Times Tables Rock Stars

I have uploaded the times tables for the coming weeks to Times Tables Rock Stars for Year 1 children. If your child was in School on Thursday/Friday then they will have been sent with a log in to access the sight. If you do not have a log in then please email me and I will do my best to retrieve it.

I have initially set 1 table per week as the format may be slightly different than what children are used to. I have then built up varying combinations to consolidate children’s learning.


The link for Times Table Rock Stars website is here.

Home Learning

Hello Red Class

I hope you are all keeping well and active.

Yesterday, I posted spelling and some English activities to start you off on your home learning.

For maths this week please use the resources which I attach to revise and make secure what we have learnt about fractions so far. Lots of links I will be posting are activities to complete online, others may be better if printed but could be completed by writing in the green books which you took home whilst looking at the screen.

The White Rose links have videos to support learning and follow the mastery approach which we use in school. Where possible there will be also be links to videos on Espresso to support your learning.

https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/      This is useful for year 4 and well as Year 3 to secure understanding.

Horizontal Format – What Is a Fraction

Answers – What Is a Fractiont2-m-254672



https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/   – this series of lessons includes decimals.

Remember to keep practising your times-tables!

Joe Wicks will be doing an online PE activities each day which could be a fun way to start or break up your day.

“Starting Monday 23rd March I’m going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on my YouTube channel.

With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it’s more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive.

Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.

The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.

You don’t need any equipment, just tune in to my YouTube channel at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout. ” https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html

Home Learning 23.03.20



Children have been learning the sounds from phase 3 of the Letters and Sounds program. I am beginning at the start of the program again to consolidate children’s learning.

I would recommend using the phonics flash cards that were sent home by holding each one up in turn for your child to say the phoneme. The grapheme that children will be looking at today is ‘j’, show them the Mr Thorne video on youtube focusing on ‘j’.

Then go to the phonics play website and play the Reading Robot game focusing on phase 2 sounds initially but moving onto phase 3 if your child is finding this easy.

Year 1

Children have completed all of the phases of Letters and Sounds and are now consolidating their knowledge. I would recommend using the phonics flashcards that were sent home by holding each one up in turn for your child to say the phoneme. I am beginning at the start of phase 5 with the grapheme ‘ay’. Watch the Mr Thorne video on youtube focusing on ‘ay’.

Then go to the phonics play website and play the Reading Robot game focusing on phase 5 sounds.


If you are unsure about any aspect of phonics you can look back at my previous posts with an overview of phonics and with phonics apps.




As a maths starter ask your child to choose a number song to sing- ten green bottle, 5 cheeky monkeys, 5 speckled frogs, 5 currant buns. Get them to hold up the corresponding number of fingers and fold 1 down each time something is taken away.

You will need two dice for today’s activity. Take turns to roll the dice and say 1 more and 1 less than the number you roll. You can make this more challenging by using both dice.

Roll both dice and write down the number sentence before working out the total. e.g if you roll a 2 and a 5 your number sentence would be 2 + 5 =  You can further challenge your child by adding a third dice.

Children can use the number line sent home to help them or physical resources such as pom poms, counters, pasta etc.

Play the Teddy Numbers game on Top Marks. You can select either numbers up to 5, 10 or 15 depending on your child’s confidence.

Year 1

Year 1 will be looking at place value with numbers to 50. Children will be representing numbers to 50 by identifying how many tens and ones each number has for example, 37 has 3 tens and 7 ones. Children will then identify 1 more and 1 less than with numbers to 50, they can use the 100 square to help them if needed. To further challenge your child- complete the table at the bottom of page 5 with numbers above 50.

Complete pages 3, 5 and 7 of this home learning pack:

Year 1 maths

Play the game Shark Numbers on top marks.




Keep a daily diary of your activities whilst you are home learning. Children can design a front cover for their diary and practice writing their full name using their kinetic letters and the days of the week. Children may want to draw a picture showing different parts of their day with simple captions. Your child may need support to segment their chosen words for spelling, say the word slowly for them and if they are still struggling break it down into the individual phonemes e.g park would be p- ar- k. Get them to record the sounds that they hear even if this is just the beginning or end sound. Once they have finished ask your child to read their work back to you and record underneath what they say. 


Year 1

Keep a daily diary of your activities whilst you are home learning. Children can design a front cover for their diary and practice writing the days of the week and months of the year.

