Spellings Week beginning 23rd November

This week we are learning about the prefix – ‘re’ which usually means again or back. We have discussed how it is added to the root word to change it’s meaning

e.g. root word = write and the new word is rewrite when the prefix is added. If you want to do more, you can find examples of other -‘re’ words.

Spellings week 3 Group 1 Prefix re

Spellings week 3 Group 2 Prefix re

Spellings week 3 Group 3 Prefix re

Red Class spellings week beginning 16.11.20

This is the overview of the spelling patterns we are covering this half-term.

Block 1: Autumn second half term

 Week 1 -Statutory words

Week 2 – 6.11.20 – Homophones e.g. (brake/break, grate/great)

Week 3 – 13.11.20 – Homophones

Week 4 – 20.11.20 – Prefixe ‘re’

Week 5 – 27.11.20 – Prefix ‘mis’

Week 6 – 4.12.20- ‘i’ sound y

Week 7 – 11.12.20 – Words ending in que

We are learning about more homophones this week. It is important that children learn the meaning of them and how to spell them. They can look for more examples too.

Spellings week 2 Group A Homophones

Spellings week 2 Group B Homophones

Spellings week 2 Group C Homophones (1)

Spellings 6.11.20

We are continuing to learn the spelling patterns this half-term.

This weeks words are homophones which are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. It is important that children understand the meaning and how to use the words in context. You can look at finding other homophones too!

Spellings week 1 Y3b Homophones (1)

Spellings week 1 Y4a Homophones

Spellings week 1 Y4b Homophones

Happy Half-Term!

It has been a great half-term in Red Class. The children have worked hard and will now be ready for a lovely half-term break.

PE days – Mrs Davies is delivering PE after half-term. Children will need to come to school in PE Kit on a MONDAY and THURSDAY (this session is with Mr Jew from Idsall Secondary School).

Children in Need  – Friday 13th November (more details to follow)

Monday 16th – Friday 20th November – Anti-Bullying Week

Here are some of the things we will be doing next:

English – Using ‘The Present’ to write a short story and create a leaflet

Maths – We use the White Rose mixed age planning and will be covering: subtraction, multiplication and division.

Science: States of Matter

Geography: Map Skills

DT: Making stockings

IT: Scratch

Music: Charanga – Stop! (Rap linked to anti-bullying)

French: Age, Days of the Week and Christmas

RE: What is the Trinity?

PE: Hockey, Netball and Dance

If you have any free time, don’t forget you can go on Times Tables Rock Stars!

Have a lovely week and stay safe.

Mrs  Harper-jones and Mrs Derrer


Remote Learning

A letter has been sent home with children today about using Teams for remote learning in the event of a Covid closure, bubble isolation or lockdown. Please look out for it and keep them safe as it contains instructions on how to log-in.

Hopefully, we will not need to return to remote learning; however, it is better to be prepared. We feel Teams will enable us to have some face to face contact with our classes during any period of remote learning.

Reception, you have not been forgotten. You will receive yours very soon too.


Red class news

This week in Red class, we went on Purple Mash and looked at the tasks which have been set. We also went on Classroom Secrets and all of the children have their individual logins in their reading diaries. You can check them out at home too as there are tables and spelling games set for the children to practise.

Do remember that children can go on Times Tables Rock Stars and we have set the 8 times table to learn this week.