Protected: Home learning – w/c 18th January – Maths

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Home learning – w/c 18th January – English

I hope you are enjoying the unit of work on non chronological reports about Portia spiders. We have been enjoying this work in school with the key worker children. I have posted the lesson videos for this week below, I am looking forward to seeing your finished reports.

Monday 18th January 

Please watch and complete lessons 11 and 12 today

Lesson 11

Lesson 12


Tuesday 19th January

Please complete lessons 13 and 14 today

Lesson 13

Lesson 14


Wednesday 20th January

Please complete lessons 15 and 16 today

Lesson 15

Lesson 16


Thursday 21st January 

Please complete lessons 17 and 18 today

Lesson 17

Lesson 18


Friday 22nd January

Please complete lessons 19 and 20 today

Lesson 19

Lesson 20


Protected: Home learning – w/c 18th January – Reading Comprehension

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Contact details for Red Class

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope that you have got on well this week.

We are aware that some of you might not have the contact details for Mrs Harper-Jones, it is:

If you have any concerns which need dealing with on a Friday, please fell free to contact me as I will be in class:

Of course, please bear with us if we are teaching as we might not respond straight away but will aim to get back to you as soon as possible. Do send the piece of work which your child is most pleased with as we are looking out for the superstar of the week.

We are looking forward to another Teams meeting on Monday morning at 9.30am. Thanks for your patience this week and it was lovely to see everyone!

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes.



Protected: Friday 15th January

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Protected: Spellings for the week beginning 18.01.21

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Well done everyone!

Well done for getting through this first week everyone. Thank your emails to us and your feedback which is very useful.

We had a go at writing a poem today and found that it was very tricky! I am sharing some that we did but we really only did the first part. Thank you home learners for sending some in. As it is a poetry unit, the task will have been interpreted in different ways and that’s absolutely fine!

Here are some that have been sent to me or done in school.

Poems based on the The Listeners

Here is some super topic work by Emma

Volcano Project

We also went outside to create a picture inspired by the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Have a good weekend everyone!

From Mrs Derrer, Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Colin-Stokes and Mrs Simille.

Protected: Friday 8th January – update

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Protected: Red Class spellings for the week beginning 11.01.21

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Password for access to home learning tasks

I have now posted all of the home learning tasks for the rest of this week on to the website. For some of the home learning tasks we may need to password protect the content. The password you will need for access to all of these tasks will be: Red21

The password will need a capital letter and should not contain any spaces.

Hope the home learning goes well for you all!

Mrs Harper-Jones