Gurdwara Visit


Green class had a brilliant visit to a Gurdwara in Wolverhampton on Monday morning. The children (and adults!) learnt a lot about Sikhism and about the Gurdwara itself.

Thank you to Mrs Chatha for organising the visit for us and thank you to all of our helpers for making the trip possible.

The Seaside

This term we will be looking at the seaside as our focus of learning. To support children with their learning of this topic we would be grateful if you could send in some photos of your child on holiday, either in this country or abroad. We will be using them to discuss past holidays that we have been on and to look closer at how holiday destinations are different to where we live.
Thank you for your continued support.

7.06.24 – News from the week and what’s happening next week?

This promises to be a very busy half-term so hopefully you have received the newsletter with some of the main events. This week has already gone very quickly so I know the rest will fly by too!

We had an RE audit from the Diocese on Wednesday. Mark Harrington received a warm welcome and was impressed with the feedback from the children. We will be having our SIAMs (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection next year so this was good preparation.

Well done to our superstars this week.

What’s happening next week – 10.06.24?

Monday – Green and Yellow visiting the Gurdwara.

Tuesday – Multiplication Tables Check for Year 4.

Wednesday – Phonics Screening Check – Year 1.

Mrs Smith from OWS visiting Year 6.

Friday – PTA Father’s Day shop for anyone special.


Red class spellings – 7.06.24

This week’s words have the prefix ‘bi’ meaning ‘two’.

Group 1 and 2: biscuit, biplane, bisect, bicycle, binoculars, biannual

Group 3: biscuit, biplane, bisect, bicycle, binoculars, biannual, bicentennial, biceps

Superstars of the Week

Blue – Henry & Georgia

Red – Arnie & Hattie

Yellow – Harkirat & Isabel

Green – Ezra & Arjun

Best Certificates

Blue – Sofiia

Red – Jemima

Yellow – Tilly

Green – Reuben

25 Merits

Bruce, Ciara, Aisling, Matthew, Isabel, Hattie

50 Merits

Molly, Jaxon