Our learning this week

This has been an extremely busy week! Here are a few photos celebrating some of our learning.

Having fun at Forest School!

Art: Drawing from nature.

NSPCC Number Day

Coming up next week

Monday: P.E

Tuesday: Virtual assembly about Ramadan

Thursday: P.E





Our learning this week

This week in English we have planned a newspaper report based upon the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have then tried writing reports independently.
In Maths, Year 2 have been learning about position and direction. Year 3 have been learning about perimeter and have looked specifically at solving measurement problems. In Science, we looked at different light bulbs and thought of ideas for how to make a bulb light. We had a very lively discussion and couldn’t wait to try some of our ideas so we did some extra science exploration this week.

In Art, we have been learning about sculpture. We looked closely at some natural objects such as acorns and pine cones. Next, we made mini-models out of clay.

Coming up next week!
Monday: Bank Holiday
Tuesday: Forest School
Friday: Come dressed as a Rock Star for the NSPCC.

Our learning this week

Welcome back Yellow Class! We have enjoyed a wonderful week together and have worked extremely hard. In Maths we have continued to learn about fractions and in English we have started to learn about newspaper reports. We have looked at the story of a local hero saving a little girl and her Grandma from a vicious wolf!

We have been discovering how we can learn about the past by studying artefacts.

In Science, we have started a new topic about electricity. We have sorted appliances into groups, thinking about whether they use electricity or not.

We have designed and painted our own ‘Ancient Greek’ vases.

We celebrated St. George’s Day with strawberries and cream in the sunshine.

Easter Activities

English: Try keeping a holiday diary or journal. You could draw a picture or add a photo each day and then write a few sentences to go with it. You are welcome to share these when we return to school if you wish. Letter writing is also great, think of someone that you can’t see this holiday that would love to receive a letter in the post.

Maths: We have been learning all about fractions. If you are lucky enough to have an Easter Egg Hunt at home, estimate how many eggs you have found before counting them. You could make a tally chart of the different colour wrappers. When you have  your total, see if you can find one half, one quarter, two quarters, three quarters or a third.

Here is a very short workbook that you may enjoy, especially if it rains!

Fractions Workbook

Please remember that you still have free access to the following websites.

Purple Mash: There are lots of lovely Easter activities on here.


Times Table Rockstars/ Numbots


Classroom Secrets Kids


We will be continuing to learn about Ancient Greece after Easter. The other day we found this game that the children were keen to try at home.


This site is great if you wish to print off some times table sheets to do. Again, a great rainy day activity! You can choose the times tables and the number of questions.




Happy Easter!

Well done Yellow Class for working so hard during such a challenging term. Wishing you all a very happy Easter and a restful break. When we return after the holiday, P.E will continue to be on Mondays and Thursdays.

Here are some photos of us celebrating Easter in school.

Having an Easter Egg Hunt

Making Easter baskets to fill with eggs!

Easter cards

Writing Easter Shape Poems

Our learning this week

English: We have been busy writing our own versions of ‘Library Lion’. We have included dialogue and have also thought carefully about our use of adjectives and adverbs. Here is Nancy’s introduction.

Maths: We have continued to learn about fractions. Today our focus was on finding three quarters of different shapes and quantities. Here is a link to a video clip showing how we found quarters without using equipment.


P.E: Here are some photos of us enjoying outdoor P.E with Mr Jew from Oldbury Wells School.


Our learning this week

Well done Yellow Class for working so hard this week! We have achieved so much.

English: This week we have read the story ‘Library Lion’ by Michelle Knudsen.
We sequenced the story and then acted it out in small groups.

Maths: We have been learning about fractions. We have worked on recognising and finding halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and quantities.

Topic: As part of our D.T unit on ‘Sandwiches’, we have investigated different types of bread. Our favourite was the baguette!

Art: Painting our clay animals

Spellings for 22.3.21

Group A: dear, near, hear, year

Group B: station, fiction, nation, section, path, bath, hour, move

Group C: heard, heart, height, history, imagine, important, interest, island

Our learning this week

Well done Yellow Class for a fantastic return to school as a whole class!
I have been really impressed by your enthusiasm, kindness and resilience. This week we have focussed on well-being using resources from Place2Be. There has been a different theme each day and we have used these to inspire our worship and our creative work.


We each made a link for a class paper chain. Each link is a record of our skills and talents.


Painting inspired by the story of Noah’s Ark

Making clay animals


Writing down the things that we are grateful for and using the leaves to make a class Gratitude Tree


Designing and decorating ceramic tiles

Spellings for 15.3.21

Group A: say, play, may, day

Group B: great, break, steak, prove, improve, sure, sugar, eye

Group C: science, scene, scissors, scented, ascend, descend, crescent, whose

The children have all been given a paper copy of their spellings to take home. A few children have changed groups. Please email me if you are not sure which group your child is in.