Home Learning 6.07.20


Link for the online Letters and Sounds lessons.


Revise all of your phase 3 letters and sounds flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics for your selected sound.

For today’s activity select 3 sounds from your flash cards and display them for your child to see. Tell them that you are going to challenge them today to write words that contain these sounds. Each time they write the word correctly they get a point but if they misspell it then you get the point. The first to get 5 points wins.

Say a word to your child that contains one of your chosen sounds and ask them to segment it for spelling before writing the word. You can ask them which of the sounds you displayed they think is in the word to support them with the writing of the sound. Repeat with other words.

Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 letters and sounds flash cards and then watch Mr Thorne does phonics for your selected sound.

For today’s activity select 3 sounds from your flash cards and display them for your child to see. Tell them that you are going to challenge them today to write words that contain these sounds. Each time they write the word correctly they get a point but if they misspell it then you get the point. The first to get 5 points wins.

Say a word to your child that contains one of your chosen sounds and ask them to segment it for spelling before writing the word. You can ask them which of the sounds you displayed they think is in the word to support them with the writing of the sound. Repeat with other words.


This week we will be using a pack from Talk for Writing: Bob, the bubble who wanted to be useful.

Read the story together or listen to the audio version (the link is on page 3).

Year 1-Complete the activities on pages 5 and 7. You could then use the puppets on page 11 to retell the story.

Reception- Complete the activity on page 5 (this could be a discussion). Then use page 11 to make the puppets and re-create the story.



We are following the White Rose home learning this week. The story is The Dinosaur that pooped a planet. If you haven’t got the story here is a video of the story being read. You can complete the activities without the story.

Supporting video links.


Year 1

This week we are consolidating our understanding of number and in particular addition and subtraction. Please email me if your child is finding any of the activities tricky or too easy and I will be able to provide some different resources for you.

Start by having a look at this BBC supermovers song about number bonds.

There are two activities for today below:

Y1 Spring Block 1 WO1 Add by counting on 2019

Y1 Spring Block 1 WO2 Find and make number bonds 2019

I have also attached a pack of activities about addition and subtraction that you can have a go at throughout the week. This is an additional resource and is not compulsory.



For today’s Art challenge have a go at the bubble painting activity on page 15/16 of the Bob the bubble writing pack.

Home Learning 3.07.20


Letters and Sounds online lessons.


Revise your phase 3 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sounds.

Play Alien Escape, this will help with identifying the correct order for digraphs and trigraphs when writing.

Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sound.

Play yes/no yeti.


This week we will be looking at the book Tiddler. If you haven’t got the book here is a version of the story being read.

For today’s activity I would like you to tell me about your own adventure. It could be a real adventure that you have been or it could be a story. If you went on an adventure, where would you go? Would it be in the sea? Would it be in space? Would it be to another country? How would you travel? What might you see there?



This week’s home learning is based on the book Oliver’s Vegetables. You could do the activities without the book but I have found an online version if you wanted to listen to it.

Here is the link for the supporting video.


Year 1

Have a look at the BBC Bitesize activities for time.



Have a go at this Cosmic Yoga routine.


Home Learning 2.07.20


Letters and Sounds online lessons.


Revise your phase 3 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sounds.

Play the phonics snakes and ladders game.


Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sound.

Play the phonics snakes and ladders game.



This week we will be looking at the book Tiddler. If you haven’t got the book here is a version of the story being read.

Use this resource pack to create a fact file about a sea creature. There is a link to a helpful website that you may like to use or you could use books.




This week’s home learning is based on the book Oliver’s Vegetables. You could do the activities without the book but I have found an online version if you wanted to listen to it.

Here is the link for the supporting video.


Year 1

Today we are looking at comparing time.Using the clocks that you made last week tell your child a time to the half hour and ask them to show you the time on their clock. Make sure they have moved the hour hand so it is halfway between the two numbers.

Go through the powerpoint for the week with lesson 4.


For today’s activity have a go at this practical- comparing time.

★☆☆ – Children will select two time cards and complete the stem sentences using the words ‘earlier’ and ‘later’ to compare the times.

★★☆ –  Children will select two time cards and write sentences using the words ‘earlier’ and ‘later’ to compare the times.

★★★ – Children will select two time cards and write sentences using the words ‘earlier’ and ‘later’ to compare the times. They will then progress to comparing three times, e.g. __ is earlier than __ but later than __.

Year 1 – PRACTICAL – Compare time


Today’s challenge is based on our topic of Journeys. This activity is to be completed over the next two weeks.

I would like you to create an information book about a famous explorer. You could choose, Christopher Columbus, Edmund Hillary, Neil Armstrong or find your own explorer. Where did they come from? Where did they go? How did they get there? What equipment did they need?

