Our Learning This Week

Year 2 have been given a new set of spellings to learn today. They are making a great effort to learn them, well done everyone! Year 2 also have homework on Purple Mash to be completed by Tuesday please.

Yellow Class Trip


We are looking forward to taking Yellow Class to Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery on Monday 26th February.


The children will need to wear their school uniform and a coat. If you have ordered your child a packed lunch from school, we will collect this for them on the day. If you are sending your own packed lunch, please remember to send this in with your child.

Parent helpers should arrive at 8.45am please, ready to depart on the coach at 9am.

There will be a ratio of 1 adult: 2 children and we will be staying together as a whole class for the day with myself (Miss Pinches) as group leader and Mrs Mottram as our registered first aider.

When we arrive, the coach will drop us at Market Square and we will walk through a small pedestrianised area to the Museum where we will be greeted by a member of the Museum Staff. We will be able to leave our lunches in a dedicated Lunch Room, and use the designated toilets for our group before starting the first Museum Educator Led Session. I have included the details below.


We will eat lunch in a designated room in the museum. After this, we will take part in our second session of the day. See details below.


We will leave the Museum at 2.10pm and board the coach at 2.15pm, to arrive back at school by the end of the day.

Lunar New Year Food Tasting

 As part of our Lunar New Year celebrations, on Thursday afternoon, Green and Yellow classes will be tasting some Chinese food. We have:

egg fried rice

plum sauce

vegetable spring rolls

fortune cookies


All of the food has been checked for known allergens but if you have any concerns please contact either myself or Miss Pinches prior to Thursday.
Thank you.

Mrs Edwards