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Home Learning 8.01.21

Well done for making it through our first week of home learning! I have really enjoyed seeing all of the photos that you have sent through of work that you have completed at home. Mrs Summerfield has been keeping our merit charts up to date and we will post an update of how each house is doing next week.


Year 1- Today we will be revisiting numbers to 20.

To begin with have a go at this caterpillar ordering game on Top Marks working with numbers to 20.

I have then added a workbook for you to go through:


Reception- Today we are comparing numbers to 5. Here is the White Rose video link– you are looking for session 4. You could also have a go at session 5 if you have time.




For today’s English lesson we are going to be focusing on the letter to the Three Bears.

You might like to start the lesson by reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I have recorded myself reading the story at the start of our video today if you do not have the book at home.

Before we read the letter to the Three Bears, ask your child Who are the Three Bears? Who might write to them and why?

I have then read the letter in the video above and I have uploaded a copy of the letter for you to look at as well. After we have read the letter talk to your child about the different responses that the bears could give- should Baby Bear forgive Goldilocks? Talk about both sides of the argument and decide whether Baby Bear should forgive her or not.

Children should then write a letter back to Goldilocks from Baby Bear. Year 1 should write in full sentences with a capital letter, finger spaces and full stops. Reception children may only be recording initial sounds which is perfectly normal for this time of the year. If they are struggling have them draw a picture and then scribe their letter to go with it. Children could then put their letter in an envelope and use this address for the front:


5 Buttercup Lane

The Village




Year 1 -Phase 3- Today we are reviewing the week.

Part 1

Part 2

Year 1- Phase 4- Today we are continuing with adjacent consonants.


Reception- Today we are learning ‘v’.

Part 1

Part 2


For PE today I have attached a video from the PE shed of an activity that you could try either inside or outside.


Reception are going to be following an Oak Academy music programme called This is me.

Year 1 are going to be following an Oak Academy music programme about pulse. The first lesson is about understanding pulse.

Home Learning 7.01.21


Year 1- Today we will be revisiting shape. I have attached a work booklet for year 1 to go through to consolidate their previously learnt knowledge.


Reception- Today we are recording numbers to 5. You could further extend the activity by recording the results as a number sentence e.g. 5-2=3 so start with the number of bean bags, take away the number that land outside of the circle and then you are left with how many are in the circle. Here is the White Rose video link– you are looking for session 3. The activity is below:



We are continuing with our Jolly Postman book today by beginning to story map. Over the next couple of weeks we will create a full story map outlining the postman’s journey and the various characters he meets along the way.

If you have the book we are only reading up to the end of the three bears address on page 2.

I have uploaded a video of myself introducing today’s activity and reading the first part of the story:


For today’s activity we are going to be creating a map of the postman’s journey to get to the three bears cottage. Children should think about what a map is, why we use them and why the postman might need one. The children should use the image from yesterday and the story so far to identify clues to help them create their map. Year 1 children can then write a set of instructions to help guide the postman. Reception may find this a little tricky and so they can say out loud what their instructions are for an adult to scribe onto the map. This will encourage the use of positional language and of the importance to be clear with our instructions.

If you have maps available you could begin by looking at what features are shown on a map. You could also use google maps and locate your house/school/famous landmarks.

The Jolly Postman images


Year 1 -Phase 3- Today’s phoneme is ‘th’.

Part 1

Part 2

Year 1- Phase 4- Today we are continuing with adjacent consonants.


Reception- Today we are learning ‘j’.

Part 1

Part 2

Design Technology

We are beginning a design technology topic on healthy eating.

Here is the link for the first lesson about identifying healthy and unhealthy foods.

In this lesson, we learn the importance of a healthy diet. We learn about the importance of different food groups and end the lesson by designing a plate of healthy food.

Home Learning 6.01.21


Year 1- Today we will be revisiting subtraction. Here is the White Rose video link and I have attached the work sheet below:


I have also attached a White Rose work booklet to consolidate learning on both addition and subtraction. This is not compulsory but may be useful as another activity if you have completed everything else.


Reception- Today we are introducing zero. Here is the White Rose video link– you are looking for session 2. The activity is below:



This week we are looking at ‘The Jolly Postman’. I have uploaded a video to introduce our book and to ask children a few questions. You may need to pause the video at certain points to allow time for a discussions or for Year 1 children to record predictions.

Firstly I would like you to discuss what might be in the parcel, what an address is and why we need a postage stamp. We will then look at the contents of the parcel, were children’s predictions right? What might those stories have been included?

Once we look at the first image I would like you to think about, who is the Jolly Postman? What is he like? What does he do at work? How do you know? Who might he have post for? What might it be? Can children use clues from the image or from our parcel to help them?

When we look at the next image I would like you to think about, what does the Jolly Postman do when he is not working? What does he do to relax?

Finally I would like you to draw and label where the Jolly Postman has come from and where he is going to.

I have uploaded the letter, images and video below for you.

Jolly Postman letter

The Jolly Postman images


Year 1 -Phase 3- Today’s phoneme is ‘sh’.

Part 1

Part 2

Year 1- Phase 4- Today we are continuing with adjacent consonants.


Reception- Today we are re-capping, l, ll, f, ff, s and ss.

Part 1

Part 2


This term we are looking at human and physical geography. To get us started look at this BBC bitesize lesson on human and physical features. Afterwards why not have a go at describing your local area in terms of its human and physical features. You could draw and label a map to show me the key features.

Home Learning

Good Morning Green Class,

I know that many of you will be disappointed not to be back in school today but I have added some activities for you to have a go at at home.

I will check my emails regularly so please do get in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss or share.

Take care,

Mrs Edwards



Year 1- I have uploaded a white rose maths sheet on addition for you to complete along with a video link. 



Reception- We will look at the number 5. I have attached the white rose links for you to access for today- Video link. 




Year 1- I have set a reading comprehension tutorial and activity on classroom secrets KIDS for you to look at.


Reception- I have assigned two segmenting activities for you to have a go at on classroom secrets KIDS.



Year 1- Our year 1s are split into two phonics groups. The first group are working to consolidate their knowledge of phase 3 sounds. Today we are focusing on the ‘ch’ sound. I have attached the links for the letters and sounds online lessons related to this sound:

Part 1

Part 2

Year 1- The second group are working within phase 4 looking at adjacent consonants. I have attached the letters and sounds link for you:

Adjacent consonants.


If you are unsure which group your child is in, please email me and I can advise which phonics lessons to follow. 

Reception- In school we follow the Letters and Sounds phonics scheme. They have produced videos to teach your children phonics when at home. I have added the links for two sessions below, this is part 1 and 2:

Part 1

Part 2