Your book can look however you would like, you could include drawings, diagrams, or write me a story.

Home Learning 1.07.20


Letters and Sounds online lessons.


Revise your phase 3 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sounds.

Have a go at Make a Match on Phonics Play. I can’t seem to get the direct link working so go to phase 3 resources and select any of the Make a Match games- they each have different focus sounds. You will need to log in to access them, the username is march20 and the password is home. You could also play this game without a computer by writing your own words and drawing the matching pictures.


Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sound.

Have a go at Cheeky Chimps on phonics play for alternative pronunciations of sounds. I can’t seem to get the direct link working so go to phase 5 resources and select the Cheeky Chimps game. You will need to log in to access them, the username is march20 and the password is home.


This week we will be looking at the book Tiddler. If you haven’t got the book here is a version of the story being read.

Tiddler ended up going on a real-life adventure the day he was caught in
the net. Can you write a diary entry pretending to be Tiddler, detailing what happened that day? Start your entry Dear Diary…



This week’s home learning is based on the book Oliver’s Vegetables. You could do the activities without the book but I have found an online version if you wanted to listen to it.

Here is the link for the supporting video.


Year 1

Today we are looking at comparing time.

Go through the powerpoint for the week with lesson 3.


Today’s activity sheet:

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Comparing time

★☆☆ – (Page 1 & 2) – Children will compare time by circling the correct answer.

★★☆ – (Page 3 & 4) – Children will compare time by completing the stem sentences.

★★★ – (Page 5 – 7) – Children will compare time by writing their own sentences using the words faster, slower, earlier and later. Children will use their problem solving and reasoning skills to solve various problems.


Today’s RE challenge will be looking at what we can do to help protect our oceans. Here are a couple of websites that may help you:

National Geographic Kids

Fish and Kids

Home Learning 30.06.20


Letters and Sounds online lessons.


Revise your phase 3 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sounds.

Today we are looking at rhyming words. Look around your house for items that rhyme e.g chocolate bar and star. Bed and shed. Can you have a go at writing them down in a sentence.


Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sound.

Today we are going to revise rhyming words. Look around your house for items that rhyme e.g. snake and cake. Can you write them down in a sentence?


This week we will be looking at the book Tiddler. If you haven’t got the book here is a version of the story being read.

Tiddler was busy dreaming up an excuse as to why he was late and ended up getting
caught in a fisherman’s net and going on a real adventure. His class were worried about
where he was and thought he might be lost. Can you make a ‘missing’ poster for Tiddler?



This week’s home learning is based on the book Oliver’s Vegetables. You could do the activities without the book but I have found an online version if you wanted to listen to it.

Here is the link for the supporting video.


Year 1

Today we are looking at writing time.

Start by discussing units that time can measured in. Then ask children what could be used to measure minutes and seconds. Show children a stop watch and discuss how to use it.

You could then go through the powerpoint for the week with lesson 2.


To begin with have a go at the investigation of estimating and measuring time.

Year 1 – INVESTIGATION – Estimate and measure time

Then try the worksheets on writing time.

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Writing time

★☆☆ -(Page 1) – Children will Match the activities to the units of time they would be best measured in.

★★☆ – (Page 2) – Children will complete the table to indicate the unit of measurement activities are best measured in. They will progress to completing sentences to identify whether an activity should be measured in seconds, minutes or hours.

★★★ -(Page 3) – Children will complete the table to indicate the unit of measurement activities are best measured in. They will progress to completing sentences to identify whether an activity should be measured in seconds, minutes or hours as well as creating their own sentences.


Use the Tate Kids website to look at Vincent Van Gogh. Can you recreate one of his paintings?

Home Learning 29.06.20


Letters and Sounds online lessons.


Revise your phase 3 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sound.

We are going to look again at letter names today. Watch the BBC supermovers alphabet song.

Play I Spy using the letters of the alphabet, try to find something for every letter and record what you find. Remember to say the letter name not the sound!


Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 sounds. Here is the link to Mr Thorne does phonics for your focus sound.

Have a go at these secret word problems.



Secret Word Phonics Game Phase 5


This week we will be looking at the book Tiddler. If you haven’t got the book here is a version of the story being read.

Tiddler the fish regularly makes up stories about why he is late for school. Can you make up your own story for why he was late one day?



This week’s home learning is based on the book Oliver’s Vegetables. You could do the activities without the book but I have found an online version if you wanted to listen to it.


Year 1

We are continuing with time this week and we are beginning with time to the half hour.

Use the interactive clock to display a time to the half hour. What does your child notice?

You could then go through the powerpoint for the week with lesson 1.


The activity for today is detailed below:

★☆☆ -(Page 1 & 2) – Children will match the times to the correct clock and progress to writing the time. They will then then draw the time on given clocks.

