Red Class spellings for the term

Here is the overview of the spelling patterns we are covering this term.

Year 3 and 4 spellings

 Block 1 Autumn first half term

 Week 1 (14.09.20)

Revision of suffixes – words ending in   es, er, ed, ing

 Week 2 (21.09.20)

Words with prefix un and dis

 Week 3 (27.09.20)

Contractions e.g. cannot = can’t

 Week 4 (5.10.20)

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list

Statutory spellings years 3 and 4

 Week 5 (12.10)

Words with the ‘ei’ sound

 Week 6 (19.10.20)

Words with ‘ei’ sound

 Block 1 Autumn second half

Week 1 (2.11.20)


 Week 2 (9.11.20)

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list

 Week 3 (16.11.20)


 Week 4 (23.11.20)

Prefixes mis and re

 Week 5 (30.11.20)

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list

 Week 6 (7.12.20)

Sound ‘y’






Dear All,

The forecast is for more hot weather again tomorrow. We do monitor the children and encourage them to sit in the shade if they are outside during lunch and PE times. Please do put sun cream on your child before they come to school. They can bring a cap too.

Thank you


Red Class (Times Tables)

By the end of Year 4, the children are expected to recall multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12 x 12. We will focus on a different table each week. It would be very helpful if you could help your child to learn their tables. They need to say them over and be able to recall the facts out of order too. There is a new national tables check which will take place at the end of Year 4 which starts this year.

We know that some children are already proficient with their tables but we will be doing some extra work on specific ones and these are outlined below. Don’t worry if your child already knows them as we will be extending them.

Week 1 – 14.09.20    x3

Week 2 -21.09.20   x6

Week 3 – 28.09.20    x4

Week 4 – 6.10.20  x8

Week 5 – 12.10.20  mixed tables

Don’t forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars too!


Reading Books returns

Please could you bring back to school any school reading books you still have at home.

We have received lots of these over the last week, but there are still some outstanding.

This may well include your Book Fest book.

Many thanks.

Message from Mrs Bernasconi

Hello Red Class

Thank you so much for the lovely gift that you all contributed towards  – it is lovely.

Thank you for being such a great class this year – I was disappointed to not be able to finish the year with you all. The good news for me is that I am going to be teaching lots of you again this year in blue class.  I have seen a few of you over the last few months and I am really looking forward to those of you who are coming in next week for transition sessions.

Enjoy your summer holidays.

Mrs Bernasconi x


Message from Mrs Colin-Stokes

Hello everybody, thank you so much for the lovely gift you all contributed towards. I was so touched. Although I’ve seen some of you, I am missing seeing  everyone together so much. Can’t wait to see more of you next week! For those of you not coming into school, wishing you a lovely summer holiday and see you in September.

Love from

Mrs Colin- Stokes xxx

Red Reading – English w/c 1 June

This week we have a reading comprehension related to our Geography topic: coasts.

Blyton Coasts

Donaldson _ Coasts

Welford and Pankhurst _ Coasts

In addition, these two lessons from BBC Bitesize address important year 3/4 objectives: how the author creates humour and uses dialogue – both are read and presented by famous people.

Mr Gum lesson    

  • Looks at humour and dialogue

Charlie changes into a chicken

  • Looks at the choice of words to create humour

Half term message

Well Red class, it is the half term holiday next week – a full half term of home learning completed. Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Smillie and I all miss you. School really is not the same without all of you.

We will be welcoming Mrs Harper-Jones back after half term from her maternity leave. We have already spent time working together ( socially distanced of course) and she is really looking forward to meeting the delightful Red class of 2019-2020. We have Iots of home learning planned for you for after half term.

I will miss having you all to myself, but will still be involved with Red class as well as Blue, so you haven’t got rid of me yet! I have been delighted with the way you have all matured and worked hard together this year. You really support each other; you should be very proud of yourselves.

Keep learning and don’t forget that we are here to help and support you. We love receiving pictures of your writing and all your varied learning experiences outside and inside. Keep sending them to us.

Enjoy your half -term and keep safe.

Mrs Bernasconi

Home Learning

Hello Red Class

I hope you are all keeping well and active.

Yesterday, I posted spelling and some English activities to start you off on your home learning.

For maths this week please use the resources which I attach to revise and make secure what we have learnt about fractions so far. Lots of links I will be posting are activities to complete online, others may be better if printed but could be completed by writing in the green books which you took home whilst looking at the screen.

The White Rose links have videos to support learning and follow the mastery approach which we use in school. Where possible there will be also be links to videos on Espresso to support your learning.      This is useful for year 4 and well as Year 3 to secure understanding.

Horizontal Format – What Is a Fraction

Answers – What Is a Fractiont2-m-254672

-y3-fractions-maths-knowledge-organiser-english_ver_2   – this series of lessons includes decimals.

Remember to keep practising your times-tables!

Joe Wicks will be doing an online PE activities each day which could be a fun way to start or break up your day.

“Starting Monday 23rd March I’m going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on my YouTube channel.

With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it’s more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive.

Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.

The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.

You don’t need any equipment, just tune in to my YouTube channel at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout. ”