Choose 3 items from around your home and write clues using adjectives (e.g It has blue fur.) and positional language (It lives next to my bed.) to describe them. Read your clues to a member of your family and see if they can guess the object. Remember to use capital letters at the start of your sentence, finger spaces in between your words and a full stop at the end.

Try to write 3 clues for each item. At the end of each set of clues write the sentence- What am I? Remember to use a question mark at the end!


Please contact me with any queries, Miss Pullinger.

Home Learning Ideas

Here a few ideas for you to use over the coming weeks covering all areas of the curriculum. I will upload a separate post with the Phonics, Maths and Literacy learning for the coming week.

I would recommend completing the follow activities daily:

Spellings and Camera Words



The kinetic Letters sheets for handwriting are attached below:

Abracadabra Family

Jumper Family


The following suggestions are just ideas for you to use and are by no means prescriptive.



The plant activity sheets are attached below:

Parts of a Plant Plant Growth Sequence Plants need…

I have also attached an animal pack, this is a topic we have previously covered:

Year 1 Science Learning from Home (Animals, Including Humans) Activity Booklet



Key Skills



Home Learning Week Beg: 23.3.20

Here are a few ideas for this week. This is not intended to be prescriptive so please feel free to only use anything that you find useful.

1. Set up a routine that works for your family and display the times as a way of teaching telling the time. It is amazing how some children in Yellow will tell me that they can’t tell the time and yet are always the first to tell me off if I don’t take them out for the Daily Mile at 2:30pm on the dot! You know who you are!

2. Start with one of these quick English starters: Write down as many words as you can think of that start with an m and end with an s. Year 3 could check the spelling of the two longest words they think of in the dictionary. Have the children thought of any adjectives? e.g marvellous or mischievous. Play hangman using words from their spelling list. Print out a Year 2 Common Exception Word word search or a Year 3-4 Statutory Spelling List word search pack from Twinkl.

3. English: either complete a task from the pack or some work on spelling and handwriting. On Monday, this could be a spelling test and some time spent looking at the new spellings for the week. The children could write the words using a different colour for each letter, write each word in a silly sentence, make the words using magnetic letters etc.

4. Break

5. A quick maths starter: Find as many ways as you can to make 45 e.g. 40+ 5 or 9 x 5. Continue this number sequence 20, 22, 24…. or 6, 12, 18….

6. Complete a maths activity from the pack or go on espresso>K.S.1 Maths>Addition and Subtraction>Activities or go on Times Table Rock Stars.

7. Lunch and playtime

8. Reading

9. You might like to try drawing or painting your family, the view from your window or your favourite animals. Twinkl have some nice Mindfulness colouring sheets. You might like to start making an Easter or Spring garden. This could be outside, out of Lego or in an old shoebox using materials that you have available. Later in the week I will try to post some more topic suggestions.

Best Wishes to you all, Miss you already. Miss Pinches

Home Learning

Dear Parents

I will be sending regular updates via the website with suggested work covering all areas of the curriculum for your child to complete if they are not attending school.

I would recommend, where possible, that you read with your child everyday. Mrs Mottram has sent home additional reading books to assist with this and I will send out a link to free eBooks that correspond to your child’s phonics phase.

In addition I will send daily phonics and maths challenges for your children to complete at their own pace.

Miss Pullinger

Blue Class Maths Booster – Cancelled

Maths booster has been cancelled tomorrow morning – Friday 20th March.

ParentPay – Our New Online Payment Service

We are pleased to announce that we will shortly be accepting payments online for items such as dinner money, trips etc.  Using a secure website called ParentPay you will be able to pay online using your credit / debit card or continue to make cash payments at PayPoint stores.  ParentPay will be our preferred method of making payments to school.

We will send you your account activation details week beginning 30th March.  Once you receive these visit www.parentpay.com and follow the instructions.


Side Gate

Registration Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers,

The side gate to school opens at 8.45am. The registration period starts at 8.50am and lessons start promptly at 9.00am. If children arrive at 9.00am, it is disruptive for the start of the day and unsettles the class during their learning time. We are required to put a late mark by any child arriving after 9.00am although we do understand that sometimes there is a very valid reason for arriving late and this is also recorded.

From Monday 9th March, the side gate will be locked at 8.55am and children arriving after this time can come in through the main entrance. Please try to ensure that your child is in school in enough time to unpack their things and be ready for learning at 9.00am!

Thank you.