Coming Up This Week!

Apologies for not sending this bulletin yesterday.

Tuesday: Come to school in school uniform. Forest School for Year 1 will resume after the Christmas Holidays.

1.30pm: Christmas Performance. Children will go home in their costumes after the performance or at the end of the school day.

5.15pm: Children return to school in their costumes for the play.

5.30pm: Christmas Performance.

Year 2 Homework should be completed by today please.

Wednesday: D.T- We will be baking chocolate chip cookies ( butter, light brown sugar, granulated sugar, egg, vanilla extract, plain flour, bicarbonate of soda, chocolate chips). If your child has any allergies, please feel free to let me know if I can adapt the recipe for them or if I can provide an alternative. 

Thursday: Theatre Trip to see ‘Snow White’ at The Place, Oakengates.

Return for 4.45pm (approx.)

Friday: Wear P.E kit with a Christmas jumper and/ or Santa Hat if you have one.

Spelling Tests



Good evening,

I know that you are all looking forward to Green and Yellow’s performances tomorrow. We are delighted that so many of you wish to come but if you are unable to attend and have any spare tickets, please can you return them to the office in the morning as there is a waiting list if any are handed in. If you have already given your spare to others –  thank you. Due to the stringent fire regulations, we cannot let people in without tickets. I do understand that there can be a logistical mix-up when family members attend so we will record the adults by the child’s name -grandparents can look very worried if they don’t have the tickets! Please can you be aware that we do not have space for buggies in the hall.

Raffle tickets will be on sale for the performances. There is a prize for each performance!

Children can be taken home early if you wish. They can also remain in school and go home at the normal time too.

Many thanks

Jo Derrer

Green and Yellow Theatre Trip

Everyone is looking forward to the theatre trip. If there is anyone who can help on Thursday, please can you send an email to

Many thanks

Jo Derrer

Green and Yellow Nativity Performance

On Tuesday 6th December the Green and Yellow Nativity performance will begin at 1.30pm. Children are able to go home with grown ups straight after this performance.

The evening performance will begin at 5.30pm so we ask that children are back in school for 5.15pm to allow a small window of preparation time.

Children will be sent home in their costumes in the afternoon and should return to school in costumes ready for the evening performance.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E

Please bring in your costume for the play today.

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School

Year 2 Purple Mash Homework due by today please.

Wednesday: New Year 2 Homework will be set.

Thursday: Dress Rehearsal

Friday: P.E

Spelling tests/ New Spellings set

Year 1 Home Learning Activities

Mrs Edwards is starting to send home a weekly list of Number Activities that Year 1 can complete at home. I will share a copy each week for the Year 1s in Yellow. These activities can be completed at anytime if you feel that your child would enjoy some practical maths activities. They are part of the Number Sense Programme which is used in school outside of our maths lessons. It is designed to provide the structure and depth to number fact teaching that children need to achieve fluency.

Stage 1 Book 1 Subitising 1-5

Coming Up Next Week!

Monday: Year 2 Forest School– Please wear your School top and old joggers. Bring your waterproofs and warm layers. Year 1- P.E

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School

Year 2 Purple Mash Homework to be completed by today please.

Wednesday: D.T- We will be making Fruity Oat Bars today (butter, golden syrup, porridge oats, dried fruit and brown sugar). If your child has any allergies, please feel free to let me know if I can adapt the recipe for them or if I can provide an alternative.

New Year 2 Homework will be set.

Thursday: Music and Computing with Mrs Stalmans.

Friday: P.E

Spelling Tests/ New Spellings set.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Odd Sock Day (Anti-Bullying Week Starts)

P.E– Wear P.E kit and odd socks please.

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

Purple Mash Homework for Year 2 should be completed by today please.

Wednesday: New Purple Mash Homework will be set for Year 2

D.T: We will be making vegetable kebabs. If your child has allergies and you would feel more comfortable sending in your own vegetables, please feel free to do so. (I will be buying courgettes, cherry tomatoes, different coloured peppers, red onions etc).

Thursday: Music and Computing with Mrs Stalmans.

Friday: Children in Need- Wear something spotty, something Pudsey related or something colourful.


Spelling tests/ New spellings will be set

Advance Notice: Year 2 will have the second of their two Forest School Sessions this term on Monday 21st November.

Please feel free to email me if you have any queries.

Our Learning This Week

Yellow Class would love to share some photos of our work this week.

D.T: Making fruit kebabs.

Year 2 Forest School

Music: Exploring dynamics and tempo through listening to music inspired by animals e.g Carnival of the Animals.

P.E: Invasion Games

Remember that next week is Anti-Bullying Week so we will be wearing odd socks on Monday to celebrate that we are all unique. Next Friday (18th) is Children in Need Day-wear something spotty, something Pudsey related or something colourful (remember that it is a P.E day.)