Homework for 1.12.20

Thank you to everyone that has had a go at the homework this week set on Classroom Secrets Kids. I know from the emails received on Saturday and Sunday that this has not been successful for all. Apologies for this. Please don’t worry if you have not been able to access this due to poor internet connection etc. We are still working hard as a staff to find the best way to set homework in a  format that works for all our learners. Your feedback on this is welcomed. The children are working so hard, I would hate for anyone to feel discouraged. Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Magical mapping!

This week we explored what maps are and how we use them. We then had a go at drawing our own sketch maps of the classroom. This week, we will be using compass directions.

Advance Notice: On Thursday 10th December, we will be filming a short Christmas performance. I want to keep the costumes as easy as possible so am suggesting that children come to school on the day in either a nativity costume of their choice e.g. angel, shepherd, wise man or a Christmas jumper/ top with trousers, jeans or a skirt of their choice.

Homework 27.11.20

For homework, I have set some Maths and English activities on Classroom Secrets Kids. Please try to have a go at them by Tuesday 1st December.

Year 2 English: Phonics games

Year 2 Maths: Multiplication/ 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Year 3 English: Punctuating direct speech

Year 3 Maths: Multiplication/ 3 times table

Coming up this week!

English: We will be reading John Patrick Norman McHennessy by John Burningham and Dear Teacher by Amy Husband. We will use our imaginations to think of excuses for why we might be late for school! We will look at how letters are set out and write letters to our teacher explaining the adventures we have been on whilst we were trying to get to school on time!

Maths: Year 2- Multiplication.                                                                          Making and adding equal groups

Writing multiplication sentences using the X symbol

2 X table, 5 X table and 10 X table.                                                             

Year 3-Multiplication/Division                                                                                      Multiplying by and dividing by three

Using the 3 times table when solving problems. 

Science: Learning about evaporation. What happens to a puddle once it stops raining?

Please see Mrs Derrer’s post about wearing school uniform tomorrow for photos and bringing trainers for Dance.

Diwali crafts


No homework this week!

Well done for taking part in our homework trial on Classroom Secrets Kids!
It has been decided that we will not be setting homework this week as the children have worked extra hard to complete some assessments.
Continue to work on your reading and spelling and remember that you can use Times Tables Rockstars. You may also enjoy some of the Diwali activities on Purple Mash.



Learning about Diwali

We have really enjoyed learning more about the festival of Diwali.
What a wonderful day!

Diwali Day

Green and Yellow Class are having a Diwali Day on Thursday 19th November.  Children are asked to come to school wearing bright clothes.

Coming up this week!

This promises to be another busy and exciting week with our ‘Diwali Day’ on Thursday and lots of activities planned for Anti-Bullying Week.

English: Sequencing, acting out and retelling the story of Rama and Sita.

Maths: Comparing different amounts of money, finding totals and finding the difference.

Anti-Bullying Week: See the link below for the Parents/Carers pack.


What to wear this week!

Monday: P.E kit

Tuesday: School uniform

Wednesday: School uniform and odd socks

Thursday: Own clothes-bright colours if possible for our Diwali Day

Friday: P.E kit

Our model planes

We have completed our model planes today as part of our work about World War Two. The children are extremely proud of their efforts and we hope that you will enjoy these photos.