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Protected: Friday 22nd January

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PE with Mr Jew and the East Shropshire Team

Here is the link for the PE lessons that Mr Jew and his team have put together. They are doing them each week and you will be able to see them all if you subscribe. Here is the link to them – enjoy! You can send in your pictures too!

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Worship- Tuesday 19th January

Yesterday, we learnt about Martin Luther King Jn and how he had a dream to change the future. He wanted everybody to be treated equally and fairly. Today, I would like you to think about yourself and how special you are. What makes you unique and special? What makes you different to your friends? Is it your hair colour or your height? Is it the number of brothers and sisters? Your family structure?

Now think about what makes us all different?

We are all humans, people with feelings, hopes and dreams of our own. Watch this video about a happy dancing sheep who is full of beans and the love of life until things change. What messages can you learn from the story?

This video always makes me smile and some of you might have seen it before. The sheep learnt an important lesson thanks to the jackaloupe- what do you think the lesson was? There might be more than one!

I think the sheep learnt that it didn’t matter what he looked like. By dancing and being happy, he brought joy and happiness to his friends. he jackaloupe taught him to be proud of who he was and to be positive in this world of ups and downs.

Have a quiet think about times when you have felt down, sad or lost your confidence. What could you do to help you to ‘bounce back’ and put a smile on your face?

Dear God

Thank you for all the different skills and talents that you have given us.

Help us to make the best use of our skills and be determined to think that we can do good things

Help us to be the best person that we can be


Home learning week 2

Dear Red Class,

We have completed another week of home learning, well done everybody! We have had a busy week in school looking at our new unit of work on non chronological reports about the Portia spider and looking at multiplying in Maths as well as our first outing to forest school which the key worker children thoroughly enjoyed!

The tasks for English, Maths, Science and Topic for this week are now published onto the homework page. Please keep checking the homework page on the website periodically during the week in case there are any updates to posts or extra activities. Please do not feel that you have to send every piece of work completed but it would be nice to see one piece of work during the week that you are perhaps particularly proud of and then from these we can choose our superstar for the week.

Please do not worry if you do not complete all of the tasks particularly for things like Topic, R.E and French, the most important lessons to try and get through are English and Maths. We understand that people are incredibly busy at the moment trying to juggle home schooling with working from home and all you can do is your best. We also know that lots of you are doing lovely activities with your families such as going for a walk or looking at things in your garden and that is great! The outdoor activities can be part of your 4 hours of home-schooling that the government has suggested children should be doing. We think you are all doing a fantastic job, thank you and well done!

Hope you all have another good week and we look forward to seeing you at our second Teams meeting tomorrow!

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Oak Academy free virtual school library

I don’t know whether some of you will have seen the news this morning but Oak Academy have joined forces with the National Literacy Trust and have set up a virtual school library. They will be putting a new book online each week and will also post other activities related to reading on the website. I hope it will be of some use.