VE Day preparations

I hope that you have seen the poster about the proposed village kite flying event on Friday. This is going to happen just after the two minutes silence. Mrs Mottram dug out some kites that she had at home and used them as inspiration for the children making their own. I think hers were like the ones I remember (and I’m sure some of you do too!) many years ago which involved a lot of running around and hard work before they would fly! The children made their own kites and have hung them on the school gate – a good afternoon! I hope some of you are having fun making your own kites too!



Some Updates!

Dear All,

I hope you are having a good week so far? Some of you will have received phone calls from your teachers this week and if you haven’t yet, your turn will come! Others were very pleased with the communication they are having and didn’t feel the need for a call which is absolutely fine too! We are here to support you in the best way that we can. Most of all, it appears that everyone is trying hard and completing at least some of the work set and there are some good routines going on.

I have some updates and links which might be helpful!

Supporting home learning – Planning the day

Parenting team support

Whilst the teachers are really planning the learning carefully, your children might enjoy exploring some of these sites too.

Publishers Current Awareness

Here is a link to some active sites. You might like to look through and find some to suit your family. There is one game based around Uno cards!

Lastly, here is the link to the DFC guidance. Please remember that we are open for children of key workers if required.

There is a lot of information on this post but you might find something useful!

Home Learning 7.05.20


Link for the Letters and Sounds lessons.


Today’s grapheme is ‘oi’.

Revise all of your phase 3 flashcards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at reading these yes/no questions. Can you answer correctly?

Phase 3 questions

Year 1

Watch the Jolly Phonics vowel song- Can you remember all of the vowels?

For today’s activity have a go at reading these yes/no questions. Can you answer correctly?

Phase 4 questions


For today’s Literacy activity I want you to answer the question how would I celebrate VE day?

You might want to create a list of things that you will need e.g decorations, food, who you would invite.

You could design an invitation to send to your guests.



For today’s starter begin by counting from 1 to 20 and write each number down as you say them, make a mistake when writing one of the numbers but day it correctly e.g write 13 and 31. Did your child notice? Can they correct you?

For today’s activity have a go at completing the activity sheets below. You don’t have to complete them all! Select the numbers that your child needs to work on recognising or counting to.

All About Number 11

All About Number 12

All About Number 13

All About Number 14

All About Number 15

All About Number 16

All About Number 17

All About Number 18

All About Number 19

All About Number 20

To further challenge your child see if they can count the sweets in the jar in 2s.

Year 1

Here is the White Rose activity sheet for today.

Lesson 4 Add by counting on 2019

Here is the link for the video tutorial.


For today’s challenge why not have a go at making your own bunting for your party. You could use the template I have attached or design your own.


Home Learning 6.05.20


Link to online Letters and Sounds lesson.


Today’s grapheme is ‘ow’ as in bow.

Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at Pick a Picture selecting phase 3 sets 6-7 or for more of a challenge select Phase 3 digraphs.

Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 flash cards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at sentence substitution for phase 4. This will help to develop blending of double consonants.


For today’s literacy challenge I would like you to have a look at this picture.

What can you see in the picture? What are the people doing? How do you think they might be feeling?

Record your responses in sentences. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. If you find it difficult to remember these have a look at this video on BBC Supermovers.



Start today’s lesson by watching Numberblocks.

For today’s activity we are going to be finding one more and one less than a number to 20. To begin with write the numbers 11-20 on pieces of paper and turn them upside down. Turn one piece of paper over and ask your child what that number is, get them to write it in the middle of their page with an arrow either side e.g         <– 13 –>

To the left of the number children are going to write one less than their number and to the right they will write one more than their number.

To help your child you could use physical objects to make the number and then practice taking one away to find one less than or adding one to find one more than. You could also give them a number line to 20 and practice finding your number then jumping forwards/backwards to find one more/less.

To increase the challenge you can use a deck of cards and a hundred square. Turn over two cards to make a number- depending on how confident your child is with recognising numbers to 100 you could limit this so that the first digit is always a 2. Find that number on the hundred square and then find one more and one less than that number recording your answers as before.



