Christmas Stockings

This half term our topic in D&T was seasonal stockings. The children have worked really hard on their stockings and have produced some beautiful work. They sewed on the beads, sequins and bells themselves with minimal help and should be really proud with the finished results, we were very pleased with them!Well done Red Class!


Red class – week beginning 12th Dec

We haven’t given any spellings this week. There will be a quiz next Friday on some of the past words we’ve had this term so children can look back at the spelling posts to remind themselves of the rules covered!

Monday 12th Dec – Flu vaccinations

Tuesday 13th Dec – Red Class performances at 1.30pm and 6pm.

You are welcome to take children home after the afternoon performance or they can remain in school until the end of the day. You can collect siblings from other classes if taking home early. Please don’t bring children back to school for the 6pm performance until 5.45pm. They will need to be in costumes.

Wednesday – 14th Dec – PE kit and Christmas jumpers (Christmas T-shirts under jumpers is fine). It is Christmas dinner day too. There will also be a music concert from Shropshire Music Service in the morning.

Thursday 15th Dec – Children can come to school in their own party clothes.

8.00am – Breakfast with Santa. Christmas party afternoon.

Friday 16th Dec – 9.30am – Christmas Church Service

Break up.

Return to school – Wednesday 4th January

Homework 8.12.22

Hi Red Class,

Your Classroom Secrets Kids homework has been set for this week. Year 3 are looking at estimating numbers and year 4 are looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 100. This will be your last homework before we break up for Christmas next week. Please could it be completed by next Tuesday, thank you.



Red class update

Firefighter Pank Patel came to talk to the children about fire safety which was very informative and the children asked lots of questions.

The children will be bringing a worksheet home tonight. They were asked if they knew their address in case they needed to make an emergency phone call and most said they did. He also asked them if they knew where the house keys were kept in the event of an emergency. It was also suggested that families do have a chat about working out an escape route in the unlikely event of a fire. We likened it to a school fire drill where we all know what to do if the fire alarm goes off.


The children will be tested on x3 and x4 next week so please can you help your child to make sure they know them.

They are doing well with the Red Class performance – please can you run through the scrip with your child to make sure they know their words – thank you.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and those elves behave!


Red class spellings for 5.12.22

This week, we are adding the suffix -er

Group 1- angrier, earlier, dirtier, hairier

Group 2 – angrier, earlier, dirtier, hairier, drier

Group 3- angrier, earlier, dirtier, hairier, drier, quicker


Red Class play costumes

Hi Red Class,

Thank you all so much for organising costumes for our play and thank you to those that have already sent them into school. Our rehearsals are going well and we are all enjoying the play. Please could all costumes be in school by next Wednesday the 7th of December so that we can check everyone has everything they need. We are also planning to hold our dress rehearsal for key stage 1 next Thursday morning.

Many thanks again,

Red Class team

Homework 1.12.22

Hi Red Class,

Homework this week for year 3 is looking at addition and subtraction of 3 digit and 1 digit numbers. Year 4 are looking at finding 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less than a number. These tasks have been set on Classroom Secrets kids.

Update for Friday

This is just to let you know that the Firefighter Pank Patel from Albrighton station is coming on Friday to talk to the children about fire safety and prevention. The presentation will be for all of Red class. The workshop will last about an hour and there is a worksheet for children to bring home.

Missing Jumpers

Good evening All,

We have had some jumpers go missing from Red class. Please could we ask you to check any jumpers and hoodies at home just in case your child has picked one up by mistake. The missing jumpers do have names on.

Many thanks



Red Class play

Dear Parents and Carers,

Bethlehem Bake-Off!

Your child will be bringing home a slip advising you of their part in the play. We always ask parents for help in providing costumes and we are very grateful when you provide them. However, we are very aware of the cost of living crisis so if anyone needs assistance, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Thanks for all your help.