Maths for Week Beg: 8.6.20

This week Year 2 will be learning about using money and Year 3 will be learning about measuring.

Year 2 Lesson 1

Apologies, I am aware that this lesson was not included in my original post.

Year 2 Lesson1new

Year 2 Lesson 1 answers

Year 2 Lesson 2

Year 2 Lesson 2

Year 2 Lesson 2 answers

Year 2 Lesson 3

Year 2 Lesson 3

Year 2 Lesson 3 answers

Year 2 Lesson 4

Year 2 Lesson 4

Year 2 Lesson 4 answers

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1 answers

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2 answers

Year 3 Lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3 answers

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4 answers

Ideas for other subjects

Well done Yellow Class for continuing to work so hard!

Here are some additional ideas for you.

Year 2 Science Learning about animal groups

Year 2 Science Habitats

Year 3 Science Light

Year 3 French: Revise greetings and numbers. Year 2 may like to try this too.


Maths Week Beg: 1.6.20

Year 2 will be learning about the 10 times table, sharing, grouping and odd and even numbers.

Year 2 Lesson 1

Year 2 Lesson 1 answers

Year 2 Lesson 2

Year 2 Lesson 2 answers

Year 2 Lesson 3

Year 2 Lesson 3 answers

Year 2 Lesson 4

Year 2 Lesson 4 answers

times table challenge sheet

There is a video for each lesson on White Rose Maths.

Each lesson is also available in a slightly different format on BBC Bitesize.

Year 3 will be continuing to look at addition and subtraction.

Watch the video for each day and try to complete the worksheets.

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1 answers

Alternative or additional worksheet

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2 answers

Additional worksheet 2

Year 3 Lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3 answers

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4 answers

Additional worksheets on checking answers

Checking answers


Home Learning for the Week Beg: 18.5.20

Welcome to a new week Home Learners! This is the last week of this half term so you will be able to enjoy a well deserved break next week. As ever, I am really missing you all so love hearing from you and seeing your work.

Our English is all about this lovely story by Chris Judge.

Listen to the story of ‘The Lonely Beast’ by Chris Judge.

The Lonely Beast by Chris Judge

Complete the comprehension quiz on Espresso or answer the following questions about the story.

Comprehension Questions

Choose from the following activities.

Retell the story or retell it as a story map where you draw and label each scene.

Act out the story. You could make a mask for the Beast or make some shadow puppets to use.

Make a list of the places that the Beast visited.

Write a list of questions that you would like to ask the Beast.

Create a newspaper report about the Beast. I have included a template that you might like to print out to use or you could work online using this link to Purple Mash.

Newspaper template

Pretend that you are the Beast and write a diary entry.

Diary entry

Make a friend for the Beast from play-dough/ junk modelling or crafting materials. Write a description of them. What might it look like? What are their interests? What kind of beast is it? Where would it come from? What would their home be like? How do they feel?

Draw a line down the centre of a piece of paper. On one side make a list of reasons for the Beast to stay in the city and on the other side make a list of reasons for the Beast to leave.

Plan a party for the Beast. Write a shopping list. Design an invitation.




Here is our maths for this week. Year 2 will be learning about multiplication. You can watch the videos on White Rose Maths and/or follow the BBC Bitesize lessons each day.

Year 2

Year 2 Lesson 1

Year 2 Lesson 1 answers

Year 2 Lesson 2

Year 2 Lesson 2 answers

Year 2 Lesson 3

Year 2 Lesson 3 answers

Year 2 Lesson 4

Year 2 Lesson 4 answers

Year 3 will be learning about addition and subtraction. Watch the videos on White Rose Maths as this week your lessons do not link with those on BBC Bitesize.

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1 answers

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2 answers

Year 3 Lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 answers

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4 answers

Year 3 Lesson 4 extras!

Year 3 Lesson 4 extras! answers

English for 11.5.20

Welcome to a new week Home Learners! It was lovely to speak to some of you and your parents on the telephone last week. I hope that you are all keeping well and have enjoyed the bank holiday weekend. I am posting some ideas for English and Maths today. I will be adding ideas for other subjects later in the week including some activities about Florence Nightingale as it will be 200 years on Tuesday since she was born.

Year 2

This week we will be following the BBC Bitesize materials to learn about creating sentences with description. You may like to watch the videos and complete Activity 1 on Monday. Try Activity 2 on Tuesday or plan your description of a magical plant on Tuesday and write your description on Wednesday. Try Activity 3 on Wednesday or Thursday. I have then added some extra materials if you need them.

finding adjectives

Year 3

Our learning this week is based upon the BBC Bitesize materials on identifying adverbs. On Monday, watch the videos and try Activity 1. On Tuesday try the identifying adverbs activity sheet. On Wednesday, try activities 3 and 4. I have added some extra materials if you need them and will add some additional ideas later in the week.

Coordinates Spelling Game


Maths for 11.5.20

Our maths this week involves a lot of new learning so please don’t panic if you find it challenging. If you struggle with a question, have a look at the answer, see if you can understand how the answer was reached and then cover up the answer and have a go at the question yourself. The worksheets move on quite quickly so don’t worry if you can’t complete all the questions, just have your best go!

Year 2

Go to White Rose Maths Home Learning for this week to see videos for each lesson. Use the additional resources on BBC Bitesize.

Year 2- Lesson 1

Year 2- Lesson 1 answers

Year 2- Lesson 2

Year 2- Lesson 2 answers

Year 2- Lesson 3

Year 2-Lesson 3 answers

Year 2- Lesson 4

Year 2- Lesson 4 answers

Year 3

Go to White Rose Maths Home Learning for the videos for each lesson. Use the additional resources on BBC Bitesize.

Year 3- Lesson 1

Year 3- Lesson 1 answers

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2 answers

Year 3-Lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3 answers

Year 3- Lesson 4

Lesson 4 Answers


English for the Week Beg: 4.5.20

Welcome to a new week Home Learners!

For English, please read or listen to the story of ‘Mr Underbed’ by Chris Riddell.

Mr Underbed by Chris Riddell

Next, have a go at answering these questions.

Questions about the story

Try some of the following writing activities:

Write a prequel to the book that explains where the monsters came from. How did they arrive in Jim’s bedroom?

Possible start to task

Write a sequel to the book. What happens to Jim and the monsters the following night?

Possible start to task 2

Write your own story about a child who discovers a monster under their bed.

Monster Story Planning Sheet

You might also enjoy creating your own illustrations or models of monsters. Watch this video of Chris Riddell drawing Mr Underbed for some inspiration.

Additional ideas!

Write a conversation between Jim and Mr Underbed. This would be a good opportunity to practise using inverted commas (speech marks) Year 3.      Year 2 could draw speech bubbles.

Paint a picture of the place where Mr Underbed came from.

Think of some words to describe the setting of Jim’s bedroom.

Write a description of Mr Underbed or another monster.