Protected: Home Learning for Thursday 21st January 2021

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Protected: Home Learning for Friday 22nd January 2021

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Teams Meeting

Thank you so much for joining our Teams meeting this morning. Almost everyone managed to join and we loved seeing your smiling faces! It was great to be able to say hi and check that you are all keeping well. Well done everyone! We will meet again next Tuesday at 9.30am.

Protected: Tuesday 12th January

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Monday 11th January

Hello Home Learners!

In English today you will be learning some facts about an animal. If you would like to learn more, try the following link for the World Wildlife Fund page.

The word tigers starts with a t and ends with an s. Can you think of any other words that start with a t and end with an s. Try writing them down. You could challenge your family to join in too! Here are a few to get you started: televisions, tomatoes, trombones.

Spellings for 18.1.21

Group A: all, tall, call, small

Can you think of any other words that end in all?

Try writing out each word using a different colour for each letter.

Group B: nature, picture, adventure, vulture, mixture, greatest, tallest, newest, oldest

Can you think of any other words that end in -ture or -est?

Group C: adventure, picture, fracture, puncture, greatest, brightest, largest, finest

Can you think of any other words that end in -ture or -est?


Protected: Home Learning for Tuesday 12th January 2021

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Protected: Home Learning for Wednesday 13th January 2021

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Protected: Home Learning for Thursday 14th January

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Protected: Home Learning for Friday 15th January 2021

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