
There aren’t enough words to thank you all for your kindness and generosity. Thank-you so much for our lovely gifts. We have been very honoured and blessed to have taught your wonderful children. We wish you a wonderful summer holiday. Enjoy making memories!

House Team winners – Ash

Ash House have won with the most merits this term so will have an own clothes day on Thursday 18th July.

Own Clothes Day

A Big ‘Thank You’!

The PTA organised a wonderful Summer Fair on Friday night. Thankfully, the weather was just right and the field looked fantastic. Thank you to everyone who supported the event and an amazing £1,384.14 was made! This money has such a positive impact on the children and enhances the learning provision they get. It was a lovely evening – thank you to the PTA, staff and families.

Coming Up This Week!

The children will be able to bring home some of their exercise books this year. It would be really helpful if each child could bring in a strong plastic or canvas bag to carry these in. We will be sending the books home on Thursday.

Monday: Euro homework due in (anytime this week though will be fine!)

The children will experience a transition lesson with the class that they will be in next year.

Reading books will be sent home as usual today.

Tuesday: The children will watch the Blue Class Dress Rehearsal of their musical ‘Peter Pan’.

P.E for all/ no Forest School.

Final Purple Mash homework due to be completed by Year 2 please.

Wednesday: Usual timetable

Thursday: All school reading and library books will be collected in for the summer.

Most exercise books will be sent home today. We will need to keep a sample in school but these can be sent home at the end of the autumn term.

Friday: Leavers’ Service at 9.30 am at the church. The P.T.A will be serving refreshments before the service.


Weekly update (12.07.24)

On Monday, Blue class had a great session with Mrs Hughes learning all about first aid.

On Tuesday 20 children from KS2 competed in an athletics competition at Oakengates Athletics Stadium. The team took part in a variety of events and achieved some fantastic results. They all showed amazing determination. They achieved 5th place overall out of 9 teams. We are very proud of them all.

Well done to our Super Stars this week too.


What’s happening week beginning 15.07.24?

Monday (15.07.24) – Transition session where children go into new year groups.

Tuesday (16.07.24) – Blue class dress rehearsal in the morning.

Last swimming session for Blue class.

Wednesday (17.07.24) – Blue class performance of Peter Pan at 1:30 and 6:30pm – please bring your tickets.

Thursday (18.07.24) – Year 6 Leavers’ lunch.

Friday (19.07.24) – Leavers’ church service at 9:30am. Tea and coffee served in church before the service. Everyone is welcome to this service where we celebrate our Year 6.

Leavers 2024 Poster Decoration - A3

Year 6 can bring a separate school shirt or T-Shirt to put on and get signed after the church service.

We like to all say a final farewell to the Year 6 on their last day. This means that the whole school forms an arch leading down to the side gate. If families (this includes Year 6 parents/grandparents and other adults who are collecting children)) want to stand out side the side gate, you can see the children come out of school for their final time. We will do this at 3:05pm so that we can get all the other children back to class ready to dismiss them for 3:15pm.

Break up for the summer.

12.07.24 – Red class spellings – statutory words

Here are the last group of spellings for this current academic year. They are from the statutory word list.

-important, interest, island, imagine, history knowledge

Superstars of the Week – Friday 12th July

Blue – Freya, Olivia & Iris

Red – Luca & Willow

Yellow – Harry & Esme

Green – Matilda & Abigail

Best Certificates

Blue – Nevaeh

Red – Arnie

Yellow – Katie

Green – Ranveer

50 Merits

Alice, Jemima

All Saints Church, Claverley Friday 12th July 2024

In RE, the children have been learning about places of worship, in order to answer our overarching question ‘Which Places are Special and Why?’

We are looking forward to our visit to All Saints Claverley Church on Friday 12th July 2024, to see Reverend Garry Ward, who has kindly invited Green class to have their very own ‘tour’ of All Saints Church to talk about why a church is special to some Christians.

We are planning to walk to church from school shortly after school drop off in the morning, for an arrival at church of 9.30am- thank you for the volunteers who are accompanying us.

We are going to meet Garry at the church to have a look inside and outside at all of the different parts of a church before walking back to school.

Many thanks for your continued support and we will keep you updated with photographs from our visit.

Laura Aguayo