Home Learning 15.06.20


Online Letters and Sounds lessons.


Revise all of your phase 3 sound cards.

Watch Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sound for today. In school we are focusing on recognising digraphs and trigraphs when reading and spelling so we are working through all of the phase three sounds again.

For today’s activity choose items around your home that include your focus sound. Talk about the object you have and plan a sentence to describe it e.g A blue coat. You can extend this by talking about capital letters and full stops or by adding more detail to your description e.g A blue coat with 4 gold buttons.

Then ask your child to record their sentence. The spelling does not have to be correct but should be phonetically decodable based on the sounds that your child knows e.g A blue coat with gold buttons could be written as A bloo coat with gold butns.

Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 sound cards.

Watch Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sound for today. In school we are focusing on recognising digraphs and trigraphs when reading and spelling so we are working through all of the phase three sounds again.

For today’s activity we are going to look at past tense. You could ask questions that relate to things you have actually done or they could be made up. Say to your child ‘Today I am eating an apple. What did I eat yesterday? Their response could be Yesterday you ate a sandwich. Then say to them, ‘Today I am jumping on the bed. Where did I jump yesterday? The response could be, Yesterday you jumped in the water. The answers could be silly such as jumping into a pile of jelly as long as the tense is correct.



This week we are looking at fairy tales.

For today’s activity I would like you to look at Little Red Riding Hood. I have attached a story powerpoint or you could look at a book together. When you’ve finished the story talk about the main characters and the setting. Discuss the structure of the story by referring to the beginning, middle and end and what happened at each point. Then see if your child can sequence the story by looking at pictures.

Story Sequencing cards


Year 1

This week we are going to be writing our own story based on a fairy tale. We are going to build up to writing our story throughout the week so that children have a chance to develop their ideas. Read different fairy tales together and discuss who the characters are, where the stories are set and the main plot.

For today’s activity I would like you to create the setting for your story. You could draw a picture to help you but I would like to see lots of descriptive language to describe the setting. There may be more than one setting e.g. a forest and a castle.

It may help to look at images of fairy tale settings or of castles/cottages/forests to help develop your child’s ideas.



This week we are looking at capacity. Children should explore through play filling different containers and describing them by saying whether they are full, empty, half full, nearly full or nearly empty. They also be encouraged to use language to describe their containers such as tall, thin, narrow, wide, shallow.

Provide your child with a container and ask them to fill it to the different levels (full, half full etc). Can they find a container that holds more/ less than their container? Let your child explore filling containers of different sizes with water, sand, rice or cereal.

You could then have a go at the Year 1 White Rose material. Look at the video for lesson 3.



Year 1

This week we are going to look at money and today we are focusing on recognising coins.

Start your learning by playing this Coin game on top marks.

You can then have a look through the slides for lesson 1 which looks at the different coins. It may be helpful to have some real coins available for your child to look at as well.


There are two activities for today, the first is a coin rubbing activity:

Year 1 – PRACTICAL – Coin rubbing

The second is practising working out the total amount shown in coins and recognising that there may be more than one way to make the same amount. The sheets are coded for different difficulty levels:

Practical – Coin rubbing

Children will work practically selecting coins to create coin rubbings of the amounts shown. Developing children may work in partners for this activity.

★☆☆ -(Page 1 & 2) –  Children will identify coins and sort them into groups based on their characteristics. They will progress to matching equal amounts with values less than £1.

★★☆ -(Page 1 & 3) – Children will identify coins and sort them into groups based on their characteristics. They will progress to matching equal amounts with values over than £1.

★★★ -(Page 1 & 4) –  Children will identify coins and sort them into groups based on their characteristics. They will progress to finding equal amounts by drawing a different combination of coins than the coins shown.

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Recognise coins


We are continuing with our Science learning by growing our own seeds.

Start by looking at the different types of gardens in the picture pack.


For the activity we are going to grow a bean plant from a bean seed in a freezer bag. Page 12 of the pack above will talk you through how to do this. Show your child the resources and talk through what they need to do. Ask your child to predict what they think will happen to the bean. Give them the ‘bean in a bag diary’ sheet on page 13 and ask them to fill in the first section.

You may also like to watch this time lapse video of a bean growing.

Story Time

Good Morning Green Class!

It has been wonderful to see so many of you in school this week and we have had lots of fun in our class garden tidying up and planting new flowers.

I hope all of our home learners have enjoyed this week’s activities. It’s been lovely to see photos of the work that you have been doing and I am very proud of the progress you have all been making, keep up the good work! Remember you can always email me or request a phone call if there is anything you would like to discuss with me.

I have recorded a story for you all, The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Pullinger



Computing skills without a computer

Problem solving and Computational Thinking

Barefoot Computing has some lovely activities including dance moves, hand jives, pizza making, story sequencing and code breaking which will build the thinking skills behind the computing curriculum. There are a range of activities for 4 to 11 year olds.

Learning together activities

Theses are fun and creative activities, to help you guide your child through fundamental parts of the computing curriculum without the need for screen time. They include everything you need to get started with activity sheets and accompanying materials.

There also Mini Missions to complete



Happy Birthday Hollie!

Wishing our lovely friend Hollie a lovely birthday. Have a great day!

