Protected: Home Learning for Thursday 25th February

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Protected: Home learning for Friday 26th February

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OWS Competition – Become a reporter (Blue, Red and Yellow Year 3)

Oldbury Wells School have created an exciting new project/competition which many of the local primaries are getting involved with. The challenge is to be a news reporter and report about something you have been learning this term.

Image result for cartoon news reporter for kids


Here is the introductory video to get you started. It explains very clearly what the project is all about.

Here is the first episode of “Oldbury Wells News” which sets the scene and gives an example of a student report. One of their year 9 helpers on the clip wasn’t given much time to learn his lines/plan the report, so when you watch it, you can gain ideas for what improvements to make for your own report. He was still brave in going on camera!

You might like to watch BBC Newsround to give you some more ideas on how to present a report.

In Blue class, you could report on something from your topic on the Mediterranean or your science topic on ‘Changing Materials’.

If you are in Red class, you could report on the science topic -sound or you could go back in time and interview Noah taken from our RE topic. You could do it on earthquakes, mountains, volcanoes or even the Portia spider!

Topics in Yellow class have been learning about volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes so you could do a report on one of those.

Here is some more helpful information for children including guidance on how to plan your report and there are more links to help you create a good report.

Primary Project Spring 1 – Student Help Sheet

Here is an information sheet for parents including guidance for uploading the finished report.

Primary Project Spring 1 – Parent Guid

We really hope that you enjoy doing the project and that it proves to be a valuable learning experience, as well as a bit of fun! 



Coming up next week!

Well done everyone! One more week until half-term!

Next week, Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday.

You may like to watch the live lesson on CBBC and BBC Teach at 11am.

Teams Meetings this week

Tuesday 9.30am: Whole Class catch-up, celebration and a look at the learning for the week.

Tuesday 2pm: Guided Reading for Year 3. Please let me know by 6pm on Monday if you would like your child to attend this session and I will invite them through Teams. There is no pressure to attend but I will host it for anyone that wishes to join.

Thursday 10.30am: Whole Class Show and Tell. We thought that it would be nice for each class to meet on the last day of the half-term and share something that you have made or something that is special to you..



Protected: Home Learning for Monday 8th February

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Home Learning for Tuesday 9th February

Safer Internet Day- See the news section for information and resources.

English: Today’s lesson is all about telling a set of instructions from memory.

Year 2 Maths: Consolidate your learning about interpreting data with the following lesson.

Tuesday’s Year 2 Worksheet

Year 3: Complete the following workbook on Statistics.

Year 3 Statistics Workbook

Geography: Our final lesson on this topic is about how we can protect against earthquakes.

Protected: Home Learning for Wednesday 10th February

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Home Learning for Thursday 11th February

English: We will be using the words when and if in our instructions.

Year 2 Maths: To finish the week, I am including a workbook on Statistics for you to complete.

Year 2 Statistics Workbook

Year 3 Maths: To finish the week I am including a workbook on Statistics for you.

Year 3 Statistics Activity Booklet

Year 3 Statistics Answers

Topic: Here are some more ideas for Lunar New Year that you might enjoy.

Make a paper lantern

How to make a Chinese fan


Protected: Home Learning for Monday 1st February

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Home Learning for Tuesday 2nd February

English: In this lesson we will explore how writers make description vivid.

Year 2 Maths: Drawing pictograms

Draw pictograms

Draw pictogram answers

Year 3 Maths: Drawing and interpreting pictograms


Pictograms answers

Children’s Mental Health Week: Take Care Tuesday

Bake a tasty treat, go for a nature scavenger hunt or try some yoga.

Winter hunt

winter wonderland walk

Geography: What happens when a volcano erupts?