Maths Homework Trial

As a school, we will be setting Maths homework on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. I have assigned two maths tasks for each year group and these should be visible when your child logs in. We are only able to set tasks for the whole year group so some children may find the activities challenging as they are a ‘best fit’ based upon the work we have been doing in class. Please don’t worry, I will be able to see how they have got on and then provide the appropriate support or challenge.

I will be sticking the logins in the back of their reading diaries today as a reminder.

Coming up next week!

English: We will be planning and writing our own versions of ‘Use your imagination’ by Nicola O’Byrne with an emphasis on writing dialogue. We will also be writing detailed descriptions of the villains in our stories.

Maths: Recognising coins and notes, counting money and finding different ways to make the same amount. Year 3 will also look at converting pounds and pence.

Science: How can we make ice melt more quickly? Our mission is to rescue some play figures stuck in the ice! We will also be kick-starting our unit about solids, liquids and gases with some explosive experiments!

Also this week, P.E on Monday and Friday. Please bring a pair of trainers on Friday if your ‘happy footwear’ for Children in Need is not suitable for running around in.

5th November

Celebrating Bonfire Night with edible sparklers!

Writing dialogue

Year 2 have been writing in speech bubbles.

Year 3 are learning to use correct punctuation for speech.

Paper mache

More Bonfire Night fun!

Welcome Back!

Well done Yellow for making a great start to the term!

Here is some of our learning.

Learning about the seasons

Acting out the story ‘Use your imagination.’

Spellings for 9.11.20

Group A: ice, rice, nice, city

Group B: parents, money, half, again, because, water, people, busy

Group C: treasure, pleasure, measure, closure, enclosure, incredible, inactive, incapable

Happy Half-term!

Well done Yellow class for working so hard this half-term, you have all been amazing! Have a lovely break and some well-deserved rest.

Here’s what’s coming up when we return.

English: Traditional tales

Maths: Addition and subtraction including using money

Science: Seasonal changes and states of matter/ freezing and melting

Geography: Map skills

Art/D.T: Finishing our model fighter planes/ Drawing outlines using pencil and charcoal, exploring the work of Julian Opie

Computing: Purple Mash/ E-safety

R.E: What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?/ Learning about Diwali

P.E: Dance on Mondays and Outdoor games on Fridays

P.S.H.E: Understanding how to get on with others and what to do if we fall out

Advance Warning: Children in Need Day is on Friday 13th November (details to follow)

We will be having a ‘Diwali Day’ on Thursday 19th November. For this, the children will be able to come to school in brightly coloured clothes as we learn about this festival by engaging in some exciting art and craft activities.



Half-term Spellings

I will not be setting new spellings for the holiday but feel free to look back and practise any that you found tricky! Keeping a diary is a great way of working on your writing, even if you just write a line or two a day.
Happy holidays! Miss Pinches

Tuesday 20th October 2020

Today we have combined our English and Music lessons to compose and perform our own version of ‘London’s Burning’. The children really impressed me and the performance was outstanding. Next stop, the Albert Hall!

In Art this week, we have looked at the work of Joan Miro.

Keep going everyone, you are doing really well!

Coming up this week!

In English, we will be using different versions of the rhymes ‘London’s Burning’ and ‘Row your boat’ to explore rhythms and repetition in poetry. We will rehearse and perform rhymes using percussion instruments and will also have fun writing our own rounds.

In Maths, we will work on recognising and using the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. We will subtract numbers using the facts we already know to help us e.g. I know that 7-4 = 3 so 77- 4 must be 73.

In History, we will learn about code breaking during WW2. We will also learn about the Secret Agent Noor Inayat Khan. Thought to be Britain’s first Muslim war heroine in Europe, she was one of only 3 women to be awarded the George Cross during WW2.

Also this week, P.E on Wednesday plus Art, Computing, Science and lots more!

Advance Warning: After half term, P.E will be on Mondays and Fridays.

Remote Learning

A letter has been sent home with children today about using Teams for remote learning in the event of a Covid closure, bubble isolation or lockdown. Please look out for it and keep them safe as it contains instructions on how to log-in.

Hopefully, we will not need to return to remote learning; however, it is better to be prepared. We feel Teams will enable us to have some face to face contact with our classes during any period of remote learning.

Reception, you have not been forgotten. You will receive yours very soon too.