Home learning – w/c 8th February – Topic

This is our last week on our unit of work about volcanoes and earthquakes. This lesson is looking at ‘How can we protect against earthquakes?’ I hope you have enjoyed this unit of work.


When you have watched the video I would like you to design a poster about how we can protect against earthquakes using the knowledge you learnt from the video.

Protected: Extra Teams meeting – Guided Reading

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Home learning – Friday 5th February – English

As this is the last week for our unit of work on ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and we finish it on Thursday, I have attached the first lesson for our new unit of work called ‘Exploring the Deep’ for you to have a look at on Friday. It is a reading unit and looks at analysing a non fiction text about creatures who live in the deep sea and asks you to create your own imaginative deep sea creature at the end of the unit which should be fun!

Please do not watch any of the other videos in this unit as we will look at these next week. 



Home learning – 1st February

Dear Red Class,

We hope you have all had a good week and have got on well with your home learning. Thank you to those of you who have sent us work to look at, we have really enjoyed seeing the work you have done at home. I have published the home learning tasks for this week and have posted extra activities for Children’s Mental Health week which is from 1st-7th February. I hope you enjoy completing some of those activities as they are something different to do.

We are looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow morning at 9.30am for our weekly Teams meeting!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Home learning – w/c 1st February – Mental Health Week

From 1st-7th February it is Children’s Mental Health week. This year’s theme is about expressing yourself by doing creative things you love (for me, it’s playing my Violin!) I have posted some different activities below you can choose to have a go at if you wish. Don’t worry if you don’t have some of the resources needed for the craft activities you can substitute them for things you do have at home.

BBC Bitesize have some nice Super Mood Movers videos


Twinkl have some nice mental health week activities which I have attached below:

Below is a story you can read about a little boy called Milton who rediscovers his courage 

The Making of Milton Story

Make a worry monster 

Worry Monster Activity

Courage Jar activity 

My Jar of Courage Activity

Courage shortbread recipe

Courage Shortbread Recipe

Feelings wordsearch

Feelings wordsearch

Positivity worksheets

Positive Thinking Cap activity sheet

Positivity colouring sheets pack

Super Me Activity Sheet


Home learning – w/c 1st February – Maths

This week for Maths we are looking at adding and subtracting lengths and measuring and calculating perimeter.

Monday 1st February 

Year 4 – Comparing area 

Lesson video


Lesson worksheet 

Comparing area worksheet year 4

Lesson answer sheet 

Comparing area answer sheet year 4


Year 3 – Add lengths 

Lesson video


Lesson worksheet

Add lengths worksheet

Lesson answer sheet

Add lengths answer sheet


Tuesday 2nd February 

Year 4 – Add lengths 

Lesson video


Lesson worksheet

Add lengths worksheet

Lesson answer sheet

Add lengths answer sheet


Year 3 – Subtract lengths 

Lesson video


Lesson worksheet

Subtract lengths worksheet

Lesson answer sheet 

Subtract lengths answer sheet


Wednesday 3rd February

Year 4 – Subtract lengths 

Lesson video 


Lesson worksheet

Subtract lengths worksheet

Lesson answer sheet

Subtract lengths answer sheet


Year 3 – Measure Perimeter 

Lesson video 


Lesson worksheet

Measure perimeter worksheet

Lesson answer sheet

Measure perimeter answer sheet


Thursday 4th February

Year 4 –  Measure perimeter

Lesson video 


Lesson worksheet 

Measure perimeter worksheet

Lesson answer sheet

Measure perimeter answer sheet


Year 3 – Calculate perimeter 

Lesson powerpoint – White Rose have not provided a video for this lesson however, I have narrated this powerpoint for you. To pause the powerpoint to enable you to answer the questions, right click on the slide and press pause in the list of options.

Calculating perimeter narrated powerpoint

Lesson worksheet

Calculate perimeter worksheet

Lesson answer sheet

Calculate perimeter answer sheet


Friday 5th February

Year 4 – Perimeter on a grid 

Lesson video


Lesson worksheet

Perimeter on a grid worksheet

Lesson answer sheet

Perimeter on a grid answer sheet


Year 3 – Calculate perimeter – extra practise 

Please refer back to the powerpoint from yesterday if you need to recap over how to calculate the perimeter of a shape

Lesson worksheets and answer sheets 

Calculate perimeter varied fluency sheets



Home learning – w/c 1st February – English

This week we are continuing our work on persuasive writing using the picture book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Below are the lesson videos for each day. I am looking forward to reading your finished persuasive letters.

Monday 1st February

Today we are going to orally rehearse paragraph one for our persuasive letter before writing it.

Lesson 10 – Orally rehearse paragraph one 


Lesson 11 – Write paragraph one 



Tuesday 2nd February 

Today we are going to orally rehearse and then write paragraph two for our persuasive letter

Lesson 12 – Orally rehearse paragraph two 


Lesson 13 – Write paragraph two 



Wednesday 3rd February

Today you are going to finish the unit of work on persuasive writing. In today’s lesson you are going to free write a persuasive letter to a person/organisation of your choice. Remember to use the knowledge you have gained from this unit of work.



Thursday 4th February

Today we are going to look at reading for pleasure. In this lesson you will look at some of your favourite books and your favourite characters.




Protected: Home learning – w/c 1st February – reading comprehension

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