Year 1

The White Rose activity sheet for today is attached below:

Lesson 3 Find a part 2019

The link for the video tutorial is here.


For today’s challenge have a go at making this paper spitfire aircraft. How far will yours fly?


Home Learning 5.05.20


Letters and Sounds live lesson link.


Today’s grapheme is ‘ow’ as in cow. This grapheme makes more than one phoneme so we will be looking at ‘ow’ as in bow tomorrow.

Revise your phase 3 flash cards and watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity you will need a piece of paper or a whiteboard and something to write with. You will be starting with the word now so write this at the top of your page. Each time we will be changing one grapheme to make a new word and you will need to write the new word on your paper in a list. Eventually we will end up back with the word now at the bottom of our page. Parents- tell your child the word each time and see if they can change the right grapheme when writing.
















Year 1

Start today’s lesson by looking at the Jolly Phonics Vowel song.

For today’s activity you will need a piece of paper or a whiteboard and something to write with. You will be starting with the word stop so write this at the top of your page. Each time we will be changing 1/2 of the graphemes to make a new word and you will need to write the new word on your paper in a list. Eventually we will end up back with the word stop at the bottom of our page. Parents- tell your child the word each time and see if they can change the right graphemes when writing.













Carry on with your fact files on VE day. You could include labelled drawings to your fact file or drawings with captions.



To start today’s lesson count from 1 to 20 with your child but make a mistake when saying one of the numbers between 11 and 20- this could be missing a number, repeating a number or just mispronouncing it. See if your child notices and if they can correct you. If they don’t notice bring it to their attention. On the next time counting choose a number below 10 to make a mistake with to see if they can notice and correct you.

For today’s activity you will need up to 20 items. Give your child a selection of items and ask them to estimate how many there might be- they could record this in a table by drawing the item, then writing their estimate and then the actual amount. Then ask them to count how many there are, were they close? Reinforce that when we estimate we don’t need to be exactly right but sensible guesses are fantastic! Try again with another set of items- are there more or less than before?

The object of this game is to encourage your child to see that 18 is bigger/more than 12 for example. For this reason it is worth starting with a high number and then doing a low number so that your child can easily see the drop in items- their estimate should reflect this.

Year 1

Today’s activity sheet is attached below:

Lesson 2 Related facts 2019

The link to the video tutorial is here.


For today’s challenge I have attached some recipes that people would have used during World War 2.


Home Learning 4.05.20


Link to the online Letters and Sounds lessons.


Today’s grapheme is ‘ur’.

Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at the Picnic on Pluto game by selecting the +ur option.

Year 1

Year 1 have now come to the end of Phase 5, it is still worth recapping the flash cards at the start of each lesson but there are no new phonemes to be learnt.

This week we will be focusing on reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants e.g. trap, milk.

Watch Mr Thorne does phonics and then have a go at Picnic on Pluto by selecting phase 4- Revise all phase 4.


Friday the 8th May is a Bank Holiday in celebration of VE Day. This week’s tasks will be all about VE day and we are starting the week by creating a fact file.

Monday and Tuesday’s literacy tasks will be to create your own fact file. Your fact file can be about anything to do with VE day or World War 2 but I have included some suggestions to get you started:

What is VE Day?

When was World War 2?

What is Rationing?

Who was Winston Churchill?

The different planes that were used.

How did people celebrate VE day?



We are beginning to look more closely at numbers to 20 this week.

Begin by watching numberblocks .

For today’s activity we will be matching number to quantity to 20.

You will need the numbers 11-20 written on separate pieces of paper and 11- 20 items drawn on separate pieces of paper- to help your child see the way teen numbers are formed (e.g 12 is made up of 1 ten and 2 ones) draw them on a tens frame like this:

This is a great opportunity to work on subitising- encourage your child to see that the full tens frame is 10 and to add on from there rather than counting from 1 each time.

