Homework 6.6.24

Welcome back Red Class! We have had a very busy but productive week. I have set your EdShed homework for you. As we have been looking at money this week in Maths, all of the homework tasks are about money. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Year 4, keep practising your times tables ready for your tables check, it isn’t that far away now! Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Swimming lessons.

An e-mail has been sent out explaining the unfortunate cancellation of the planned swimming lessons today. The children were disappointed not to be going swimming but were pleased to know their missed lessons well be re-scheduled. As there will be no swimming next week either, we will have PE on our ‘usual’ Monday afternoon slot so children should come in their PE kits please. We will then have Science on Tuesday afternoon.

A letter has been sent home with children today regarding RSE, PSHE and Science. If reply slips could be returned by Monday 10th I would be grateful.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Blue Class PE and swimming

Swimming starts tomorrow (4th June) for 5 weeks until and including 2nd July. Children are welcome to come in PE kit or normal uniform as obviously they will change at the leisure centre. Swimming replaces our usual ‘Monday PE’ slot for the next few weeks therefore children need not come in PE kits on Mondays until 8th July when we will resume PE on Monday afternoons.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

PTA news

Thank you to our wonderful PTA who organised the Krispy Kreme sale at the end of last half term. It was a lovely treat and raised £117! Also, a big ‘thank you’ to Ezra’s mum who raised £245 from doing a car boot sale. She has kindly offered to do another one on 9th June with the remaining items. If you have any more donations, these will be collected from the bike shelter on Friday 7th June.

With your support, the money raised does go back to the children and supports all the extra things they are able to do. Thank you everyone!

We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday 3rd June at 8:40am!

Return to school – Monday 3rd June at 8:40am.

Tuesday 4th June – Blue class swimming starts

4-5:30pm- Rounders practice for the team

Wednesday 5th June – Mrs Aguayo in Green today.


What has been happening this week – 20.05.24?

Please don’t forget the field is shut for essential maintenance this week and will remain closed. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

Mrs Derrer was delighted to be well supported on Thursday by Hugo who was Head for the day! He carried out the duties in a very professional manner including leading celebration assembly! Thank you Hugo!

Here are our wonderful Super Stars!

Mrs Nicholls came in to do a water safety talk to Green class.

Blue class went to Danford Brook to carry out some fieldwork.

A big ‘thank you’ to the PTA for selling the Krispy Kreme’s on Thursday – they were very much enjoyed! We are grateful to Ezra’s mum too who is doing a car boot sale over the weekend to raise more funds for school. This really does make a big difference to the extra curricular activities that we can offer our children. Thank you for your continued support.

So, we come to the end of another half-term and there has been so much to celebrate. I hope you all have a good week and manage to find some sunshine!

Field trip to Danford Brook

This afternoon Blue class visited our local brook  as part of our topic on rivers. We measured the width, depth and speed of the river. We discovered that  where the stream was narrower,  the water was deeper and the stream was flowing faster.

Lots of fun was had – particularly when we raced the ducks along the brook! Whilst no one fell in, there were a few wet feet!

Using OS maps back at school we found out brook flowed into the River Wolfe which then flowed into the River Severn just above Bridgnorth.

Phonics Videos and ebooks

There will be no phonics videos or ebooks set this week.

We have assessed all of the children this week and have regrouped them in preparation for next half term. There will be a note in your child’s reading record to let you know what their new group is. If you would like to discuss the assessment or group that your child is in please contact myself either by email or at drop off/pick up.

Hope you all have a lovely half term break.

Mrs Edwards