year 4 are looking at multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. Please continue to look at your times tables as well, try and do this every day even if it is for 5 minutes!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Red class

We were very impressed today by the scores in the times tables test. The children have clearly been learning them and lots of them were confident.

Next week, Year 3 will be tested on x4 along with a few x3 so that they keep these fresh.

Year 4 will be tested on x4 and x6. 

It was great to see that so many have been using Times Tables Rock Stars.

If your child is using another programme, please record it in the reading diary so that we can give them a merit too.

They have done some great music with Mrs Stalmans this week in creating sound scapes.

Spellings for week beginning 16th Jan

This week’s spellings have the prefixes sub- and tele-

The prefix sub- means under.

The prefix tele comes from the Greek word meaning ‘at a distance’.

Group 1: subway, submerge, telephone, television

Group 2: subway, submerge, submarine, telephone, television, telescope

Group 3: subway, submerge, submarine, substandard, telephone, television, telescope, telegraph

Challenge: Can you find any other words beginning with sub- and tele-?



Homework 12.1.23

Hi Red Class,

Well done to you all for a great start to the spring term! I have set your first piece of homework for this term on Classroom Secrets. To reinforce the learning we have been doing in class, year 3 are looking at related calculations and year 4 are looking at factor pairs. Please continue to practise your times tables using Times Table Rockstars and the Maths Frame website using the tables check game. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 4 children,

This is a reminder that if your child is in Year 4, they will be taking the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check in June. We are able to administer it at any time during a 3 week window starting on Monday 5th June. We will let you know what day we are doing it closer to the time.

We are focusing on tables in school and really do value the support you give in helping your child to learn their tables. It is one skill that is so useful and necessary for many  aspects of maths particularly as children move through the school.

Please encourage use of Times Tables Rock Stars – we can see several children have been on it this week so there will be lots of merits on offer on Friday!

Please see the leaflet produced by the DFE.



Times Tables and Reading

We are really focusing on learning our tables in Red class.

The children have been reminded about using Times Tables Rock Stars and we are going to check next Friday to see who has been on it – the children can earn merits for having a go! We know that some children are using other programmes which is great but if you encourage a go on Times Tables Rock Stars too, that would be great.

Next Friday, Year 3 will be tested on the 3 times table. Year 4 will be tested on the 3 and 6 times tables.


Please remember that children gain merits on a Friday if they have been reading during the week. Please can you sign the diary for your child even if they are reading their own books from home. We want to reward all of the reading they are doing. Thank you for all of those who are doing this regularly.

Red class spellings for 9.01.23

The spellings this week have the suffix -ful or -ness added to the root words.

Group 1: playful, cheerful, fitness, illness

Group 2: playful, cheerful, forgetful, successful, fitness, illness, darkness

Group 3: careful, cheerful, successful, painful, thankful, fitness, illness, quietness, darkness

A Christmas thank you!

Dear Red Class,

Thank you all so much for your extremely kind and generous gifts you have given us for Christmas! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year. Thank you for all your hard work this term and we hope you have a good rest over the holidays. We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4th January when we return for the spring term.

Take care and hope Santa brings you everything you wish for!

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Dark and Mrs Glendenning