Maths for Week Beg: 4.5.20

Starting this week, White Rose Maths and BBC Bitesize will be coordinating the learning together. Go to BBC Bitesize each day to see the learning for your year group. This week is all about adding and subtracting.

I have added the White Rose worksheets and answers for each lesson here. There are additional worksheets on the BBC Bitesize page if you would like to use them. For the lessons involving money, I would suggest using real coins if you have them.

Lesson-1-Year 2

Lesson-1-Year 2 answers

Lesson-2-Year 2

Lesson-2-Year 2 answers

Lesson-3 Year 2

Lesson-3-Year 2 answers

Lesson-4-Year 2

Lesson-4-Year 2 answers

Lesson-1-Year 3

Lesson-1-Year 3 answers

Lesson 2-Year 3

Lesson-2-Year 3 answers

Lesson-3-Year 3

Lesson-3-Year 3 answers

Lesson-4-Year 3

Lesson-4-Year 3 answers

Week Beg: 27.4.20

Here are some ideas for your English and Maths this week. Please feel free to use, adapt or dip in and out of as best suits your family.

Please use this link for our English this week.

We will be looking at two poems by Allan Ahlberg. I have included copies of the poems for you to print out if you wish. I have also made worksheets for the comprehension questions and for you to have a go at writing some of your own excuses.

Please Mrs Butler

Questions about Please Mrs Butler

Can you perform the poem to your family? Can you video it to share with other family members? Can you learn the poem off by heart?

Try to have a go at writing your own verses for the poem too.

I would love to see them!

Excuses poem


For Maths, we will be following White Rose Home Learning for Summer Week 2 (Week commencing 27th April)

I would suggest that Year 3 try the lessons for Monday and Tuesday. We had only just started to look at adding fractions before the lockdown so please don’t worry if you find this tricky. You will do more work on this throughout your time in KS2. For the remainder of the week, try to practise estimating and measuring length. I will post some more ideas for this on Tuesday.

The maths this week includes some work on measuring so you might all like to try estimating and measuring the length of some objects in your homes and gardens. Try using a ruler and a tape measure if possible.

measuring at home

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Wishing our lovely friend Jackson a wonderful birthday. We look forward to seeing you soon and helping you celebrate. Have a great day!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Week Beg: 20:4:20

Welcome back home learners!

I hope that you had a nice Easter and were able to enjoy the lovely weather.

Here is the learning for this week.

For Maths, we will be following week 2 from White Rose Maths.

Go to whiterosemaths/homelearning and click on Year 2 week 2 or Year 3 week 3.

There is a video clip and an activity sheet for each day.

For English, listen to the story of Halibut Jackson.

You may need to login to espresso to access this, please see your list of website logins.

You can then complete the comprehension exercise and the sequencing activity that accompany the story online or answer the following questions on this sheet or in your book.

Why did Halibut Jackson like to blend into the background

Next, try to complete some of the following activities this week: design your own suit for Halibut and write a description of it, retell the story in your own words, write your own version of the story where you change the character and/or draw or make a model of your dream palace and write a description. I have shown you my description of a palace in the video clips below to give you a few ideas although I am sure yours will be much better! Remember to check your spelling and punctuation. I am also including some activity booklets to work through as alternative or additional materials. Spring English Activity Booklet year2

Spring English Activity Booklet – Answers

Spring Activity Booklet year3   Spring Activity Booklet Answers year 3

Happy Birthday Isabelle!

Wishing our lovely friend Isabelle a wonderful birthday. We look forward to seeing you soon and helping you celebrate. Have a great day!

Best wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class.

Home Learning for Week Beg: 30.3.20

Well done Yellow Class on completing your first week of home learning!

I am posting the English and Maths tasks for next week now, but if you are reading this thinking we still have plenty to do, please don’t worry.  Yellow Class will tell you that I tend to over plan and whenever they finish something, I always have another challenge waiting on my desk! If you are happy to carry on working through the activities in your pack or those posted this week, please feel free to do so.

English: Go to

Click on learning at home packs and select Year 2 English Pack for Week 1 or Year 3 English Pack for Week 1.

Maths: Go to learning

Click on Year  2 or Year 3, there is a lesson on fractions for each day with a video clip and an activity sheet.

I have also posted the spellings for next week if you would like a sneaky peek! Have a lovely weekend. Best Wishes, Miss Pinches


Home Learning Week Beg: 23.3.20

Here are a few ideas for this week. This is not intended to be prescriptive so please feel free to only use anything that you find useful.

1. Set up a routine that works for your family and display the times as a way of teaching telling the time. It is amazing how some children in Yellow will tell me that they can’t tell the time and yet are always the first to tell me off if I don’t take them out for the Daily Mile at 2:30pm on the dot! You know who you are!

2. Start with one of these quick English starters: Write down as many words as you can think of that start with an m and end with an s. Year 3 could check the spelling of the two longest words they think of in the dictionary. Have the children thought of any adjectives? e.g marvellous or mischievous. Play hangman using words from their spelling list. Print out a Year 2 Common Exception Word word search or a Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling List word search pack from Twinkl.

3. English: either complete a task from the pack or some work on spelling and handwriting. On Monday, this could be a spelling test and some time spent looking at the new spellings for the week. The children could write the words using a different colour for each letter, write each word in a silly sentence, make the words using magnetic letters etc.

4. Break

5. A quick maths starter: Find as many ways as you can to make 45 e.g. 40+ 5 or 9 x 5. Continue this number sequence 20, 22, 24…. or 6, 12, 18….

6. Complete a maths activity from the pack or go on espresso>K.S.1 Maths>Addition and Subtraction>Activities or go on Times Table Rock Stars.

7. Lunch and playtime

8. Reading

9. You might like to try drawing or painting your family, the view from your window or your favourite animals. Twinkl have some nice Mindfulness colouring sheets. You might like to start making an Easter or Spring garden. This could be outside, out of Lego or in an old shoebox using materials that you have available. Later in the week I will try to post some more topic suggestions.

Best Wishes to you all, Miss you already. Miss Pinches