★★☆ – (Page 3 & 4)- Children will complete will write the times shown on the clock to the half hour then draw the time on given clocks.

★★★ – Page 5 – 7) – Children will complete will write the times shown on the clock to the half hour then draw the time on given clocks. Children will use their problem solving and reasoning skills to solve various problems.

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Time to the half hour


Today’s Science challenge is all about trees. Have a look at the trees around you, can you identify any of them? The Woodland Trust have an app that can help you identify trees. Or you could use this picture sheet.


Use the resource pack below to measure the trees around you.


You may like to have a go at bark rubbings. Take a piece of paper and a wax crayon to your chosen tree, make sure the crayon is on its side and carefully take your rubbing.

Home Learning 26.06.20


Link to the online letters and sounds lessons.


Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and then keep working through the digraphs and trigraphs focusing on the ones that your child finds tricky to remember. Link to Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at Rocket Rescue on phonics play.

Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 flash cards and then keep working through the sounds that your child finds tricky to remember. Link to Mr Thorne does phonics.

For today’s activity have a go at Tricky Word Trucks on phonics play.


Here is the video of ‘The Selfish Crocodile’ being read and below is the powerpoint of the story.


Year 1

Today we are going to look at types of sentences and how we punctuate them correctly. Read the story together and look out for exclamation marks and question marks. Do they change how you read the sentence?

Have a go at reading these sentences and punctuating them correctly.

Types of sentences


Have a go at making your own paper chain crocodile. Talk through what he needs and how you are going to make him. This activity will also help fine motor development.



Here is the link to a video of ‘Zog’ being read and here is the link to the animated story on the BBC.

Below are the activities for today and here is the link for the support video.


Year 1

To start today’s learning have a go at setting this clock to the given times.

For today’s activity play roll the time. Make the clock attached below and take it in turns to roll the dice and tell the time shown.

Year 1 – GAME – Roll the time

Join in with this song and dance about the the months of the year.



For today’s PE challenge listen to Bees do the Waggle Dance on BBC sounds and follow the instructions.

Home Learning 25.06.20


Link to the online letters and sounds lessons.


Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and then keep working through the digraphs and trigraphs focusing on the ones that your child finds tricky to remember. Link to Mr Thorne does phonics.

Today we are going to be looking at the tricky words me, be, was. Display a caption containing the tricky word. Read the caption pointing to each word, then point to the tricky word and say it again. Write the tricky word on a separate piece of paper and sound talk it e.g was w-o-s. Point to the tricky part of the word and explain that the letter doesn’t match the sound that we know e.g. the a in was is different to the a in hat. Repeat with other captions. Here are some examples for you:

See me play on the park.

I wish I was a fish.

I can be a shark.

Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 flash cards and then keep working through the sounds that your child finds tricky to remember. Link to Mr Thorne does phonics.

Today we are looking at reading two and three syllable words.

Start by writing a two syllable word down, put a dash between each syllable e.g thir/teen. Segment the first syllable and blend it, th-ir thir. Segment the second syllable and blend it, t-ee-n teen. Then say both syllables, thirteen. Repeat for a couple of two syllable words before moving onto three syllables. Make sure to put a dash between each syllable e.g. en/vel/ope











Here is the video of ‘The Selfish Crocodile’ being read and below is the powerpoint of the story.


Year 1

Make a list of the other characters in the book. Create a list of interesting adjectives to describe each of them. Then I would like you to tell me which is your favourite animal and why using the stem sentences:

My favourite animal is…

I like this animal because…


In the story the crocodile had to have a tooth pulled out. It’s important that we look after our teeth by brushing them properly. Today I would like you to write me a set of instructions for brushing my teeth. You could use these pictures or you could draw your own. Next to each picture I would like a sentence to explain what to do.




Here is the link to a video of ‘Zog’ being read and here is the link to the animated story on the BBC.

Below are the activities for today and here is the link for the support video.


Year 1

Today we are continuing to look at time to the hour. Start by looking at a real clock or this one on top marks. Can children identify the minute and hour hands? Can they explain how they know which is which?

You could then have a look at the presentation for this week- lesson 3 (but you don’t have to).


Have a go at the time to the hour worksheet:

★☆☆ – (Page 1 & 4) – Children will match the times to the correct clock and progress to writing the time. They will then draw the times on the clocks for given times to the hour.

★★☆ -(Page 2 & 4) – Children will complete will write the times shown on the clock to the hour. They will then draw the times on the clocks for given times to the hour.

★★★ – (Page 3, 4 & 7) – Children will complete will write the times shown on the clock to the hour. They will then draw the times on the clocks for given times to the hour. Children will use their problem solving and reasoning skills to solve various problems.

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Time to the hour

You could then use your clocks from yesterday to make different times and see if your parent/sibling can tell you the time. Then swap and see if you can tell them the time that they have made.



