Home Learning 24.04.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘igh’.

Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at the Buried Treasure game by selecting +igh.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘a-e’.

Revise all of your phase 5 flashcards and then watch Mr Thorne does Phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at the Buried Treasure game by selecting + a-e.


Yesterday you planned the details of your story including who the main characters were, where your story was set and what adventure your characters would go on.

Today I would like you to put your ideas into a story. You need to have a clear beginning, middle and end to your story and remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops!

You may want to draw pictures to go along with your story.

Reception children can have a go at writing their story alternatively, they could draw the pictures for their story and verbally tell you what’s happening. They may want to use toys/puppets to act out their story to you. Being able to communicate a story verbally is just as important as writing one down.



For today’s starter choose number songs to sing and practice your counting backwards. You could sing:

5 cheeky monkeys

5 speckled frogs

5 currant buns

10 green bottles

For today’s activity you will need to write the numbers 1-10 on separate pieces of paper and turn them upside down. Turn over two pieces of paper and record your number sentence. For example if I turned over 9 and 3 I would write 9+3= Then work our your total by counting on- remember to put the biggest number in your head and count on from there. You may need to use physically resources like pasta, lego, counters to support your child.

Year 1

For today’s starter have a go at rolling a dice- whatever number it lands on shout out the double. You could also have a go at shouting out what half would be- what happens if you land on an odd number?

Go to the White Rose website and complete the Friday maths challenges.

P.E Challenge

For today’s challenge have a go at the Bean Game, I had a go in my garden to remind you of the different movements.

Times Tables

I know lots of you have been accessing the Times Tables Rock Stars website but some feedback I have been getting is that the format is proving tricky.

I have been sent an app by another parent that helps with times tables and also spellings. It seems to be a bit more user friendly for the year 1 children so may be worth having a look at.

It’s called Squeebles– I have attached a link to a website giving you more information.


Georgia, Eva and Finnlay have all been enjoying their home learning experiences…



Well done everyone for getting back to your home learning and keeping in touch. You are combining the work which has been set along with a good variety of extra activities. I know that teachers have been looking at and uploading pictures and here are some which have been sent to me too – who do you recognise? The art work was produced by Oliver A. Keep going everyone!


A Thousand Years

Mrs Summerfield thought it would be nice for all of Green class to learn a new skill together so she has recorded herself using sign language to the song A Thousand Years. You can watch the video and learn the actions before performing for your family. You could even record yourselves signing to the song and email them to me to share with your friends.

Home Learning 23.04.20



Today’s grapheme is ‘ee’.

Begin by revising all of your phase 3 flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity write the graphemes, ‘ee’ ‘ai’ ‘ng’ and ‘th’ on separate pieces of paper and position them around your garden. Parents read a word out to your child and ask them to identify which of the four sounds they heard by running to the correct piece of paper. You can use your own words or use the ones from the list below:

Them, this, path, ring, song, king, wait, sail, main, feet, week, deep.

Year 1

Today’s grapheme is ‘ey’.

Begin by revising all of your phase 5 flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity write the graphemes, ‘ey’ ‘au’ ‘oe’ and ‘ew’ on separate pieces of paper and position them around your garden. Parents read a word out to your child and ask them to identify which of the four sounds they heard by running to the correct piece of paper. You can use your own words or use the ones from the list below:

chew, grew, few, toe, doe, poatoes, haul, launch, author, donkey, honey, chimney.


Today we are going to begin to write our own story about two animals that meet and go on an adventure together. You could follow the plot line of The Snail and the Whale or you could create your own journey.

For today’s task you will need to think about:

Where is the story set?

Who are the main characters in the story?

How do they meet?

Why are they going on an adventure together?

Where are they going?

What problem will they face?

How will they resolve the problem?

How will the story end?

It may be useful for year 1 children to include descriptive words in their planning in preparation for writing tomorrow. You may want to use a thesaurus to introduce some new words into your writing!

Reception children, you could draw pictures of your setting, characters etc to use as prompts tomorrow.



For today’s starter play the Mental Maths Train game on top marks, select the addition and up to 10 one more options.

For today’s activity we are going to carry on with addition by counting on. I have done a demonstration video for parents to watch modelling today’s activity.

Year 1

For today’s starter have a go at Archery Doubles on ict games.

The go the white rose website,Summer term week 1 lesson 4- finding a half.


For today’s challenge I would like you to have a go at following the coding program Fun with Fish on purplemash. You can work your way through the challenges and see how far you can get!

Get In Touch

Lots of families have been in touch with me to ask for advice or to share updates and photos of their home learning journey. It’s wonderful to see how you are coping and to know that you are OK.

If you haven’t been in contact with me yet could you send me a quick email to let me know that you are OK and, how you are getting on with home learning so far.

Many thanks,

Miss Pullinger

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Wishing our lovely friend Jackson a wonderful birthday. We look forward to seeing you soon and helping you celebrate. Have a great day!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Newest Member of Green Class

Meet Robbie the Robot, he’s ready to help all of Green Class with their segmenting and blending skills when we are back in school. He eats real words and hides nonsense words in his tummy!

Why not have a go at making your own phonics robot. Write real and nonsense words on pieces of paper and practice segmenting and blending them.