Play the game like pairs by turning all of your pieces of paper upside down and taking it in turns to find a match.

Year 1

Here is the White Rose activity sheet for you to use today.

Lesson 1 Find and make number bonds 2019

The link to the video tutorial is here.


For today’s challenge I have attached a guided reading all about VE Day. There are three levels attached indicated by a star at the bottom of the page, 1 star is the easiest and 3 stars the hardest. There is also a comprehension question sheet to go with each level. This is aimed at Year 1 however reception children are more than welcome to give it a go- they may need more support though!

Guided Reading

English for the Week Beg: 4.5.20

Welcome to a new week Home Learners!

For English, please read or listen to the story of ‘Mr Underbed’ by Chris Riddell.

Mr Underbed by Chris Riddell

Next, have a go at answering these questions.

Questions about the story

Try some of the following writing activities:

Write a prequel to the book that explains where the monsters came from. How did they arrive in Jim’s bedroom?

Possible start to task

Write a sequel to the book. What happens to Jim and the monsters the following night?

Possible start to task 2

Write your own story about a child who discovers a monster under their bed.

Monster Story Planning Sheet

You might also enjoy creating your own illustrations or models of monsters. Watch this video of Chris Riddell drawing Mr Underbed for some inspiration.

Additional ideas!

Write a conversation between Jim and Mr Underbed. This would be a good opportunity to practise using inverted commas (speech marks) Year 3.      Year 2 could draw speech bubbles.

Paint a picture of the place where Mr Underbed came from.

Think of some words to describe the setting of Jim’s bedroom.

Write a description of Mr Underbed or another monster.

Maths for Week Beg: 4.5.20

Starting this week, White Rose Maths and BBC Bitesize will be coordinating the learning together. Go to BBC Bitesize each day to see the learning for your year group. This week is all about adding and subtracting.

I have added the White Rose worksheets and answers for each lesson here. There are additional worksheets on the BBC Bitesize page if you would like to use them. For the lessons involving money, I would suggest using real coins if you have them.

Lesson-1-Year 2

Lesson-1-Year 2 answers

Lesson-2-Year 2

Lesson-2-Year 2 answers

Lesson-3 Year 2

Lesson-3-Year 2 answers

Lesson-4-Year 2

Lesson-4-Year 2 answers

Lesson-1-Year 3

Lesson-1-Year 3 answers

Lesson 2-Year 3

Lesson-2-Year 3 answers

Lesson-3-Year 3

Lesson-3-Year 3 answers

Lesson-4-Year 3

Lesson-4-Year 3 answers

Home Learning 1.05.20


Letters and Sounds live lessons.


Today’s grapheme is ‘or’.

Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and watch Mr Thorne does Phonics.

Then have a go at Mrs Summerfield’s game– why not change the sounds to 4 from this week.

Year 1

We have reached the end of phase 5 so today will be a recap day. Go through all of the phase 5 flash cards. Were there any you were unsure of?

Have a go at Mrs Summerfield’s game but choose the sounds that you are least confident with.


This week we have been looking at the story Jasper’s Beanstalk. For today’s activity I would like you to complete a book review. You could use the template below or create your own.

Book Review Template



We are finishing our week by looking at both addition and subtraction with numbers to 20. Can your child correctly identify the + and – signs? I have attached three sheets today, the first is the most challenging, the second is slightly less challenging and the third uses numbers to 10, select the most appropriate one for your child.

Addition and Subtraction 1

Addition and Subtraction 2

Addition and subtration to 10

Year 1

Go to the White Rose website and complete the Summer term week 2 day 5 challenge.


Friday Challenge

Why not have a go at this BBC Supermovers dance all about believing in yourself!

Reception Activity Mats

I have found these activity mats on twinkl to help with your child’s understanding of phonics and maths. These are optional for you to complete but may help to identify areas that your child needs to work on and areas they are confident with.


These are the same mats but the first option has sound buttons underneath each phoneme to help your child identify digraphs.

Phonics Activity Mats with Sound Buttons

Phonics Activity Mats


