School Gates

Due to the problems we have experienced recently, the pedestrian gate will be locked at night along with the main gate. Sadly, the cost of replacing the lighting and the rubbish left has led to these measures.The gates have always been open for access to the field but during the winter, the field is too dark to use and therefore the gates do not need to be open. The car park is solely for the use of, and belongs to, the school and therefore should not be used by groups for hanging around in. If you know of any who use the car park, please make them aware of the changes. as the school and parish will be monitoring the area.


Book Fair

Reading in Unusual Places Competition

Our children have been so inspired by the reading day and so many were reading outside during their lunch breaks that it gave us an idea. We would love photos of your child reading in an usual place! It could be taken anywhere that they have an opportunity to read. Send them in and there will be a prize for the most unusual place. Pictures to be in by Tuesday 11th February.

Following the success of the reading day, we have arranged for a book fair during the week beginning Monday 30th March. It is being delivered by ‘Travelling Books’ and you can see a lot of information on their website.

The World Book Day vouchers will be given out on World Book Day which is on Thursday 5th March. You can choose to purchase a free book from bookshops or save your token until the bookfair and use it for £1 off a book.

World Book Day – Thursday 5th March. We will be encouraging children to come as a favourite character and we might see some different ones from the Bookfest books!

Message from the Head

The Boccia teams played well on Monday and both got through to the quarter finals. Well done to Sophie, Halle, Lilly, Oliver H, Jake and Connor!

Blue Class enjoyed their visit to Birmingham Rep to see Peter Pan. The production was fantastic and they had had a great time. We were grateful to the PTA for the water and cookies during the interval. We were proud of the children’s good behaviour on the day.

Next Monday, the choir are off to Young Voices at the Genting Arena in Birmingham. They have rehearsed the songs and actions and will have a wonderful time. Don’t forget a pack tea, your YV T-shirts and plenty to drink through the afternoon!

We are looking forward to the reading day on Wednesday and children can come to school in pyjamas. We will be launching the Bookfest for Blue, Red and Yellow class  and Reading Miles for Green class. We have purchased some new books for all classes. Please come to the reading workshop at 6.00pm if you can as we are going to share the structure of the Bookfest and how to support your child with their reading.

PHONICS (Green class parents)- We are also sharing some of the strategies for hearing your child read and phonic sounds in a workshop on Friday 24th Jan at 2.45pm if you would like to drop in.





End of term Christmas dinner

We were treated to a wonderful Christmas dinner today! Our cooks worked so hard to provide the whole school with a fantastic meal.



Message from the PTA

We are delighted to announce that we have made a fantastic £565.59 on the raffles which took place during the KS1 and KS2 plays, a fabulous £220.25 on breakfast with Santa and a brilliant £204.41 from the Christmas shop! That’s a staggering £990.25 raised over the last two weeks of term to be spent on exciting projects and experiences in the new year for all the children in the school enjoy! The PTA cannot thank the parents enough for all of their support with our fundraising projects, without you and the enthusiasm of all the kids wanting to join in, we couldn’t do this.

We would also like to thank all the parents that have helped during the events and the staff for all of their support in organising the children.

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and look forward to seeing you in 2020. From all at the PTA

Some photos from the Christmas shop.