Love and best wishes from Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Spellings for Week Beg: 15.6.20

Group A: wild, child, children, path, bath

Group B: whole, clothes, people, pavement, equipment, excitement, payment, enjoyment

Group C: unique, antique, mosque, cheque, technique, tongue, league, vague

Home Learning 12.06.20


Online Letters and Sounds lessons.


Watch Mr Thorne does phonics for your chosen sound and then complete 5 spellings-  3 words that include today’s focus sound and 2 that contain the revision sound from your previous lesson.

I have also been using the Jolly Phonics songs to help with sound recognition, you can watch the video and join in with the actions.

Have a go at the buried treasure game.

Year 1

Year 1 children should be working on filling any gaps in sound recognition by watching Mr Thorne does phonics and by joining in with this Phonics song.

Then complete 5 spellings- 3 words that include today’s focus sound and 2 that contain the revision sound from your previous lesson.

Then have a go at the buried treasure game.


This week’s Literacy work will based on the story Sidney Spider- A Tale of Friendship.

Sidney Spider- A tale of friendship

Read the story together and then for today’s activity use page 9 to research some of the words in the story and page 10 to develop your child’s ability to perform with expression.



Have a go at the Happy Camel game and see if your child can explain their answers.

If your child has found comparing weights tricky this week continue with exploring through play to develop their understanding. If they have a good understanding of the concept then have a go at these challenge cards.

Compare Mass Cards

Year 1

Watch Numberblocks to begin today’s learning.

Today’s activity is to investigate how many different ways you can fill the place value charts to compare the numbers.

Year 1 – INVESTIGATION – Compare numbers

You may also want to have a go at creating your own comparisons.

Year 1 – ACTIVITY – Create your own comparisons

Or, have a go at caterpillar ordering with numbers to 100.


For today’s challenge have a go at this Cosmic Yoga routine.

Home Learning 11.06.20


Online Letters and Sounds lessons.


Watch Mr Thorne does phonics for your chosen sound and then complete 5 spellings-  3 words that include today’s focus sound and 2 that contain the revision sound from your previous lesson.

I have also been using the Jolly Phonics songs to help with sound recognition, you can watch the video and join in with the actions.

Write down words containing phase 3 sounds on separate pieces of paper. Hide them around the house or garden and get your child to go on a word hunt, when they find a word card ask them to segment and blend the word.

Year 1

Year 1 children should be working on filling any gaps in sound recognition by watching Mr Thorne does phonics and by joining in with this Phonics song.

Then complete 5 spellings- 3 words that include today’s focus sound and 2 that contain the revision sound from your previous lesson.

Write down words containing phase 5 sounds on separate pieces of paper. Hide them around the house or garden and get your child to go on a word hunt, when they find a word card ask them to segment and blend the word.


This week’s Literacy work will based on the story Sidney Spider- A Tale of Friendship.

Sidney Spider- A tale of friendship

Read the story together and then for today’s activity use pages 14 and 15- mini beast hunting for today’s activity.



Today we are going to use our balance scales to make a cake. The recipe if for a very large cake but can easily be adjusted to make a smaller amount, as long as all of the ingredients weigh the same amount! Encourage children to add a little bit at a time to make sure each side is equal.

Traditional Pound Cake Recipe

There is a further challenge available if you wanted to have a go:


Select day2 for the video tutoiral.


Year 1

Watch Numberblocks to begin today’s learning.

Go through the presentation for day 4.


Today’s activity is about finding one more and one less than a given number.

Children will select a card then, build the number shown and find one more and one less.

★☆☆ – (Page 1) – Children will use a hundred square to help them fill in the missing numbers.

★★☆ – (Page 2) – Children will use their knowledge of place value to fill in the missing numbers.

★★★ – (Page 3) –  Children will fill in the missing numbers where only a maximum of 2 numbers have been given.

Year 1 – PRACTICAL – One more one less


Our topic this term is Journeys.

To begin our topic I would like you to go on your own journey. Go for a walk around your local area and make observations about what is around you, these could be written in sentences, a numbered list or drawings of what you see. Think about the types of buildings that are around you, are there any open spaces. What can you hear? What can you smell? How many people do you see? What sort of vehicles do you see?

When you get home, have a look at a map of your local area, this could be a paper map or online. Can you find your house? Can you find any of the places you saw on your walk?

Then watch this video of London (make sure your child knows this is the capital of Great Britain) What differences can you see? You may also like to look at London on a map. How is it different to a map of your local area?

Week beginning 8.6.20

Hello Home Learners, I hope that you are all keeping well. I have just posted our learning for this week. Although, I am now teaching Year 1 instead of our key worker group, you are still my class too and I am always here for you. Please feel free to e-mail me, share your work and ask me to phone you if you would like to speak in person.

Missing you all. Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

World Oceans Day

Monday 8th June is World Oceans Day.

Learn all about it by watching this short video.


This is another great link.


Here are some activities that you might enjoy.

The Five Oceans Labelling Map Activity Sheet

Oceans and Continents Cut and Stick Activity

World Oceans Day Acrostic Poem

World Oceans Day Word Search

Here is a PowerPoint for you to look at if you would like to learn more.

World Oceans Day