Blue Class – PE kit required on Thursday

Remember you need your PE kit on Thursday.


Dear All,

We are having an assembly tomorrow about the work of the Food Bank. Many of you might have seen the current appeal stating how grateful they have been for donations so far. It also says that they are having more clients than they can cope with and are still really desperate for more.The appeal asks if people will consider donating items during the period of Lent (giving to others not just giving something up). We still have our box in the entrance and a parent who is very willing to take items to the food bank if you wish to support this appeal.

Don’t forget it is World Book Day on Thursday – come dressed as a book character and bring your book to school.


Phonics Apps

As we have had a few requests for apps that support Phonics I have put together a list that I have found to be useful and the link to a pdf document will be attached below.

Let me know if you find any of them useful or if there are other apps that I haven’t included that your child enjoys.

Phonics Apps List

FilmMakers Club

There will be no FilmMakers Club tomorrow, 27th February, due to the PTA Movie Night.  There will be an extra session on Thursday 2nd April.

Term Dates

All term dates for this year and 20/21 are in the parents area under office/term dates, then scroll to the bottom.

Money Sent Into School

Could we remind parents that all money sent into school must be in a sealed envelope, clearly labelled with your child’s name and its purpose.

Red PE

We have PE Thursday morning (tomorrow). Please bring in PE kits if not already in school. They can go home for the half term break on Thursday.

Phonics Workshop

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend one of our Phonics workshops. The presentation is attached below and has links to all of the websites for games and videos to support your children’s understanding.

Phonics and Reading Information

Multi Sports Club – FULL

The new Monday KS2 Multi Sports Club starting Monday 24th February is now FULL.  The club will be offered again during the Summer Term.