Homework 29.6.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your homework for this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at reading data in tables and year 4 are looking at translation on a grid. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Red class spellings

This week’s words are from the statutory word list.

Group 1: guard, guide, height, material

Group 2: guard, guide, height, material, experience, famous

Group 3: guard, guide, height, material, experience, famous, imagine, medicine

Homework 22.6.23

Hi Red Class,

We have had another lovely week full of lots of hard work. We enjoyed a lovely Windrush Day today celebrating the 75th anniversary! We created some beautiful Notting Hill Carnival masks.

I have set your homework for this week. Year 3 are looking at bar charts and year 4 are looking at describing position using coordinates. Please complete the tasks by Tuesday. I know some of you have experienced technical difficulties when submitting homework, please don’t worry! I have sent Classroom Secrets an email to make them aware of an issue so hopefully this can be resolved.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Windrush Day – Thursday 22nd June

As we studied the Windrush, we thought it would be appropriate for Red class to celebrate Windrush day. On Thursday 22nd, Red class children can come to school in their own bright clothes. We will do some activities to mark the day.

Thank you

Mrs Harper-Jones

Spellings – for 19.06.23

This week’s spellings are from the statutory word list.

Group 1: caught, certain, certainly, circle

Group 2: business, caught, century, certain, certainly, circle, disappear

Group 3: business, caught, centre, century, certain, certainly, circle, disappear


Homework 15.6.23

Hi Red Class,

We have had a good week and really enjoyed our visit from ‘Animals in Hands’. I have set your homework on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. Year 3 are looking at pictograms and year 4 are looking at line graphs. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday. Hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Animals in Hands

There was great excitement today when the exotic animals visited as part of our science programme. The children really enjoyed listening to Mo the Zoo Keeper who shared his love of the animals. Red class saw a tarantula, python, skunk and a tree frog. There were some nervous faces! Mo was very calm and showed tge children how to handle the animals with care.

Red Class Spellings for 12.06.23

This week, we are looking at words with a short /u/ sound spelled with an ‘ou’.

Group 1: young, trouble, double, touch

Group 2: young, trouble, double, touch, rough, tough, enough

Group 3: young, trouble, double, touch, rough, tough, enough, encourage, cousin

Spellzone words

Red Class update

Red Class information:

This is to let you know that we are doing the end of year reading comprehension test tomorrow – Friday.

Monday 12th June – Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)

Tuesday – Animals in Hands visit

Friday 16th June – Arithmetic test


Homework 8.6.23

Hi Red Class,

It has been a good first week back and you have all worked hard. It has been lovely to hear all about your fabulous half term holidays. I have set the homework for this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at parallel and perpendicular lines and year 4 are looking at lines of symmetry. Please could I remind year 4 to continue to practise their times tables in preparation for the tables check on Monday. We have been practising in school and have had trial run throughs this week.

Hope you all have a great weekend!