Year 1 Forest School Sessions

Year 1 Forest School sessions for the remainder of the term are:

Tuesday 25th June 2024 

Tuesday 9th July 2024 Year 1 and Reception will join together on this day for the final Forest School session of the academic year. 


Green Class Forest School Sessions

Green Class Forest School sessions for the remainder of the term are:

Tuesday 2nd July 2024 

Tuesday 9th July 2024- Reception and Year 1 children will have Forest School together on this day as the last Forest School session of the academic year. 


National Sea Life Monday 24th June 2024

Thank you to all of our parent volunteers who helped create memories for our children at National Sea Life. We had a truly wonderful day, meeting Ozzy and Ola the otters, jellyfish, penguins, turtles, sting rays, an octopus, piranhas and a variety of sea creatures! Here are some photographs from our day for the children to look at and share their memories with you.

What’s happening week beginning 24.06.24?

Monday (24th) – Green class trip to the Sealife Centre.

Tuesday (25th) – Blue class swimming.

Wednesday (26th) – Cricket Tournament.

Thursday (27th) – Year 6 writing moderation am (External moderation with Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes).

Friday (28th) – Own clothes day. Please donate a filled jar. You could fill it with sweets, small toys or hair accessories etc. There are some empty jars in the reception area if you require one.

Last Friday, 21st June, we enjoyed a great sports day and pictures will be posted tomorrow along with other pictures from last week.


National Sea Life Birmingham

Monday 24th June 2024

We are very excited about our trip to ‘National Sea Life’ in Birmingham on Monday.
The coach will be picking up the children and accompanying adults at 9am from school.

It looks as though the sun will be shining for our visit and we are expecting high temperatures. In preparation for the rising temperatures, please could all children attend school with suncream already applied, a bottle of water and a sun hat. There will be a short five minute walk from the coach parking area to the Sea Life Centre so sun hats are essential.

Children are welcome to come to school in their PE kit (shorts and school PE t-shirt/polo shirt) to help stay cool throughout the day.

The coach is due to collect the children and accompanying adults from Birmingham at 2pm. We are hoping to be back by the end of the usual school day, but will keep you updated with any potential delays.
*If your child attends ‘Mood Boosting Club’ or Little Woodlings Wrap Around Care on Mondays, we will ensure they attend their club upon on our return.

Thank you for your continued support.

Superstars of the Week – Friday 21st June

Blue – Ella & Oliver

Red – Jessica & Evalyn R

Yellow – Jonny & Ted

Green – Sam & Emily

Best Certificates

Blue – Chloe

Red – Jack

Yellow – Ciara

Green – Penelope F

25 Merits

Evelyn L, Jessica, Evalyn R, Brody, Evelyn H

50 Merits

Reuben, Penny, Orlando, Lily TJ


Sports afternoon

A quick reminder that it is sports afternoon tomorrow (Friday 21st June).

Sports day – St George's School

Children can come to school in PE kit. They can wear a T-Shirt with the colours of their house team if they would like. You do not need to go out and buy a special top- it can be one that they already have with some of the colours of their house on it.

They will all need a water bottle and hat to school too as the weather looks to be fine. Please apply sun cream before children come to school. The PTA are very kindly organising ice lollies for after the the event.

Families are welcome to come and watch. We do however ask you to stay behind the spectator lines so that we can manage the children. The gates will be open at 1pm (not before) and parents can bring rugs/chairs to sit along the bank on the right had side. The children will parade past at 1:15pm. We start with a round robin where families can follow their child’s house team and support them. Then, we gather by the running track to do the flat races.



Homework 20.6.24

This week has been a tough week with lots of tests but you have all worked incredibly hard and produced some very pleasing results that you should be proud of. Well done for trying so hard Red Class! I have set your homework this week on EdShed, you are all looking at shape. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Have a great weekend everyone!