Maths homework and spellings – week beginning 16/9

We are still experiencing issues with Edshed so paper copies of maths homework will be given out tomorrow and a paper copy of the new spellings was given out today. Hopefully these issues will soon be resolved and children will be able to log on to view and complete homework and play the games related to their spellings.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Mrs Colin-Stokes


What’s happening next week -16.09.24?

Please make sure your child’s name is in their clothes – especially jumpers/hoodies/cardigans. We are struggling to return them to their owners without names in the labels. Thank you.

Monday 16th September – PTA meeting at 7pm in the school hall. Everyone is welcome and we love new ideas!

School council forms in by Monday. Voting will take place from Tuesday.

Thursday 19th September – Garry is coming in to do worship.

3:30pm – Arthog meeting for Year 6 children and their parents.

What has been happening?

It is incredible that we are at the end of week 2 already. This week, we have had the great excitement of the dolphin arriving. and the empty crisp packets are flooding in- thank you. We have the dolphin until Thursday 3rd October so please keep sending them in!

We have a celebration assembly on a Friday where the class Super Stars are announced, we also give out BEST and merit certificates. If your child does anything outside of school that you or they want us to celebrate, please send information of their achievements or certificates in for a Friday e.g. sporting, music, drama, fundraising or anything amazing that is worth us celebrating. We love to be part of their proud moments!

Some of the learning going on this week in school!

Green class

Well done Green class on another good week. You will have Mrs Parry again next week and she is very proud of you all.

Children will need their reading books in school on Monday please. RWI books are changed today.

They will need to come to school in PE kit on Thursday (19.09.24) next week.


Red Class spellings 13.09.24

We will be posting spellings every week.

This week, the children might have a lot to learn so please encourage them to learn as many as possible but don’t worry if they can’t learn them all. They will be grouped for future weeks.

This week we are learning about words with ‘ou’ in them.

Year 3: mouth, around, ouch, sound, proud, hound, found

Year 4: mouth, around, ouch, sound, proud, hound, found, trout, spout, sprout

We have had some technical issues with Ed Shed this week so there is a link below to the words on spellzone. We will hopefully have Ed Shed up and running next week.


Weekly Update

Well done Yellow class for working so hard this week!

Please remember to read to an adult at home every day. Hopefully, your adult will read you a story too!

Bring your reading folder to school each day please.

Coming Up Next Week!

Monday: School Uniform for all. RWI books will be changed today.

7pm: P.T.A meeting

Tuesday: Forest School- Please come to school in your P.E kit and have your puddle suit and wellies here ready.

Wednesday: I will be setting Year 2 maths homework on Purple Mash from today. This will be set on Wednesdays and should be completed by the following Monday. I will be sticking the login details in your reading diaries next week.

Thursday: P.E-Come to school in your kit please.

Friday: School Uniform

Making collages inspired by the work of Mondrian

In History, we are learning about how being a child has changed over time from our grandparents’ time to the present day. If any of the children know any adults that have kept their childhood toys and would be happy for us to look at them, that would be lovely. Please don’t worry if this is not possible, we have a selection for the children to look at.

Superstars of the Week – Friday 13th September

Blue – Cameron & Nina

Red – Tilly & Florrie

Yellow – Alice & Edward

Green – Teddy & Ariya

Best Certificates

Blue – India

Red – Vinnie

Yellow – Penelope

Green – Isabella

Blue Class Spellings and Maths Homework

As we said in the post last week, children will receive a paper copy of new spellings and they will also be able to access them on Edshed. Maths homework will also be set on the maths shed area of Edshed. Unfortunately, children will not be able to access the spellings or homework on Edshed this week so they will have their paper copy of spellings (that were given out today) and will receive a paper copy of the maths homework on Tuesday. Apologies for this – we hope this will only be for this week and all will be resolved for next week.

If there are any concerns about the spellings or homework please do get in touch.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Forest School

Hi Green class,

It is your forest school session tomorrow (Tuesday 10th September). You will need your wellies and puddle suits in school.

Forest School - The Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park

Mrs Derrer