For our topic challenge today we are going to be looking at different methods of transport. We will also look at transport from history and try to put them in order. Discuss with your child why they think they came in that order, what changes have been made?

You might want to look through this powerpoint of images:


There is also some nice images and information on this pack from the London transport museum:


Home Learning 24.06.20


Link to the online letters and sounds lessons.


Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and then keep working through the digraphs and trigraphs focusing on the ones that your child finds tricky to remember. Link to Mr Thorne does phonics.

Today we are going to be looking at the tricky words he, we and she. Display a caption containing the tricky word. Read the caption pointing to each word, then point to the tricky word and say it again. Write the tricky word on a separate piece of paper and sound talk it e.g he h-ee. Point to the tricky part of the word and explain that the letter doesn’t match the sound that we know e.g. the e in he is different to the e in hen. Repeat with other captions. Here are some examples for you:

She will fix the bucket at the well.

He did up the zip on Ben’s jacket.

We can get the big bed into the van.

Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 flash cards and then keep working through the sounds that your child finds tricky to remember. Link to Mr Thorne does phonics.

Today we are going to be looking at the remaining high frequency words for phase 5.

Give your child each of the words, one at a time. Can they put it into a sentence? Can they record their sentence with correct spellings and punctuation?

would, should, could



Here is the video of ‘The Selfish Crocodile’ being read and below is the powerpoint of the story.


Today we are going to be creating a story map with pictures. Children could either draw their own pictures or use these images from the story:


Year 1 are going to be adding in captions to explain what is happening using time connectives. Here is a word mat to help them:


Reception can add a short description of what is happening. Reception children may only use 3 or 4 of the pictures to create their story map. If they want to use more they could select a couple to write about. Make sure they are planning their sentence and sounding out each word for spelling- it doesn’t have to be correct as long as it is phonetically decodeable! For example your child may only be able to hear a couple of sounds in crocodile.



Here is the link to a video of ‘Zog’ being read and here is the link to the animated story on the BBC.

Below are the activities for today and here is the link for the support video.


Year 1

Today we will be looking at time to the hour. You could have a look at a real clock or use this one on top marks. Discuss what parts of the clock they know and have a go at changing the hour. Can they tell you what the time is each time you change it?

You could then have a look at the presentation for this week- lesson 3 (but you don’t have to).


For today’s activity have a go at making your own clock. You could use this template or try making your own.

Year 1 – PRACTICAL – Create a clock

Play around with moving the hands to make different times.



Today’s challenge is a PSHE challenge. Have a chat about what jobs your child knows of, what do you think you would have to do to get a job like that? e.g. nurse- caring. Fire fighter- brave. What would they like to be when they grow up?

You could create your own picture or use this sheet.


Home Learning 23.06.20


Link to the online letters and sounds lessons.


Revise all of your phase 3 flash cards and then keep working through the digraphs and trigraphs focusing on the ones that your child finds tricky to remember. Link to Mr Thorne does phonics.

Today we are going to look at the letter names.

Have a go at this BBC supermovers alphabet song.

Then have a go at matching the upper and lower case letters. Turn over the upper case letters and ask your child to pick one, say the letter name and match to the lower case letter.


Year 1

Revise all of your phase 5 flash cards and then keep working through the sounds that your child finds tricky to remember. Link to Mr Thorne does phonics.

Today we are going to be looking at the high frequency words for phase 5.

Give your child each of the words, one at a time. Can they put it into a sentence? Can they record their sentence with correct spellings and punctuation?

oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked



Here is the video of ‘The Selfish Crocodile’ being read and below is the powerpoint of the story.


Today we are going to be describing the crocodile at different points in the story using adjectives. You could use this template to structure your writing.

Adjectives Task

Reception children could have a go at writing some simple words but they may give more detail verbally.



Here is the link to a video of ‘Zog’ being read and here is the link to the animated story on the BBC.

Below are the activities for today and here is the link for the support video.


Year 1

Today we will be looking at dates. You could start by discussing some of these questions:

What day is it today?

What month are we in?

How many days in a week? How many months in a year?

What is the date today?

Do you know any special events? What month are they in?

You could then have a look at the presentation for this week- lesson 2 (but you don’t have to).


For today’s activity you could have a go at the worksheet below on days and months. There are also some challenge cards on the last page.

Year 1 – WORKSHEETS – Dates

You could also create a timeline of the months of year, putting them in order and drawing a picture to go with each month. The picture could indicate the season, weather, special holiday or occasion.


Today we are completing an RE challenge. I would like you to investigate how we can help to protect our planet, this week we will look at how we can protect the earth. Here is a story that may start off your discussions:


You could create a how to guide telling others how to look after the environment or you could do a collage or painting.