Our Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park

We have been on a fantastic Science trip to the Severn Valley Country Park today. Thank you very much to our wonderful parent helpers. We had a great time learning about animals and their habitats. We enjoyed pond-dipping and mini-beast hunts in the beautiful meadows and woodlands.


Coming Up Next Week!

Monday: School Uniform/ Usual timetable

Tuesday: Trip to the Severn Valley Country Park (leaving at 9.15am and returning by 3pm at the latest)

The children need to wear their school sweatshirt, an old pair of trousers and their wellies. We can put these on at school if they keep them here. They need to bring a waterproof coat and a packed lunch if one has not been ordered. If the weather is wet, we will probably get the children to wear their puddle suits!

Wednesday: New Year 2 Maths Homework will be set on Purple Mash

Thursday: P.E- Please come to school in your kit.

Friday: Macmillan Coffee Morning

Year 2 will be given spellings to take home to learn from today. The test will be on the following Friday.


Weekly Update

Well done Yellow class for working so hard this week!

Please remember to read to an adult at home every day. Hopefully, your adult will read you a story too!

Bring your reading folder to school each day please.

Coming Up Next Week!

Monday: School Uniform for all. RWI books will be changed today.

7pm: P.T.A meeting

Tuesday: Forest School- Please come to school in your P.E kit and have your puddle suit and wellies here ready.

Wednesday: I will be setting Year 2 maths homework on Purple Mash from today. This will be set on Wednesdays and should be completed by the following Monday. I will be sticking the login details in your reading diaries next week.

Thursday: P.E-Come to school in your kit please.

Friday: School Uniform

Making collages inspired by the work of Mondrian

In History, we are learning about how being a child has changed over time from our grandparents’ time to the present day. If any of the children know any adults that have kept their childhood toys and would be happy for us to look at them, that would be lovely. Please don’t worry if this is not possible, we have a selection for the children to look at.

Welcome to Yellow Class!


Our P.E days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays starting from this Thursday. The children need to come to school in their P.E kits on these days please.

This year, all of Yellow Class (Year 1 and Year 2) will be going to Forest School on alternate Tuesdays.

Timetable to follow.

All children need to keep a pair of wellies and a waterproof suit in school for both Forest School and lunchtime break on the field.

This week, the children will choose a book to read for pleasure and will bring this home on Thursday. From Monday, the children will also be sent home RWI books and these will be changed every Monday.

Upcoming Events

On Tuesday 24th September, Yellow Class and the Year 1 children from Green Class will be going on a Science based field-trip to the Severn Valley Country Park for the day.

Read Write Inc

Read Write Inc

Children in Year 1 (and children still following Read Write Inc for their home reading books) have been provided with a username and password reminder for access to the Oxford Owl website.

Here, we are able to provide an e-library of books that your child has been reading in school, to enjoy with you at home.

To access Oxford Owl, you can use the link below:

Oxford Owl

Click on:

Oxford Owl for School

Log in

Click on the ‘students’ tab and enter username and password information.

Click on: Ebook library

Here, you will find a selection of books to enjoy in your child’s e-library.


Each ebook is followed by a short quiz.

Thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Laura Aguayo

End of term!

Thank you Yellow Class for being so amazing this year. Thank you to you and your families for your generous end of year gifts and messages. Wishing you all a wonderful summer!

Coming Up This Week!

The children will be able to bring home some of their exercise books this year. It would be really helpful if each child could bring in a strong plastic or canvas bag to carry these in. We will be sending the books home on Thursday.

Monday: Euro homework due in (anytime this week though will be fine!)

The children will experience a transition lesson with the class that they will be in next year.

Reading books will be sent home as usual today.

Tuesday: The children will watch the Blue Class Dress Rehearsal of their musical ‘Peter Pan’.

P.E for all/ no Forest School.

Final Purple Mash homework due to be completed by Year 2 please.

Wednesday: Usual timetable

Thursday: All school reading and library books will be collected in for the summer.

Most exercise books will be sent home today. We will need to keep a sample in school but these can be sent home at the end of the autumn term.

Friday: Leavers’ Service at 9.30 am at the church. The P.T.A will be serving refreshments before the service.


Password Protected Read Write Inc Videos

Thank you for all of your continued support at home. The Read Write Inc supporting videos have been published on the school website.  We hope you find them useful in supporting your child’s learning at home.  

The password to access the supporting videos for Yellow Class is:


This password will continue to be used for all supporting videos published in the future.

Protected: Protected: Phonics Supporting Videos

This content is password protected. Please enter a password to view.

Year 1 Forest School Sessions

Year 1 Forest School sessions for the remainder of the term are:

Tuesday 25th June 2024 

Tuesday 9th July 2024 Year 1 and Reception will join together on this day for the final Forest School session of the academic year.