Tables – 26.01.24

The children are all trying really hard with their tables and lots are clearly learning them at home. Please can you support your child as we do a tables quiz on a Friday and it does help if they have had plenty of practise.

Year 3 need to know x3 and x4

Year 4 need to know x6 and x8

These will be tested next week.

Thank you for your support with this.

Spellings – 26.01.24

This week we are learning more -ous words.

Group 1: courageous, nervous, famous

Group 2: courageous, nervous, famous, adventurous, ridiculous

Group 3: courageous, nervous, famous, adventurous, ridiculous, outrageous, carnivorous


Materials needed for Science

In Science this half term we are looking at Rocks. As part of this topic, we will also be looking at soil formation. Next Tuesday, we will be making mini compost bins in small groups. We would be very grateful if anyone has any spare empty 2 litre pop bottles, shredded paper and any fruit and vegetable scraps (please no nuts or anything that has come into contact with nuts). If you can help with any of these things please could they be brought into school by next Tuesday. The fruit and vegetable scraps can be brought in on Tuesday. Thank you so much for your help!

Homework 25.1.24

You have all been working really hard on multiplication this week in Maths. I have set your homework on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers and year 4 are looking at either multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers or multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers depending on which activity I have set for you. Remember to also keep practising your times tables as they will really help you in our Maths lessons!

Bookfest 2024

Today we introduced the books for the Bookfest to Red Class and all of the children were so excited to get started! We have chosen a mixture of different books for the children to read, some are shorter than others and some of the books may require an adult to help the children to read them. The children have chosen their first book and should have taken it home with them. As soon as they have finished reading their book, they can bring it back into school and choose another. It would be lovely for them to try and read as many of the books as possible. We hope that they will enjoy taking part in the Bookfest this year!

The Danger Gang by Tom Fletcher, Shane Devries | Waterstones                Mr Birdsnest and the House Next Door (Little Gems) : Julia Donaldson: Books                       

Times Tables (19.01.24)

On Friday 26th Jan, we will be testing times tables.

Year 3: 4 times tables.

Year 4: 8 times tables.

Please make sure your child learns these in and out of order. Secure tables knowledge helps with multiplication, fractions and lots of other maths.

Top Marks is a great site for learning tables.

Spellings 19.01.24. Words ending in -ous

To spell words ending in ‘-ous’

Group 1: precious, dangerous, enormous

Group 2: poisonous, precious, marvellous, enormous, dangerous

Group 3: poisonous, precious, marvellous, enormous, dangerous, jealous, tremendous

The games are on Ed Shed.

Spellings 12.01.24

This week’s words end in -sion. When the root or base word ends in ’d,’ ‘de’ or ‘se’ then the suffix ’-sion’
is used e.g. extend = extension

The revision games have been set on Ed Shed.

Group 1: invasion, comprehension,  people, where

Group 2: invasion, extension, erosion, comprehension, tension

Group 3: invasion, extension, erosion, comprehension, tension, exclusion, provision

Homework 11.1.24

Well done for a great first full week back Red Class! We have enjoyed starting our new topics for this half term. We are studying our local area in Geography, in Science we are looking at Rocks and in English we have been looking at The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in preparation for our trip to the theatre next Thursday.

I have set your homework on EdShed. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Year 3 are looking at multiplying by 4 or multiplying by 2, 4 and 8 depending on the task you have been set. Year 4 are looking at multiplying by 10 and 100.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Red class food tasting

Hi Red Class,

In line with the work we are doing on ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’, we will be tasting some Turkish delight tomorrow (Thursday). It is up to the children if they wish to taste it! Haribos will available as an alternative!

Many thanks

Mrs Harper-Jones