Homework 20.6.24

This week has been a tough week with lots of tests but you have all worked incredibly hard and produced some very pleasing results that you should be proud of. Well done for trying so hard Red Class! I have set your homework this week on EdShed, you are all looking at shape. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Have a great weekend everyone!

Red Class spellings – 14.06.24

Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning the words from the statutory Year 3/4 word list. There will be 10 words and they might already be confident with spelling some of them. For those children who find spelling tricky, they should try to learn as many as they can.

library, medicine, mention, naughty, occasion, natural, notice, material, minute, often

Here is a list of the statutory words.

Year 3/4 statutory word list

Homework 13.6.24

Well done for another good week Red Class! I have set your homework on EdShed based on the work we have been doing in Maths. Year 3 are looking at angles and year 4 are looking at triangles. Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Red class spellings – 7.06.24

This week’s words have the prefix ‘bi’ meaning ‘two’.

Group 1 and 2: biscuit, biplane, bisect, bicycle, binoculars, biannual

Group 3: biscuit, biplane, bisect, bicycle, binoculars, biannual, bicentennial, biceps

Homework 6.6.24

Welcome back Red Class! We have had a very busy but productive week. I have set your EdShed homework for you. As we have been looking at money this week in Maths, all of the homework tasks are about money. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Year 4, keep practising your times tables ready for your tables check, it isn’t that far away now! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Red class spellings -17.05.24

Group 1: automatic, autobiography, anticlockwise, superhero, supermarket

Group 2: automatic, autobiography, anticlockwise, superhero, supermarket, superhuman, antiseptic

Group 3: automatic, autobiography, anticlockwise, superhero, supermarket, superhuman, antiseptic, antisocial


Homework 16.5.24

I have set your EdShed homework for this week. Year 3 are looking at Fractions and year 4 are looking at decimals. Please could all activities be completed by next Wednesday. This will be your last piece of homework for this half term. Have a great weekend everyone!

10.05.24 – Red class spellings

This week’s spellings contain ‘phon’ and ‘sign’.

Group 1- telephone, microphone, phonics, design, signal, sign

Group 2 – telephone, phonics, microphone, signal, design, sign, signature

Group 3- telephone, phonics, microphone, homophone, signal, design, sign, signature

As always, the words are on Ed Shed and we do reward children for their place in the leagues.

Homework 9.5.24

I have set your homework for this week on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at capacity and year 4 are looking at hundredths. Please can year 4 also continue to practise their times tables. Please can all homework tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Red class and school photos – Wed 8th May

Please can children come to school in their school uniform on Wed 8th May ready for class photos. Bring PE kit ready to change into.
