P.E days

This term, P.E will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Please come to school in your P.E kit and trainers on these days. Watches and earrings must be removed for P.E. If your child wears plain stud earrings, they may find it easier to not wear them on these days. Alternatively, they will need to be able to take them out themselves or bring medical tape to cover them with.

Protected: Home Learning for Monday 1st March

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Protected: Home Learning for Tuesday 2nd March

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Protected: Home Learning for Thursday 4th March

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Home Learning for Friday 5th March

English: How to create a picture book theatre with Lydia Monks



Extract from the book

Extra resources

Year 2 Maths: Consolidating and reviewing length


Year 3 Maths: Revise length and perimeter

Length and perimeter workbook

P.S.H.E: Exploring lockdown feelings to help us prepare for the return to school



Welcome Back!

I hope that everyone had a nice half-term and some well-deserved rest. I have posted the learning for this week in our homework section. In English, we will be completing our unit on instruction writing. In Maths, we will be learning about measurement. Hopefully, you will enjoy finding different things around your homes and gardens to measure using a ruler or a tape measure. You might even like to measure the heights of each member of your family or to try measuring your pets!

If you need some further challenge, I am adding some extra activities below.

Year 2 Measuring problems

Year 3 Measuring problems

In History, we are now starting a topic about Ancient Greece and in R.E we will be learning more about Easter. In D.T, you will notice that we will be designing and making sandwiches. Our Science this half-term is all about living things and their habitats.

Looking forward to seeing our home learners on Teams tomorrow at 9.30am.

Protected: Home Learning for Monday 22nd February

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Protected: Home Learning for Tuesday 23rd February

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Protected: Home Learning for Wednesday 24th February

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